
Showing total 106 results
106 results

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1. Two-Stage Short-Term Power Load Forecasting Based on RFECV Feature Selection Algorithm and a TCN–ECA–LSTM Neural Network.

2. A Novel Dual-Channel Temporal Convolutional Network for Photovoltaic Power Forecasting.

3. Development of Functional Quantile Autoregressive Model for River Flow Curve Forecasting.

4. A pragmatic ensemble learning approach for rainfall prediction.

5. Revolutionizing Wind Power Prediction—The Future of Energy Forecasting with Advanced Deep Learning and Strategic Feature Engineering.

6. A Novel Photovoltaic Power Prediction Method Based on a Long Short-Term Memory Network Optimized by an Improved Sparrow Search Algorithm.

7. Unidirectional and Bidirectional LSTM Models for Short-Term Traffic Prediction.

8. Short-Term Power Load Forecasting: An Integrated Approach Utilizing Variational Mode Decomposition and TCN–BiGRU.

9. Short‐term load forecasting based on a generalized regression neural network optimized by an improved sparrow search algorithm using the empirical wavelet decomposition method.

10. Modeling Socioeconomic Determinants of Building Fires through Backward Elimination by Robust Final Prediction Error Criterion.

11. Application of pavement temperature prediction algorithms in performance grade (PG) binder selection for Australia.

12. Energy forecasting in smart grid systems: recent advancements in probabilistic deep learning.

13. An Integrated Missing-Data Tolerant Model for Probabilistic PV Power Generation Forecasting.

14. A Short-Term Photovoltaic Power Forecasting Method Combining a Deep Learning Model with Trend Feature Extraction and Feature Selection.

15. Hybrid Ensemble Deep Learning for Deterministic and Probabilistic Low-Voltage Load Forecasting.

16. Adaptive Hybrid Optimized Support Vector Regression with Lasso Feature Selection for Short-term Load Forecasting.

17. Newly explored machine learning model for river flow time series forecasting at Mary River, Australia.

18. Here one year, gone the next? Investigating persistence of frequent emergency department attendance: a retrospective study in Australia.

19. Accuracy gains from conservative forecasting: Tests using variations of 19 econometric models to predict 154 elections in 10 countries.

20. Power Management for Improved Dispatch of Utility-Scale PV Plants.

21. Developing a general practice workforce for the future.

22. A user-oriented forecast verification metric: Weighted Percent Correct.

23. An Index Used to Evaluate the Applicability of Mid-to-Long-Term Runoff Prediction in a Basin Based on Mutual Information.

24. Loss functions for spatial wildfire applications.

25. Water quality multivariate forecasting using deep learning in a West Australian estuary.

26. Visualizing the Shelf Life of Population Forecasts: A Simple Approach to Communicating Forecast Uncertainty.

27. Impacts of changing fire regimes on hollow-bearing trees in south-eastern Australia.

28. Electric load prediction based on a novel combined interval forecasting system.

29. Linking species distribution models with structured expert elicitation for predicting management effectiveness.

30. Short-Term Forecasting of Air Passengers Based on the Hybrid Rough Set and the Double Exponential Smoothing Model.

31. Forecasting Ionospheric foF2 Based on Deep Learning Method.

32. Forecasting of Solar and Wind Resources for Power Generation.

33. Multi-Network-Based Ensemble Deep Learning Model to Forecast Ross River Virus Outbreak in Australia.

34. Low-Voltage Network Modeling and Analysis with Rooftop PV Forecasts: A Realistic Perspective from Queensland, Australia.

35. Prediction of Solar Power Using Near-Real Time Satellite Data.

36. Subseasonal Forecasts of the Northern Queensland Floods of February 2019: Causes and Forecast Evaluation.

37. A Statistical Downscaling Model Based on Multiway Functional Principal Component Analysis for Southern Australia Winter Rainfall.

38. Forecasting climate‐driven habitat changes for Australian freshwater fishes.

39. Flexible forecast value metric suitable for a wide range of decisions: application using probabilistic subseasonal streamflow forecasts.

40. Land Surface Model Calibration Using Satellite Remote Sensing Data.

41. Integrating Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2 Time Series Data for Yield Prediction of Sugarcane Crops at the Block Level.

42. A Combination Prediction Model of Long-Term Ionospheric foF2 Based on Entropy Weight Method.

43. Application of Principal Component Analysis and Cluster Analysis in Regional Flood Frequency Analysis: A Case Study in New South Wales, Australia.

44. An ensemble forecasting system for short-term power load based on multi-objective optimizer and fuzzy granulation.

45. Development of a national 7-day ensemble streamflow forecasting service for Australia.

46. Research and Application of a Novel Hybrid Model Based on a Deep Neural Network for Electricity Load Forecasting: A Case Study in Australia.

47. Application of Temporal Fusion Transformer for Day-Ahead PV Power Forecasting.

48. Unraveling the Physiological Correlates of Mental Workload Variations in Tracking and Collision Prediction Tasks.

49. Novel hybrid deep learning model for satellite based PM10 forecasting in the most polluted Australian hotspots.

50. Prediction of Rainfall in Australia Using Machine Learning.