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67 results

Search Results

1. Preparation of the pre-service teacher to deliver comprehensive sexuality education: teaching content and evaluation of provision.

2. Factors influencing the perceived importance of oral health within a rural Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community in Australia.

3. "It is not an acceptable disease": A qualitative study of HIV-related stigma and discrimination and impacts on health and wellbeing for people from ethnically diverse backgrounds in Australia.

4. Discrimination: a health hazard for people from refugee and asylum-seeking backgrounds resettled in Australia.

5. Stores Licensing Scheme in remote Indigenous communities of the Northern Territory, Australia: a meta-evaluation.

6. Predictors of male loneliness across life stages: an Australian study of longitudinal data.

7. An examination of Australian newspaper coverage of the link between alcohol and cancer 2005 to 2013.

8. Pathways between foodways and wellbeing for First Nations Australians.

9. Teachers as first responders: classroom experiences and mental health training needs of Australian schoolteachers.

10. A systematic review of published interventions for primary and secondary prevention of ischaemic heart disease (IHD) in rural populations of Australia.

11. Changes in weight status, quality of life and behaviours of South Australian primary school children: results from the Obesity Prevention and Lifestyle (OPAL) community intervention program.

12. Mobilising strategic alliances with community organisations to address work-related mental injury: a qualitative study guided by collaboration theory.

13. Insights into parents' perceived worry before and during the COVID-19 pandemic in Australia: inequality and heterogeneity of influences.

14. Are rehabilitation services following stroke accessed equitably in Australia?: findings from the psychosocial outcomes in stroke (POISE) cohort study.

15. A preliminary study investigating the neglected domain of mental health in Australian lifesavers and lifeguards.

16. Symptom patterns and health service use of women in early adulthood: a latent class analysis from the Australian Longitudinal Study on Women's Health.

17. Modelling the potential acute and post-acute burden of COVID-19 under the Australian border re-opening plan.

18. Access to health services among culturally and linguistically diverse populations in the Australian universal health care system: issues and challenges.

19. Online assessment of suicide stigma, literacy and effect in Australia's rural farming community.

20. Changes in Australian community perceptions of non-communicable disease prevention: a greater role for government?

21. A cross-sectional study of COVID-19 impacts in culturally and linguistically diverse communities in greater Western Sydney, Australia.

22. Sustaining success: a qualitative study of gay and bisexual men's experiences and perceptions of HIV self-testing in a randomized controlled trial.

23. "It started 30 years ago, and it still haunts me": an exploratory investigation of Territorians' gambling behaviours, harm, and help-seeking for gambling issues in an Australian jurisdiction.

24. A comprehensive overview and qualitative analysis of government-led nutrition policies in Australian institutions.

25. The social determinants of otitis media in aboriginal children in Australia: are we addressing the primary causes? A systematic content review.

26. Employment disadvantage and associated factors for informal carers of adults with mental illness: are they like other disability carers?

27. Qualitative exploration of the impact of employment and volunteering upon the health and wellbeing of African refugees settled in regional Australia: a refugee perspective.

28. A comparative content analysis of media reporting of sports betting in Australia: lessons for public health media advocacy approaches.

29. Why Australia needs to define obesity as a chronic condition.

30. An audit of food and beverage advertising on the Sydney metropolitan train network: regulation and policy implications.

31. Family meals with young children: an online study of family mealtime characteristics, among Australian families with children aged six months to six years.

32. Investigating the patterns and determinants of seasonal variation in vitamin D status in Australian adults: the Seasonal D Cohort Study.

33. Human T-Lymphotropic Virus type 1 infection in an Indigenous Australian population: epidemiological insights from a hospital-based cohort study.

34. Impact of quadrivalent influenza vaccine on public health and influenza-related costs in Australia.

35. The association between built environment features and physical activity in the Australian context: a synthesis of the literature.

36. The role of business size in assessing the uptake of health promoting workplace initiatives in Australia.

37. Participatory development of MIDY (Mobile Intervention for Drinking in Young people).

38. Improvements in life expectancy among Australians due to reductions in smoking: Results from a risk percentiles approach.

39. ASPIRE: A multi-site community-based participatory research project to increase understanding of the dynamics of violence against immigrant and refugee women in Australia.

40. What makes health impact assessments successful? Factors contributing to effectiveness in Australia and New Zealand.

41. The health and economic benefits of reducing intimate partner violence: an Australian example.

42. Demographic factors associated with smoking cessation during pregnancy in New South Wales, Australia, 2000-2011.

43. A place to call home: study protocol for a longitudinal, mixed methods evaluation of two housing first adaptations in Sydney, Australia.

44. Australian alcohol policy 2001-2013 and implications for public health.

45. Exploring obesogenic environments: the design and development of the migrant obesogenic perception of the environment questionnaire (MOPE-Q) using a sample of Iranian migrants in Australia.

46. What price quitting? The price of cigarettes at which smokers say they would seriously consider trying to quit.

47. Medicines and the media: news reports of medicines recommended for government reimbursement in Australia.

48. Trust makers, breakers and brokers: building trust in the Australian food system.

49. Time to care? Health of informal older carers and time spent on health related activities: an Australian survey.

50. A survey to assist in targeting the adults who undertake risky behaviours, know their health behaviours are not optimal and who acknowledge being worried about their health.