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1. A New Method for Assessing the Performance of General Circulation Models Based on Their Ability to Simulate the Response to Observed Forcing.

2. Flux Correction and Overturning Stability: Insights from a Dynamical Box Model.

3. Detection and Attribution of Changes in Extreme Temperatures at Regional Scale.

4. Arctic Stratosphere Dynamical Response to Global Warming.

5. Are the Central Andes Mountains a Warming Hot Spot?

6. Changes of the Tropical Tropopause Layer under Global Warming.

7. Projected Changes in Western U.S. Large-Scale Summer Synoptic Circulations and Variability in CMIP5 Models.

8. The Effect of Global Warming on Severe Thunderstorms in the United States.

9. Mechanisms of the Negative Shortwave Cloud Feedback in Middle to High Latitudes.

10. Dynamical and Thermodynamical Causes of Large-Scale Changes in the Hydrological Cycle over North America in Response to Global Warming*.

11. Projections of South Asian Summer Monsoon under Global Warming from 1.5° to 5°C.

12. Robust Atmospheric River Response to Global Warming in Idealized and Comprehensive Climate Models.

13. Mechanism for the Spatial Pattern of the Amplitude Changes in Tropical Intraseasonal and Interannual Variability under Global Warming.

14. Changes in Annual Extremes of Daily Temperature and Precipitation in CMIP6 Models.

15. Extreme Snow Events along the Coast of the Northeast United States: Potential Changes due to Global Warming.

16. Attribution of Extreme Precipitation with Updated Observations and CMIP6 Simulations.

17. Simulations of Atmospheric Rivers, Their Variability, and Response to Global Warming Using GFDL's New High-Resolution General Circulation Model.

18. From CMIP3 to CMIP6: Northern Hemisphere Atmospheric Blocking Simulation in Present and Future Climate.

19. Drier North American Monsoon in Contrast to Asian-African Monsoon under Global Warming.

20. The Southern Hemisphere Midlatitude Circulation Response to Rapid Adjustments and Sea Surface Temperature Driven Feedbacks.

21. Are the Transient and Equilibrium Climate Change Patterns Similar in Response to Increased CO2?

22. An Estimate of the Relative Contributions of Sea Surface Temperature Variations in Various Regions to Stratospheric Change.

23. The Change in the ENSO Teleconnection under a Low Global Warming Scenario and the Uncertainty due to Internal Variability.

24. Twenty-First-Century Climate Change Hot Spots in the Light of a Weakening Sun.

25. Thunderstorm Trends over Africa.

26. Dynamically Downscaled Climate Change Projections for the South Asian Monsoon: Mean and Extreme Precipitation Changes and Physics Parameterization Impacts.

27. Eddy Activity Response to Global Warming–Like Temperature Changes.

28. Weakened Impact of the Developing El Niño on Tropical Indian Ocean Climate Variability under Global Warming.

29. Extreme Snow Events along the Coast of the Northeast United States: Analysis of Observations and HiRAM Simulations.

30. Mechanisms for Global Warming Impacts on Madden–Julian Oscillation Precipitation Amplitude.

31. Future Intensification of the Water Cycle with an Enhanced Annual Cycle over Global Land Monsoon Regions.

32. Climate Effects of Anthropogenic Aerosol Forcing on Tropical Precipitation and Circulations.

33. Mechanisms for an Amplified Precipitation Seasonal Cycle in the U.S. West Coast under Global Warming.

34. Extratropical Transition of Hurricane Irene (2011) in a Changing Climate.

35. Disentangling the Changes in the Indian Ocean Dipole–Related SST and Rainfall Variability under Global Warming in CMIP5 Models.

36. The Role of Atlantic Heat Transport in Future Arctic Winter Sea Ice Loss.

37. Enhanced Latent Heating over the Tibetan Plateau as a Key to the Enhanced East Asian Summer Monsoon Circulation under a Warming Climate.

38. The Atmospheric Pathway of the Cloud-Radiative Impact on the Circulation Response to Global Warming: Important and Uncertain.

39. Recent Surface Air Temperature Change over Mainland China Based on an Urbanization-Bias Adjusted Dataset.

40. ITCZ Width Controls on Hadley Cell Extent and Eddy-Driven Jet Position and Their Response to Warming.

41. Homogenization of Monthly Ground Surface Temperature in China during 1961–2016 and Performances of GLDAS Reanalysis Products.

42. Changes in the MJO under Greenhouse Gas–Induced Warming in CMIP5 Models.

43. Thermodynamic Control on the Poleward Shift of the Extratropical Jet in Climate Change Simulations: The Role of Rising High Clouds and Their Radiative Effects.

44. Robust Responses of the Sahelian Hydrological Cycle to Global Warming.

45. Response of Subtropical Stationary Waves and Hydrological Extremes to Climate Warming in Boreal Summer.

46. Climate and the Global Famine of 1876–78.

47. Decoding Hosing and Heating Effects on Global Temperature and Meridional Circulations in a Warming Climate.

48. Suppression of Cold Weather Events over High-Latitude Continents in Warm Climates.

49. Revisiting the Northern Mode of East Asian Winter Monsoon Variation and Its Response to Global Warming.

50. Modulation of the Meridional Structures of the Indo-Pacific Warm Pool on the Response of the Hadley Circulation to Tropical SST.