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1. Managing BEV Charge to Obtain a Positive Impact on a National Power System.

2. Decarbonization through Active Participation of the Demand Side in Relatively Isolated Power Systems.

3. Multi-Objective Optimization of an Energy Community Powered by a Distributed Polygeneration System.

4. Electric Vehicle Fleet Management for a Prosumer Building with Renewable Generation.

5. Reinforcement Learning for Energy Community Management: A European-Scale Study †.

6. Short-Term Power Forecasting Framework for Microgrids Using Combined Baseline and Regression Models.

7. A Novel Hybrid Polygeneration System Based on Biomass, Wind and Solar Energy for Micro-Scale Isolated Communities.

8. Harmony Search Algorithm Based Management of Distributed Energy Resources and Storage Systems in Microgrids.

9. Does Crime Influence Investment in Renewable Energy Sources? Empirical Evidence from Italy.

10. The Contribution of Biogas to the Electricity Supply Chain: An Italian Life Cycle Assessment Database.

11. Combining the Multilevel Perspective and Socio-Technical Imaginaries in the Study of Community Energy.

12. Machine Learning Models for Regional Photovoltaic Power Generation Forecasting with Limited Plant-Specific Data.

13. Life Cycle Assessment Methodology Applied to a Wastewater Treatment Plant.

14. Renewable Energy Proliferation and the New Local Energy Community Paradigm: Analysis of a Case Study in Italy.

15. Community Cooperative: A New Legal Form for Enhancing Social Capital for the Development of Renewable Energy Communities in Italy.

16. The Role of Sequential Cropping and Biogasdoneright™ in Enhancing the Sustainability of Agricultural Systems in Europe.

17. The Effectiveness of HEVs Phase-Out by 2035 in Favor of BEVs with Respect to the Production of CO 2 Emissions: The Italian Case.

18. Innovative Power Generation Technologies for Improved Household Energy Delivery and Sustainable Future: Classical Solutions from ENEA Research Centre, Trisaia Italy.

19. A Study for the Optimal Exploitation of Solar, Wind and Hydro Resources and Electrical Storage Systems in the Bormida Valley in the North of Italy.

20. Analysis of the Existing Barriers for the Market Development of Power to Hydrogen (P2H) in Italy.

21. Planning of a Smart Local Energy Community: The Case of Berchidda Municipality (Italy).

22. Key Economic Drivers Enabling Municipal Renewable Energy Communities' Benefits in the Italian Context.

23. "Canalvoltaico" in Emilia-Romagna, Italy: Assessing Technical, Economic, and Environmental Feasibility of Suspended Photovoltaic Panels over Water Canals.

24. Renewable Energy System Controlled by Open-Source Tools and Digital Twin Model: Zero Energy Port Area in Italy.

25. A Multi-Criteria Methodology to Support Public Administration Decision Making Concerning Sustainable Energy Action Plans.

26. Feasibility Study on the Spread of NZEBs Using Economic Incentives.

27. Design Thinking as a Framework for the Design of a Sustainable Waste Sterilization System: The Case of Piedmont Region, Italy.

28. Construction of a WebGIS Tool Based on a GIS Semiautomated Processing for the Localization of P2G Plants in Sicily (Italy).

29. PhloVer: A Modular and Integrated Tracking Photovoltaic Shading Device for Sustainable Large Urban Spaces—Preliminary Study and Prototyping.

30. Energy Communities in Urban Areas: Comparison of Energy Strategy and Economic Feasibility in Italy and Spain.

31. Greening Umbria's Future: Investigation of the Retrofit Measures' Potential to Achieve Energy Goals by 2030 in the Umbria Region.

32. Economic, Energy, and Environmental Analysis of PV with Battery Storage for Italian Households.

33. Toward the Optimal Operation of Hybrid Renewable Energy Resources in Microgrids.

34. Towards a Power Production from 100% Renewables: The Italian Case Study.

35. Linear Programming-Based Power Management for a Multi-Feeder Ultra-Fast DC Charging Station.

36. Solar Energy Data Analytics: PV Deployment and Land Use.

37. Energetic and Economic Performances of the Energy Community of Magliano Alpi after One Year of Piloting.

38. The Multi-Facets of Increasing the Renewable Energy Integration in Power Systems.

39. Comparative Analysis of Renewable Energy Community Designs for District Heating Networks: Case Study of Corticella (Italy).

40. An Energy-Based Assessment of Expected Benefits for V2H Charging Systems through a Dedicated Dynamic Simulation and Optimization Tool.

41. Proposal of a New Procurement Strategy of Frequency Control Reserves in Power Systems: The Italian Case in the European Framework.

42. Smart Solutions for Sustainable Cities—The Re-Coding Experience for Harnessing the Potential of Urban Rooftops.

43. Development of Innovative Heating and Cooling Systems Using Renewable Energy Sources for Non-Residential Buildings.

44. Energy Communities: Technical, Legislative, Organizational, and Planning Features.

45. Models for the Evaluation of Productivity and Costs of Mechanized Felling on Poplar Short Rotation Coppice in Italy.

46. Review of Recent Drilling Projects in Unconventional Geothermal Resources at Campi Flegrei Caldera, Cornubian Batholith, and Williston Sedimentary Basin.

47. Complementarity between Combined Heat and Power Systems, Solar PV and Hydropower at a District Level: Sensitivity to Climate Characteristics along an Alpine Transect.