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1. Downscaling the climate change for oceans around Australia.

2. The Southern Annular Mode (SAM) has been identifieded as a climate mechanism with potentially significant impacts on the Australian hydroclimate. However, despite the identification of relationships between SAM and Aus- tralia's hydroclimate using certain data sets, and focussed on certain time periods, the association has not been extensively explored and significant uncertainties remain. One reason for this is the existence of numerous indices, methods and data sets by which SAM has been approximated. In this paper, the various SAM definitions and indices are reviewed and the similarities and discrepancies are discussed, along with the strengths and weaknesses of each index development approach. Further, the sensitivity of the relationship between SAM and Australian rainfall to choice of SAM index is quantified and recommendations are given as to the most appropriate index to use when assessing the impacts of the SAMon Australia's hydroclimate. Importantly this study highlights the need to consider the impact that the choice of SAM index, and data set used to calculate the index, has on the outcomes of any SAM attribution study.

3. Opinions of 12 to 13-year-olds in Austria and Australia on the concern, cause and imminence of climate change.

4. The science and politics of climate risk assessment in Australia's Murray Darling Basin.

5. Exploring the Sensitivity of the Australian Climate to Regional Land-Cover-Change Scenarios under Increasing CO2 Concentrations and Warmer Temperatures.

6. Incorporating Field Studies into Species Distribution and Climate Change Modelling: A Case Study of the Koomal Trichosurus vulpecula hypoleucus (Phalangeridae).

7. From science to policy: Development of a climate change adaptation plan for the health and wellbeing sector in Queensland, Australia.

8. Spatio-temporal modelling of heat stress and climate change implications for the Murray dairy region, Australia.

9. Rethinking legal objectives for climate-adaptive conservation.

10. Genetic data and climate niche suitability models highlight the vulnerability of a functionally important plant species from south‐eastern Australia.

11. Insights From CMIP6 for Australia's Future Climate.

12. A line-integral-based method to partition climate and catchment effects on runoff.

13. Australia's clumsy diplomacy.

14. Projected Future Changes of Tropical Cyclone Activity over the Western North and South Pacific in a 20-km-Mesh Regional Climate Model.

15. Challenges in predicting climate change impacts on pome fruit phenology.

16. Future Australian Severe Thunderstorm Environments. Part I: A Novel Evaluation and Climatology of Convective Parameters from Two Climate Models for the Late Twentieth Century.

17. Mortality of Inshore Marine Mammals in Eastern Australia Is Predicted by Freshwater Discharge and Air Temperature.

18. Continental-Scale Assessment of Risk to the Australian Odonata from Climate Change.

19. Projected Distributions and Diversity of Flightless Ground Beetles within the Australian Wet Tropics and Their Environmental Correlates.

20. A New Daily Pressure Dataset for Australia and Its Application to the Assessment of Changes in Synoptic Patterns during the Last Century.

21. Evaluation of the AR4 Climate Models’ Simulated Daily Maximum Temperature, Minimum Temperature, and Precipitation over Australia Using Probability Density Functions.

22. Storm Tracks and Climate Change.

23. Associations between Climate Change and Natural Systems in Australia.

24. Diversity and assemblage structure of phytophagous Hemiptera along a latitudinal gradient: predicting the potential impacts of climate change.

25. Synoptic comparison of cold events in winter and summerin Melbourne and Perth.

26. Climate science: Time to raft up.