
Showing total 21 results
21 results

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1. Fluctuations in the professionality and professionalism of the teaching profession in Japan: a perspective against the "learnification" of teacher education.

2. State management of bilingualism: a comparative analysis of two educational language policies in Japan.

3. Towards a new articulation of comparative educations: cross-culturalising research imaginations.

4. Datafication of schooling in Japan: an epistemic critique through the 'problem of Japanese education'.

5. National internationalisation of higher education policy in Singapore and Japan: context and competition.

6. The impact of PISA and the interrelation and development of assessment policy and assessment theory in Japan.

7. Japan's new lifelong learning policy: exploring lessons from the European knowledge economy.

8. The education for sustainable development movement in Japan: a political perspective.

9. The politics of international league tables: PISA in Japan's achievement crisis debate.

10. Educational reform and teacher education in Vietnam.

11. Pluralism, identity, and the state: national education policy towards indigenous minorities in Japan and Canada.

12. Changing Definitions of University Autonomy: The Cases of England and Japan.

13. The global–local interface in multicultural education policies in Japan.

14. 'Internationalisation' is 'Japanisation': Japan's foreign language education and national identity.

15. Japan’s higher education incorporation policy: a comparative analysis of three stages of national university governance.

16. Japanese solutions to the equity and efficiency dilemma? Secondary schools, inequity and the arrival of 'universal' higher education.

17. The Impact of Immigrants on Long-lasting Ethnic Minorities in Japanese Schools: Globalisation from Below.

18. Hopes and challenges for progressive educators in Japan: assessment of the ‘progressive turn’ in the 2002 educational reform.

19. The 'new' foreigners and the social reconstruction of difference: the cultural diversification of Japanese education.

20. Towards a More Just Educational Policy for Minorities in Japan: the case of Korean ethnic schools.

21. Lifelong education in Japan, a highly school-centred society: educational opportunities and practical educational activities for adults.