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94 results

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1. "Older people will die of old age. I'll die of climate change": engaging children and young people in climate decision making for public health.

2. Ideas, actors and institutions: lessons from South Australian Health in All Policies on what encourages other sectors' involvement.

3. Personalisation schemes in social care: are they growing social and health inequalities?

4. Healthcare experiences of gender diverse Australians: a mixed-methods, self-report survey.

5. An examination of Australian newspaper coverage of the link between alcohol and cancer 2005 to 2013.

6. Beyond resistance: social factors in the general public response to pandemic influenza.

7. A scoping review of female drowning: an underexplored issue in five high-income countries.

8. Translating an early childhood obesity prevention program for local community implementation: a case study of the Melbourne InFANT Program.

9. Systematic examination of publicly-available information reveals the diverse and extensive corporate political activity of the food industry in Australia.

10. Public health research outputs from efficacy to dissemination: a bibliometric analysis.

11. Investigating the health implications of social policy initiatives at the local level: study design and methods.

12. Trends in sugar supply and consumption in Australia: is there an Australian Paradox?

13. The potential for multi-disciplinary primary health care services to take action on the social determinants of health: actions and constraints.

14. Implementation salvage experiences from the Melbourne diabetes prevention study.

15. Advocates, interest groups and Australian news coverage of alcohol advertising restrictions: content and framing analysis.

16. Rationale, design and methods for a staggered-entry, waitlist controlled clinical trial of the impact of a community-based, family-centred, multidisciplinary program focussed on activity, food and attitude habits (Curtin University's Activity, Food and Attitudes Program--CAFAP) among overweight adolescents

17. A review of public opinion towards alcohol controls in Australia.

18. An online, public health framework supporting behaviour change to reduce dementia risk: interim results from the ISLAND study linking ageing and neurodegenerative disease.

19. Use of previous-day recalls of physical activity and sedentary behavior in epidemiologic studies: results from four instruments.

20. Media coverage of health issues and how towork more effectively with journalists:a qualitative study.

21. "I don't eat a hamburger and large chips every day!" A qualitative study of the impact of public health messages about obesity on obese adults.

22. Problems, policy and politics - perspectives of public health leaders on food insecurity and human rights in Australia.

23. Annual rhythms in adults' lifestyle and health (ARIA): protocol for a 12-month longitudinal study examining temporal patterns in weight, activity, diet, and wellbeing in Australian adults.

24. Forecasting the 2017/2018 seasonal influenza epidemic in England using multiple dynamic transmission models: a case study.

25. The social determinants of otitis media in aboriginal children in Australia: are we addressing the primary causes? A systematic content review.

26. From causes to solutions--insights from lay knowledge about health inequalities.

27. Compliance with the Australian 24-hour movement guidelines for the early years: associations with weight status.

28. A comparative content analysis of media reporting of sports betting in Australia: lessons for public health media advocacy approaches.

29. Asthma hospitalisation trends from 2010 to 2015: variation among rural and metropolitan Australians.

30. Yarning about fall prevention: community consultation to discuss falls and appropriate approaches to fall prevention with older Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

31. An audit of food and beverage advertising on the Sydney metropolitan train network: regulation and policy implications.

32. Obesity-related health impacts of fuel excise taxation- an evidence review and cost-effectiveness study.

33. Joining the dots: the role of brokers in nutrition policy in Australia.

34. Initiation, influence, and impact: adolescents and parents discuss the marketing of gambling products during Australian sporting matches.

35. Workforce capacity to address obesity: a Western Australian cross-sectional study identifies the gap between health priority and human resources needed.

36. Designing a Healthy Food Partnership: lessons from the Australian Food and Health Dialogue.

37. Impact of quadrivalent influenza vaccine on public health and influenza-related costs in Australia.

38. How is adults' screen time behaviour influencing their views on screen time restrictions for children? A cross-sectional study.

39. ASPIRE: A multi-site community-based participatory research project to increase understanding of the dynamics of violence against immigrant and refugee women in Australia.

40. A systematic review of studies evaluating Australian indigenous community development projects: the extent of community participation, their methodological quality and their outcomes.

41. What makes health impact assessments successful? Factors contributing to effectiveness in Australia and New Zealand.

42. Translational research: are community-based child obesity treatment programs scalable?

43. Effect of social mobility in family financial situation and housing tenure on mental health conditions among South Australian adults: results from a population health surveillance system, 2009 to 2011.

44. High prevalence of rectal gonorrhoea among men reporting contact with men with gonorrhoea: Implications for epidemiological treatment.

45. Effect of social mobility in family financial situation and housing tenure on mental health conditions among South Australian adults: results from a population health surveillance system, 2009 to 2011.

46. The health and economic benefits of reducing intimate partner violence: an Australian example.

47. Employers’ views on the promotion of workplace health and wellbeing: a qualitative study.

48. The MOVE study: a study protocol for a randomised controlled trial assessing interventions to maximise attendance at physical activity facilities.

49. Vitamin D levels in an Australian population.

50. Australian alcohol policy 2001-2013 and implications for public health.