
Showing total 97 results
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1. FMCW Radar Human Action Recognition Based on Asymmetric Convolutional Residual Blocks.

2. A Multi-Scale Natural Scene Text Detection Method Based on Attention Feature Extraction and Cascade Feature Fusion.

3. Research on the Method of Foreign Object Detection for Railway Tracks Based on Deep Learning.

4. Object Detection Based on Lightweight YOLOX for Autonomous Driving.

5. An Improved YOLOv7 Lightweight Detection Algorithm for Obscured Pedestrians.

6. Spectrum Sensing Method Based on STFT-RADN in Cognitive Radio Networks.

7. DAEiS-Net: Deep Aggregation Network with Edge Information Supplement for Tunnel Water Stain Segmentation.

8. YOLOv8-G: An Improved YOLOv8 Model for Major Disease Detection in Dragon Fruit Stems.

9. Attribute Feature Perturbation-Based Augmentation of SAR Target Data.

10. SLGA-YOLO: A Lightweight Castings Surface Defect Detection Method Based on Fusion-Enhanced Attention Mechanism and Self-Architecture.

11. Multiattention Mechanism 3D Object Detection Algorithm Based on RGB and LiDAR Fusion for Intelligent Driving.

12. Text Summarization Method Based on Gated Attention Graph Neural Network.

13. A Lightweight Algorithm for Insulator Target Detection and Defect Identification.

14. SD-YOLOv8: An Accurate Seriola dumerili Detection Model Based on Improved YOLOv8.

15. Graph Attention Interaction Aggregation Network for Click-Through Rate Prediction.

16. High Speed Railway Fastener Defect Detection by Using Improved YoLoX-Nano Model.

17. Track Fastener Defect Detection Model Based on Improved YOLOv5s.

18. An Infrared Small Target Detection Method Based on Attention Mechanism.

19. A Fast and Robust Lane Detection via Online Re-Parameterization and Hybrid Attention.

20. High Precision Feature Fast Extraction Strategy for Aircraft Attitude Sensor Fault Based on RepVGG and SENet Attention Mechanism.

21. R-YOLO: A YOLO-Based Method for Arbitrary-Oriented Target Detection in High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images.

22. Spectrum Sensing Method Based on Residual Dense Network and Attention.

23. Underwater Target Detection Based on Parallel High-Resolution Networks.

24. Edge-Guided Camouflaged Object Detection via Multi-Level Feature Integration.

25. Underwater Target Detection Utilizing Polarization Image Fusion Algorithm Based on Unsupervised Learning and Attention Mechanism.

26. YOLOv5-KCB: A New Method for Individual Pig Detection Using Optimized K-Means, CA Attention Mechanism and a Bi-Directional Feature Pyramid Network.

27. FA-Net: A Fused Feature for Multi-Head Attention Recoding Network for Pear Leaf Nutritional Deficiency Diagnosis with Visual RGB-Image Depth and Shallow Features.

28. Segmentation of Unsound Wheat Kernels Based on Improved Mask RCNN.

29. Y–Net: Identification of Typical Diseases of Corn Leaves Using a 3D–2D Hybrid CNN Model Combined with a Hyperspectral Image Band Selection Module.

30. A High-Precision Vehicle Detection and Tracking Method Based on the Attention Mechanism.

31. Joint Cross-Consistency Learning and Multi-Feature Fusion for Person Re-Identification.

32. IPD-Net: Infrared Pedestrian Detection Network via Adaptive Feature Extraction and Coordinate Information Fusion.

33. FDMLNet: A Frequency-Division and Multiscale Learning Network for Enhancing Low-Light Image.

34. A Domestic Trash Detection Model Based on Improved YOLOX.

35. HARNU-Net: Hierarchical Attention Residual Nested U-Net for Change Detection in Remote Sensing Images.

36. A Multiscale Instance Segmentation Method Based on Cleaning Rubber Ball Images.

37. Defect Detection for Metal Shaft Surfaces Based on an Improved YOLOv5 Algorithm and Transfer Learning.

38. RD-YOLO: An Effective and Efficient Object Detector for Roadside Perception System.

39. ELA-Net: An Efficient Lightweight Attention Network for Skin Lesion Segmentation.

40. Insulator Umbrella Disc Shedding Detection in Foggy Weather.

41. ISLS: An Illumination-Aware Sauce-Packet Leakage Segmentation Method.

42. A Multiple Attention Convolutional Neural Networks for Diesel Engine Fault Diagnosis.

43. Face Manipulation Detection Based on Supervised Multi-Feature Fusion Attention Network.

44. Wheat Seed Detection and Counting Method Based on Improved YOLOv8 Model.

45. A Light Multi-View Stereo Method with Patch-Uncertainty Awareness.

46. A Contraband Detection Scheme in X-ray Security Images Based on Improved YOLOv8s Network Model.

47. Wearable Sensor-Based Residual Multifeature Fusion Shrinkage Networks for Human Activity Recognition.

48. CenterNet-Saccade: Enhancing Sonar Object Detection with Lightweight Global Feature Extraction.

49. CHP Engine Anomaly Detection Based on Parallel CNN-LSTM with Residual Blocks and Attention.

50. Human Activity Recognition Using Attention-Mechanism-Based Deep Learning Feature Combination.