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1. The growth of the production of scientific papers in China and Japan-China relationship in co-authored papers.

3. 中国近代における「国語科」カリキュラム論の形成 ―胡適の模索を中心に―.

4. 中国海上风电支撑结构-体化设计综述.

5. 中国における都市空間構造が労働者の賃金に及ぼす影響 -ダイナミッ&#12463...

6. 中国における高齢者福祉政策に関する予備的考察.

7. 金融リテラシーと中国の家計の借入行動 ―CHFS データを用いた実証研究―.

8. 中国年金改革のあり方 ―統一的な基礎年金に関する一提案―.

9. 宣教師による中国星座の同定方法の検証.

10. A Study of Wang Sihuai's.

11. 地球温暖化防止枠組み協定と日豪をめぐる国際関係 ― 京都議定書からパリ協定へ ―

12. 清末預備立憲時期における財政制度改革—―清理財政局を中心として—―

13. 中国共産党員資格と賃金プレミアム ―メタ分析―.

14. 家族の情緒化と「専業母」規範——専業主婦規範の日中比較——.

15. States and Regime Changes: State naturalization and provincialism in the Chinese republican revolution.

16. A Supplementary Study of the Automotive Gasoline Quality Issue in China.

17. 『斉民要術』に見える水稲作――「歳易」の解釈を中心に――.

18. 戦時期における満洲分村移民送出と母村の変容—―長野県趣訪郡富士見村を事例に――

19. 1910年代〜1930年代中頃における華北の銀行経営と貨幣制度.

20. Min Kasei mashi ko.

21. 揚子江中流域の中国棉花取引における不正の発生と解消のメカニズム——20世紀初頭の水気含有問題——

22. 第一次大戦期〜1920年代の東アジア精白糖市場——中国における日本精製糖販売の考察を中心に——

23. 戦後中国の鉄鋼業建設計画に関する一考察——大冶鉄廠の復興計画を中心に——

24. 計画経済期中国における食糧配給制度の展開過程.

25. A Study on the Stratification of Educational Continuation and Early Occupational Attainments Among the Chinese Undergraduates' in China: The Sample of Shanghai.

26. Foreseeing the prospects of China's scientific and technical periodicals from the output of Chinese and foreign scientific and technical articles.

27. 中国人・団体著者名典拠データの表記の相違: 中国,日本,韓国を中心に.

28. Yui Masaomi cho "Gunbu to minshuu tougou -- Nissin sensou kara mannshuu jihenn ki made".

29. [The population of China, fertility and urbanization].

30. [Systems and actual practices of occupational safety and health risk management in the People's Republic of China].

31. [Study on Speciation Analysis and Ecological Risk Assessment of Heavy Metals in Surface Sediments in Gansu, Ningxia and Inner Mongolia Sections of the Yellow River in Wet Season with HR-ICP-MS].

32. [The Chinese nuclear test and 'atoms for peace' as a measure for preventing nuclear armament of Japan: the nuclear non-proliferation policy of the United States and the introduction of light water reactors into Japan, 1964-1968].

33. [Late Ming treatises on Chinese and Islamic calendrical systems as seen in the Seki Teisyo].

34. [On the "Brain is the House of Yuanshen" in "Bencao Gangmu"; from Li Shizhen to Zhang Xichun].

35. [How lichen was translated as Chii].

36. [Methods and intentions of revisions to "Heji Jufang" during the Shaoxing, Baoqing and Chunyou eras].

37. [A study on the availability of subjective health indices for the aged focus on Japanese and Chinese studies].

38. [China-home of the tea drinking custom].

39. [Keshan disease--a review from the aspect of history and etiology].

40. [Historical and herbalogical studies on coloring crude drug (Part 3) "Shu wei cao"].

41. [Trends and correlates of fertility decline in the NIES].

42. [Medical philosophy reflected in the history of medicine].