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1. Dengue vector control in high-income, city settings: A scoping review of approaches and methods.

2. Human Seroprevalence for Dengue, Ross River, and Barmah Forest viruses in Australia and the Pacific: A systematic review spanning seven decades.

3. Bone and joint infections due to melioidosis; diagnostic and management strategies to optimise outcomes.

4. Designing a Community Engagement Framework for a New Dengue Control Method: A Case Study from Central Vietnam.

5. Melioidosis Queensland: An analysis of clinical outcomes and genomic factors.

6. Strongyloides stercoralis: Systematic Review of Barriers to Controlling Strongyloidiasis for Australian Indigenous Communities.

7. The Changing Epidemiology of Murray Valley Encephalitis in Australia: The 2011 Outbreak and a Review of the Literature.

8. Epidemiology, management and outcomes of Cryptococcus gattii infections: A 22-year cohort.

9. Molecular detection and characterisation of the first Japanese encephalitis virus belonging to genotype IV acquired in Australia.

10. Health care cost of crusted scabies in Aboriginal communities in the Northern Territory, Australia.

11. Leptospirosis is an emerging infectious disease of pig-hunting dogs and humans in north Queensland.

12. Active case detection methods for crusted scabies and leprosy: A systematic review.

13. Seropositivity and geographical distribution of Strongyloides stercoralis in Australia: A study of pathology laboratory data from 2012–2016.

14. Could a rabies incursion spread in the northern Australian dingo population? Development of a spatial stochastic simulation model.

15. Crusted scabies; a 2-year prospective study from the Northern Territory of Australia.

16. Neuroinflammation associated with scrub typhus and spotted fever group rickettsioses.

17. Epidemiological models for predicting Ross River virus in Australia: A systematic review.

18. Evolution of kdr haplotypes in worldwide populations of Aedes aegypti: Independent origins of the F1534C kdr mutation.

19. Heatwaves cause fluctuations in wMel Wolbachia densities and frequencies in Aedes aegypti.

20. A global genotyping survey of Strongyloides stercoralis and Strongyloides fuelleborni using deep amplicon sequencing.

21. Modelling targeted rabies vaccination strategies for a domestic dog population with heterogeneous roaming patterns.

22. Prioritizing surveillance of Nipah virus in India.

23. Caprine humoral response to Burkholderia pseudomallei antigens during acute melioidosis from aerosol exposure.

24. The location of Australian Buruli ulcer lesions—Implications for unravelling disease transmission.

25. The impact of health promotion on trachoma knowledge, attitudes and practice (KAP) of staff in three work settings in remote Indigenous communities in the Northern Territory.

26. Predicted Spatial Spread of Canine Rabies in Australia.

27. Archival Isolates Confirm a Single Topotype of West Nile Virus in Australia.

28. Assessment of Local Mosquito Species Incriminates Aedes aegypti as the Potential Vector of Zika Virus in Australia.

29. Relationship between Community Drug Administration Strategy and Changes in Trachoma Prevalence, 2007 to 2013.

30. Cryptosporidiosis: A Disease of Tropical and Remote Areas in Australia.

31. Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Is Associated with Strongyloides stercoralis Treatment Failure in Australian Aboriginals.

32. Identification of Burkholderia pseudomallei Near-Neighbor Species in the Northern Territory of Australia.

33. Development of a Novel Rabies Simulation Model for Application in a Non-endemic Environment.

34. What Makes Community Engagement Effective?: Lessons from the Eliminate Dengue Program in Queensland Australia.

35. Control of Trachoma in Australia: A Model Based Evaluation of Current Interventions.

36. Intravenous Therapy Duration and Outcomes in Melioidosis: A New Treatment Paradigm.

37. What Drives the Occurrence of the Melioidosis Bacterium Burkholderia pseudomallei in Domestic Gardens?

38. In-vitro Activity of Avermectins against Mycobacterium ulcerans.

39. Mycobacterium Ulcerans Treatment – Can Antibiotic Duration Be Reduced in Selected Patients?

40. Seasonal Drivers of the Epidemiology of Arthropod-Borne Viruses in Australia.

41. Delineating the Importance of Serum Opsonins and the Bacterial Capsule in Affecting the Uptake and Killing of Burkholderia pseudomallei by Murine Neutrophils and Macrophages.

42. Scabies Mite Inactive Serine Proteases Are Potent Inhibitors of the Human Complement Lectin Pathway.

43. Sulphonylurea Usage in Melioidosis Is Associated with Severe Disease and Suppressed Immune Response.

44. Development of a Prototype Lateral Flow Immunoassay (LFI) for the Rapid Diagnosis of Melioidosis.

45. Limited Dengue Virus Replication in Field-Collected Aedes aegypti Mosquitoes Infected with Wolbachia.

46. Potential Wildlife Sentinels for Monitoring the Endemic Spread of Human Buruli Ulcer in South-East Australia.

47. Clinical, Microbiological and Pathological Findings of Mycobacterium ulcerans Infection in Three Australian Possum Species.

48. Clinical Associations of Human T-Lymphotropic Virus Type 1 Infection in an Indigenous Australian Population.

49. Pathogenomic Inference of Virulence-Associated Genes in Leptospira interrogans.

50. Human T-Cell Lymphotropic Virus Type 1 Subtype C Molecular Variants among Indigenous Australians: New Insights into the Molecular Epidemiology of HTLV-1 in Australo-Melanesia.