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259 results

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1. Habitat restoration: Choosing species and provenances under a changing climate.

2. Curtailment as a successful method for reducing bat mortality at a southern Australian wind farm.

3. The ecology and morphology of Australia's desert turtle (Emydura macquarii emmotti).

4. Mepimbat tedul proujek: Indigenous knowledge of culturally significant freshwater turtles addresses species knowledge gaps in Northern Australia.

5. Quantifying shifts in topic popularity over 44 years of Austral Ecology.

6. A review of habitat selection by the swamp rat, Rattus lutreolus (Rodentia: Muridae).

7. Checking bioclimatic variables that combine temperature and precipitation data before their use in species distribution models.

8. Greening of arid Australia: New insights from extreme years.

9. A survey of long-term terrestrial ecology studies in Australia.

10. Standard survey designs drive bias in the mapping of upland swamp communities.

11. Contemplating the future: Acting now on long-term monitoring to answer 2050's questions.

12. Are invasive species drivers of native species decline or passengers of habitat modification? A case study of the impact of the common myna ( Acridotheres tristis) on Australian bird species.

13. A review of ecological interactions between native frogs and invasive cane toads in Australia.

14. Fish movement strategies in an ephemeral river in the Simpson Desert, Australia.

15. Do virus-resistant plants pose a threat to non-target ecosystems? II. Risk assessment of an Australian pathosystem using multi-scale field experiments.

16. The big ecological questions inhibiting effective environmental management in Australia.

17. Landscape-scale impacts of Cyclone Larry on the forests of northeast Australia, including comparisons with previous cyclones impacting the region between 1858 and 2006.

18. Making monitoring meaningful.

19. Landscape ecology of the burrowing bettong: Warren distribution and patch dynamics in semiarid eastern Australia.

20. Using multitemporal digital elevation model data for detecting canopy gaps in tropical forests due to cyclone damage: An initial assessment.

21. Coarse woody debris in Australian forest ecosystems: A review.

22. Fire-related cues break seed dormancy of six legumes of tropical eucalypt savannas in north-eastern Australia.

23. Benefits and risks of biotic exchange between Eucalyptus plantations and native Australian forests.

24. Episodic seedling growth in Allosyncarpia ternata, a lignotuberous, monsoon rainforest tree in northern Australia.

25. Habitat but not group size or recent predator activity affect corvid collective vigilance at carcasses.

26. Monitoring the population status of a secretive lizard, the threatened heath skink Liopholis multiscutata, in south‐eastern Australia using surrogate metrics: An update.

27. What type of rainforest burnt in the South East Queensland's 2019/20 bushfires and how might this impact biodiversity.

28. Abundance and detection of feral cats decreases after severe fire on Kangaroo Island, Australia.

29. The abundance and geographic distributions of two species of ticks in South Australia: Bundey Bore revisited.

30. An ecological risk assessment for the impacts of offshore wind farms on birds in Australia.

31. Quantifying the direct fire threat to a critically endangered arboreal marsupial using biophysical, mechanistic modelling.

32. Drivers of collapse of fire‐killed trees.

33. Short‐term impacts of the 2019–20 fire season on biodiversity in eastern Australia.

34. Comment on ‘Anomalies in grasstree fire history reconstructions for south-western Australian vegetation’ by.

35. The effect of environmental temperature on bee activity at strawberry farms.

36. Biodiversity monitoring in Australia's rangelands: Introduction.

37. Monitoring vital signs: Wetland vegetation responses to hydrological resources in the Macquarie Marshes NSW, Australia.

38. Interspecific variation in the diet of a native apex predator and invasive mesopredator in an alpine ecosystem.

39. High adult mortality and failure of recruitment in a population of Banksia spinulosa following high‐intensity fire.

40. Genetic sampling and an activity index indicate contrasting outcomes of lethal control for an invasive predator.

41. Effects of habitat, season and flood on corvid scavenging dynamics in Central Australia.

42. Wind dispersal of seeds of Parthenium hysterophorus L. (Asteraceae) contributes to its steady invasion and spread.

43. Multi‐scale habitat selection by a cryptic, critically endangered grassland bird—The Plains‐wanderer (Pedionomus torquatus): Implications for habitat management and conservation.

44. High severity fire promotes a more flammable eucalypt forest structure.

45. Activity patterns and temporal niche partitioning in sympatric red‐legged and red‐necked pademelons.

46. Distributional modelling, megafires and data gaps highlight probable underestimation of climate change risk for two lizards from Australia's montane rainforests.

47. Variations in chemical defences and patterns of natural enemy attack between native and introduced populations of fireweed (Senecio madagascariensis): Implications for biological control.

48. Climate influences productivity but not breeding density of wedge‐tailed eagles Aquila audax in arid and mesic Western Australia.

49. Length–mass relationships of Australian aquatic invertebrates.

50. Impacts of the introduced European honeybee on Australian bee‐flower network properties in urban bushland remnants and residential gardens.