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1. Observations, Remote Sensing, and Model Simulation to Analyze Southern Brazil Antarctic Ozone Hole Influence.

2. Mapping Burned Areas with Multitemporal–Multispectral Data and Probabilistic Unsupervised Learning.

3. Mapping Fire Susceptibility in the Brazilian Amazon Forests Using Multitemporal Remote Sensing and Time-Varying Unsupervised Anomaly Detection.

4. Using Remote Sensing to Quantify the Joint Effects of Climate and Land Use/Land Cover Changes on the Caatinga Biome of Northeast Brazilian.

5. Areas Available for the Potential Sustainable Expansion of Soy in Brazil: A Geospatial Assessment Using the SAFmaps Database.

6. Surface Displacement Evaluation of Canto Do Amaro Onshore Oil Field, Brazil, Using Persistent Scatterer Interferometry (PSI) and Sentinel-1 Data.

7. Ozone Trend Analysis in Natal (5.4°S, 35.4°W, Brazil) Using Multi-Linear Regression and Empirical Decomposition Methods over 22 Years of Observations.

8. Estimating Crop Sowing and Harvesting Dates Using Satellite Vegetation Index: A Comparative Analysis.

9. Rainfall-Induced Shallow Landslide Recognition and Transferability Using Object-Based Image Analysis in Brazil.

10. The Extended H ∞ Particle Filter for Attitude Estimation Applied to Remote Sensing Satellite CBERS-4.

11. R-Unet: A Deep Learning Model for Rice Extraction in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.

12. Could Airborne Geophysical Data Be Used to Improve Predictive Modeling of Agronomic Soil Properties in Tropical Hillslope Area?

13. Bringing to Light the Potential of Angular Nighttime Composites for Monitoring Human Activities in the Brazilian Legal Amazon.

14. Contribution of Reverse Dune Migration to Stabilization of a Transgressive Coastal Dune Field at Lagoa do Peixe National Park Dune Field (South of Brazil).

15. Assessing Landslide Drivers in Social–Ecological–Technological Systems: The Case of Metropolitan Region of São Paulo, Brazil.

16. Satellite, UAV, and Geophysical Data to Identify Surface and Subsurface Hydrodynamics of Geographically Isolated Wetlands: Understanding an Undervalued Ecosystem at the Atlantic Forest-Cerrado Interface of Brazil.

17. SAR and Optical Data Applied to Early-Season Mapping of Integrated Crop–Livestock Systems Using Deep and Machine Learning Algorithms.

18. Mapping of the Successional Stage of a Secondary Forest Using Point Clouds Derived from UAV Photogrammetry.

19. Distribution Modeling and Gap Analysis of Shorebird Conservation in Northern Brazil.

20. Soil Erosion Satellite-Based Estimation in Cropland for Soil Conservation.

21. Estimation of Water Use in Center Pivot Irrigation Using Evapotranspiration Time Series Derived by Landsat: A Study Case in a Southeastern Region of the Brazilian Savanna.

22. Compact Mesoscale Eddies in the South Brazil Bight.

23. Analysis of the Influence of Deforestation on the Microphysical Parameters of Clouds in the Amazon.

24. Near Real-Time Fire Detection and Monitoring in the MATOPIBA Region, Brazil.

25. Analysis of the First Optical Detection of a Meteoroidal Impact on the Lunar Surface Recorded from Brazil.

26. Landslide Segmentation with Deep Learning: Evaluating Model Generalization in Rainfall-Induced Landslides in Brazil.

27. A Spectral Mixture Analysis and Landscape Metrics Based Framework for Monitoring Spatiotemporal Forest Cover Changes: A Case Study in Mato Grosso, Brazil.

28. Monitoring Complex Integrated Crop–Livestock Systems at Regional Scale in Brazil: A Big Earth Observation Data Approach.

29. QDA-System: A Cloud-Based System for Monitoring Water Quality in Brazilian Hydroelectric Reservoirs from Space.

30. Integrated Fire Management as a Renewing Agent of Native Vegetation and Inhibitor of Invasive Plants in Vereda Habitats: Diagnosis by Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems.

31. The Brazilian S oil S pectral S ervice (BraSpecS): A User-Friendly System for Global Soil Spectra Communication.

32. Mapping Deforestation in Cerrado Based on Hybrid Deep Learning Architecture and Medium Spatial Resolution Satellite Time Series.

33. Revisited Estimation of Moderate Resolution Sargassum Fractional Coverage Using Decametric Satellite Data (S2-MSI).

34. Characterizing Rain Cells as Measured by a Ka-Band Nadir Radar Altimeter: First Results and Impact on Future Altimetry Missions.

35. Numerical Assessment of Downward Incoming Solar Irradiance in Smoke Influenced Regions—A Case Study in Brazilian Amazon and Cerrado.

36. Clouds' Microphysical Properties and Their Relationship with Lightning Activity in Northeast Brazil.

37. Evaluation of Satellite-Derived Products for the Daily Average and Extreme Rainfall in the Mearim River Drainage Basin (Maranhão, Brazil).

38. Individual Tree Detection and Qualitative Inventory of a Eucalyptus sp. Stand Using UAV Photogrammetry Data.