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1. Intersectionality in Education: Rationale and Practices to Address the Needs of Students' Intersecting Identities. OECD Education Working Papers. No. 302

2. Indicators of Inclusion in Education: A Framework for Analysis. OECD Education Working Papers. No. 300

3. A Half Century of Progress in U.S. Student Achievement: Ethnic and SES Differences; Agency and Flynn Effects. Program on Education Policy and Governance Working Papers Series. PEPG 21-01

4. Simultaneous and Comparable Numerical Indicators of International, National and Local Collaboration Practices in English-Medium Astrophysics Research Papers

5. Education Policy Evaluation: Surveying the OECD Landscape. OECD Education Working Papers, No. 236

6. The Role of Labour Market Information in Guiding Educational and Occupational Choices. OECD Education Working Papers, No. 229

7. The Economic Impacts of Learning Losses. OECD Education Working Papers, No. 225

8. The Relevance of General Pedagogical Knowledge for Successful Teaching: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of the International Evidence from Primary to Tertiary Education. OECD Education Working Papers, No. 212

9. Refugee Education: Integration Models and Practices in OECD Countries. OECD Education Working Papers, No. 203

10. Interviewers, Test-Taking Conditions and the Quality of the PIAAC Assessment. OECD Education Working Papers, No. 191

11. The Evolution of Gender Gaps in Numeracy and Literacy between Childhood and Adulthood. OECD Education Working Papers, No. 184

12. Education Systems, Education Reforms, and Adult Skills in the Survey of Adult Skills (PIAAC). OECD Education Working Papers, No. 182

13. Making Skills Transparent: Recognising Vocational Skills Acquired through Workbased Learning. OECD Education Working Papers, No. 180

14. Academic Resilience: What Schools and Countries Do to Help Disadvantaged Students Succeed in PISA. OECD Education Working Papers, No. 167

15. Birthplace Diversity, Income Inequality and Education Gradients in Generalised Trust: The Relevance of Cognitive Skills in 29 Countries. OECD Education Working Papers, No. 164

16. Association between Literacy and Self-Rated Poor Health in 33 High- and Upper-Middle-Income Countries. OECD Education Working Papers, No. 165

17. Age, Ageing and Skills: Results from the Survey of Adult Skills. OECD Education Working Papers, No. 132

18. Working and Learning: A Diversity of Patterns. OECD Social, Employment and Migration Working Papers, No. 169

19. Test-Taking Engagement in PIAAC. OECD Education Working Papers, No. 133

20. The Impact of Literacy, Numeracy and Computer Skills on Earnings and Employment Outcomes. OECD Education Working Papers, No. 129

21. The paper Euro-army.

22. Patterns of reading behaviour in digital hypertext environments.

23. Entrepreneurial Decisions and Problem-Solving: A Discussion for a New Perspective Based on Complex Thinking

24. On the Widespread Impact of the Most Prolific Countries in Special Education Research: A Bibliometric Analysis

25. Evaluating Eco-Innovation of OECD Countries with Data Envelopment Analysis

26. The EUROCALL Review, Volume 23, Number 1

27. An Analysis of Governance Models of Research Universities in Selected Countries: Lessons Learned

28. Characterizing barriers to care in migraine: multicountry results from the Chronic Migraine Epidemiology and Outcomes – International (CaMEO-I) study.

29. Multi-Level Classification of Literacy of Educators Using PIAAC Data

30. Educational Use of Free and Open Source Software (FOSS): International Development and Its Implications for Higher Education

31. Stepping Up the Game--Meeting the Needs of Global Business through Virtual Team Projects

32. The Role of Universities in Modern Society

33. Assessing Definitions and Incentives Adopted for Innovation for Pharmaceutical Products in Five High-Income Countries: A Systematic Literature Review.

34. Interorganizational Learning: A Bibliometric Review and Research Agenda

35. Mapping the Integration of the Sustainable Development Goals in Universities: Is It a Field of Study?

36. The Development and Validation of an Intercultural Nursing Educator Profile Using the Delphi Method.

37. Exploratory Study of MOOC Learners' Demographics and Motivation: The Case of Students Involved in Groups

38. International Psychological Applications Conference and Trends (InPACT) 2016 (Lisbon, Portugal, April 30-May 2, 2016)

39. Teaching of Topology and Its Applications in Learning: A Bibliometric Meta-Analysis of the Last Years from the Scopus Database

40. Insights into Accounting Education in a COVID-19 World

41. Mapping the Evolution Path of Citizen Science in Education: A Bibliometric Analysis

42. The United States' Record-Low Child Poverty Rate in International and Historical Perspective: A Research Note.

43. The Impact of COVID-19 on U.S. College Students, and How Educators Should Respond

44. 2021 ESC Guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic heart failure: Developed by the Task Force for the diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic heart failure of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC). With the special contribution of the Heart Failure Association (HFA) of the ESC.

45. Variability across countries for brain death determination in adults.

46. Current Practices, Experiences, and Views in Clinical Hypnosis: Findings of an International Survey.

47. Academic Careers and the Valuation of Academics. A Discursive Perspective on Status Categories and Academic Salaries in France as Compared to the U.S., Germany and Great Britain

48. Medical Spending around the Developed World.

49. A Method of Estimating Time-to-Recovery for a Disease Caused by a Contagious Pathogen Such as SARS-CoV-2 Using a Time Series of Aggregated Case Reports.

50. Writing Education around the Globe: Introduction and Call for a New Global Analysis