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414 results

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1. FMCW Radar Human Action Recognition Based on Asymmetric Convolutional Residual Blocks.

2. A New Multi-Branch Convolutional Neural Network and Feature Map Extraction Method for Traffic Congestion Detection.

3. A Multi-Scale Natural Scene Text Detection Method Based on Attention Feature Extraction and Cascade Feature Fusion.

4. An Improved YOLOv7-Based Model for Real-Time Meter Reading with PConv and Attention Mechanisms.

5. Real-Time Belt Deviation Detection Method Based on Depth Edge Feature and Gradient Constraint.

6. Improved Unsupervised Stitching Algorithm for Multiple Environments SuperUDIS.

7. Dense Pedestrian Detection Based on GR-YOLO.

8. Research on the Method of Foreign Object Detection for Railway Tracks Based on Deep Learning.

9. A Deep Learning Method for Bearing Cross-Domain Fault Diagnostics Based on the Standard Envelope Spectrum.

10. Malicious Traffic Identification with Self-Supervised Contrastive Learning.

11. Inpainting with Separable Mask Update Convolution Network.

12. Color Recurrence Plots for Bearing Fault Diagnosis.

13. Independent Vector Analysis for Feature Extraction in Motor Imagery Classification.

14. Semantic Segmentation Network Based on Adaptive Attention and Deep Fusion Utilizing a Multi-Scale Dilated Convolutional Pyramid.

15. Mix-VIO: A Visual Inertial Odometry Based on a Hybrid Tracking Strategy.

16. A Novel Real-Time Detection and Classification Method for ECG Signal Images Based on Deep Learning.

17. Attribute Feature Perturbation-Based Augmentation of SAR Target Data.

18. LPDi GAN: A License Plate De-Identification Method to Preserve Strong Data Utility.

19. Atmospheric Turbulence Phase Reconstruction via Deep Learning Wavefront Sensing.

20. A Novel Approach to Detect Drones Using Deep Convolutional Neural Network Architecture.

21. A Detection Algorithm for Citrus Huanglongbing Disease Based on an Improved YOLOv8n.

22. A Novel Part Refinement Tandem Transformer for Human–Object Interaction Detection.

23. MDC-RHT: Multi-Modal Medical Image Fusion via Multi-Dimensional Dynamic Convolution and Residual Hybrid Transformer.

24. Chip Pad Inspection Method Based on an Improved YOLOv5 Algorithm.

25. A Novel Lightweight Human Activity Recognition Method Via L-CTCN.

26. Multiattention Mechanism 3D Object Detection Algorithm Based on RGB and LiDAR Fusion for Intelligent Driving.

27. Real-Time Recognition Method for Key Signals of Rock Fracture Acoustic Emissions Based on Deep Learning.

28. Text Summarization Method Based on Gated Attention Graph Neural Network.

29. Detection and Recognition Algorithm of Arbitrary-Oriented Oil Replenishment Target in Remote Sensing Image.

30. Pipeline Leak Detection: A Comprehensive Deep Learning Model Using CWT Image Analysis and an Optimized DBN-GA-LSSVM Framework.

31. ADM-SLAM: Accurate and Fast Dynamic Visual SLAM with Adaptive Feature Point Extraction, Deeplabv3pro, and Multi-View Geometry.

32. DMAF-NET: Deep Multi-Scale Attention Fusion Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification with Limited Samples.

33. Enhancing Aboveground Biomass Prediction through Integration of the SCDR Paradigm into the U-Like Hierarchical Residual Fusion Model.

34. Deep Learning-Based Fish Detection Using Above-Water Infrared Camera for Deep-Sea Aquaculture: A Comparison Study.

35. Deep Reconstruction Transfer Convolutional Neural Network for Rolling Bearing Fault Diagnosis.

36. High Speed Railway Fastener Defect Detection by Using Improved YoLoX-Nano Model.

37. An Adaptive Multi-Scale Network Based on Depth Information for Crowd Counting †.

38. Smart Home Automation-Based Hand Gesture Recognition Using Feature Fusion and Recurrent Neural Network.

39. Road Traffic Sign Detection Method Based on RTS R-CNN Instance Segmentation Network.

40. LPO-YOLOv5s: A Lightweight Pouring Robot Object Detection Algorithm.

41. SY-Net: A Rice Seed Instance Segmentation Method Based on a Six-Layer Feature Fusion Network and a Parallel Prediction Head Structure.

42. Visual Detection and Image Processing of Parking Space Based on Deep Learning.

43. Adaptive Modular Convolutional Neural Network for Image Recognition.

44. A New Network Structure for Speech Emotion Recognition Research.

45. Fault Diagnosis in Centrifugal Pumps: A Dual-Scalogram Approach with Convolution Autoencoder and Artificial Neural Network.

46. A Ship Detection Model Based on Dynamic Convolution and an Adaptive Fusion Network for Complex Maritime Conditions.

47. Real-Time Myocardial Infarction Detection Approaches with a Microcontroller-Based Edge-AI Device.

48. A Dual-Branch Fusion Network Based on Reconstructed Transformer for Building Extraction in Remote Sensing Imagery.

49. Real-Time Fault Diagnosis for Hydraulic System Based on Multi-Sensor Convolutional Neural Network.

50. A Cost-Driven Method for Deep-Learning-Based Hardware Trojan Detection.