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1. KNMI'23 Climate Scenarios for the Netherlands: Storyline Scenarios of Regional Climate Change.

2. The Arctic Rivers Project: Using an Equitable Co‐Production Framework for Integrating Meaningful Community Engagement and Science to Understand Climate Impacts.

3. Top of the Atmosphere Shortwave Arctic Cloud Feedbacks: A Comparison of Diagnostic Methods.

4. Nature's contributions to human well‐being under climate change: Evidence from Central and Eastern Madagascar.

5. How Well do We Understand the Planck Feedback?

6. On a World Climate Assembly and the Social Cost of Carbon.

7. Body mass decline in a Mediterranean community of solitary bees supports the size shrinking effect of climatic warming.

8. Future Climate Change Under SSP Emission Scenarios With GISS‐E2.1.

9. Warming effects on arctic tundra biogeochemistry are limited but habitat‐dependent: a meta‐analysis.

10. CMIP6 Earth System Models Project Greater Acceleration of Climate Zone Change Due To Stronger Warming Rates.

11. Future Increase in Aridity Drives Abrupt Biodiversity Loss Among Terrestrial Vertebrate Species.

12. Colder Eastern Equatorial Pacific and Stronger Walker Circulation in the Early 21st Century: Separating the Forced Response to Global Warming From Natural Variability.

13. Financial risk under the shock of global warming: Evidence from China.

14. Overcome the future environmental challenges through sustainable and renewable energy resources.

15. A Library of Large‐Eddy Simulations Forced by Global Climate Models.

16. Understanding the Spatial Distribution of Welfare Impacts of Global Warming on Agriculture and Its Drivers.

17. Tropical Cyclone Frequency.

18. Global Observations and CMIP6 Simulations of Compound Extremes of Monthly Temperature and Precipitation.

19. Increased Flood Exposure Due to Climate Change and Population Growth in the United States.

20. Overview on the review articles published during the past 30 years relating to the potential climate change effects on plant pathogens and crop disease risks.

21. How Daily Temperature and Precipitation Distributions Evolve With Global Surface Temperature.

22. Integrate Risk From Climate Change in China Under Global Warming of 1.5 and 2.0 °C.

23. ToTE: A global database on trees of the treeline ecotone.

24. Constraining Regional Hydrological Sensitivity Over Tropical Oceans.

25. Weakening of La Niña Impact on Negative Indian Ocean Dipole Under Global Warming.

26. Changing Role of Horizontal Moisture Advection in the Lower Troposphere Under Extreme Arctic Amplification.

27. Unveiling the Evolution of Extreme Rainfall Storm Structure Across Space and Time in a Warming Climate.

28. Variations in Rainfall Structure of Western North Pacific Landfalling Tropical Cyclones in the Warming Climates.

29. Future Changes in the Winter Beaufort High Under Warming Climate Scenarios.

30. A Mechanism for Ice Layer Formation in Glacial Firn.

31. Large‐scale deviations between realized and fundamental thermal niches in global seaweed distributions.

32. Adaptive capacity of winter wheat to potential drought in Beijing–Tianjin–Hebei region under RCP8.5 scenario.

33. Responses of Clouds and Large‐Scale Circulation to Global Warming Evaluated From Multidecadal Simulations Using a Global Nonhydrostatic Model.

34. Analysis of the Atmospheric Water Budget for Elucidating the Spatial Scale of Precipitation Changes Under Climate Change.

35. Global synthesis of temperature sensitivity of soil organic carbon decomposition: Latitudinal patterns and mechanisms.

36. FAT or FiTT: Are Anvil Clouds or the Tropopause Temperature Invariant?

37. Extending Near‐Term Emissions Scenarios to Assess Warming Implications of Paris Agreement NDCs.

38. Global drivers of tree seedling establishment at alpine treelines in a changing climate.

39. Wildfire–vegetation dynamics affect predictions of climate change impact on bird communities.

40. Analyzing Regional Climate Change in Africa in a 1.5, 2, and 3°C Global Warming World.

41. Soil and climate‐dependent ingrowth inference: broadleaves on their slow way to conquer Swiss forests.

42. Post‐Fire Sediment Yield From a Central California Watershed: Field Measurements and Validation of the WEPP Model.

43. Geographic variation in evolutionary rescue under climate change in a crop pest–predator system.

44. Probabilistic UK Climate Projections Conditioned on Global Warming Levels.

45. More Frequent Spaceborne Sampling of XCO2 Improves Detectability of Carbon Cycle Seasonal Transitions in Arctic‐Boreal Ecosystems.

46. Climate‐competition tradeoffs shape the range limits of European beech and Norway spruce along elevational gradients across the Carpathian Mountains.

47. Future Increase in Lightning Around the South China Sea Under Climate Change.

48. The Timing of Detectable Increases in Seasonal Soil Moisture Droughts Under Future Climate Change.

49. Planting long‐lived trees in a warming climate: Theory shows the importance of stage‐dependent climatic tolerance.

50. The northern wheatear is reducing its distribution in its southernmost European range and moving to higher altitudes.