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1. "Older people will die of old age. I'll die of climate change": engaging children and young people in climate decision making for public health.

2. Climate as a Predictive Factor for Invasion: Unravelling the Range Dynamics of Carpomya vesuviana Costa.

3. Managing biodiversity on private land: Directions for collaboration through reconciliation ecology.

4. Modelling perspective on the climate footprint in south east Australian marine waters and its fisheries.

5. Australian Generation Z and the Nexus between Climate Change and Alternative Proteins.

6. A decade of restoring a temperate woodland: Lessons learned and future directions.

7. Aligning Private Climate Risk Management to Paris Climate Goals: An Australian Perspective.

8. The suitcase series: an enduring participatory theatre making program in even more urgent times.

9. Spatial Variation of Extreme Rainfall Observed From Two Century‐Long Datasets.

10. Opinions of 12 to 13-year-olds in Austria and Australia on the concern, cause and imminence of climate change.

11. An Initialized Attribution Method for Extreme Events on Subseasonal to Seasonal Time Scales.

12. Influence of bias-correcting global climate models for regional climate simulations over the CORDEX-Australasia domain using WRF.

13. The Survival of Aboriginal Australians through the Harshest Time in Human History: Community-Strength.

14. Change in the wind.

15. Social dimensions of energy supply alternatives in steelmaking: comparison of biomass and coal production scenarios in Australia.

16. Fragility and climate impact assessment of contemporary housing roof sheeting failure due to extreme wind.

17. Changes in relative fit of human heat stress indices to cardiovascular, respiratory, and renal hospitalizations across five Australian urban populations.

18. Adaptation to climate change: A study on regional climate change adaptation policy and practice framework.

19. Climate change and the wise use of wetlands: information from Australian wetlands.

20. Applying Landscape Science to Natural Resource Management.

21. A biophysical and economic model of agriculture and water in the Murray-Darling Basin, Australia

22. Climate change accounting and the Australian mining industry: exploring the links between corporate disclosure and the generation of legitimacy


24. Developing biodiverse plantings suitable for changing climatic conditions 2: Using the Atlas of Living Australia.

25. Developing biodiverse plantings suitable for changing climatic conditions 1: Underpinning scientific methods.

26. A concept model to estimate the potential distribution of the Asiatic citrus psyllid (Diaphorina citri Kuwayama) in Australia under climate change—A means for assessing biosecurity risk

27. The crucial 'where' of motorsport marketing: is motorsport now "a race out of place"?

28. Governing climate change: the politics of risk society?

29. Climate change and Indigenous housing performance in Australia: A modelling study.

30. Decreasing Net Primary Production in forest and shrub vegetation across southwest Australia.

31. Rethinking legal objectives for climate-adaptive conservation.

32. Incorporating Field Studies into Species Distribution and Climate Change Modelling: A Case Study of the Koomal Trichosurus vulpecula hypoleucus (Phalangeridae).

33. Out of the blue - the marine economy.

34. Spatio-temporal modelling of heat stress and climate change implications for the Murray dairy region, Australia.

35. Cereal straw for bioenergy production in an Australian region affected by climate change.

36. Greening of arid Australia: New insights from extreme years.

37. An evaluation of integrated spatial technology framework for greenhouse gas mitigation in grain production in Western Australia.

38. The influence of cognitive processes on rural landholder responses to climate change

39. Estimation of Climate Change Impact on Mean Annual Runoff across Continental Australia Using Budyko and Fu Equations and Hydrological Models.

40. Experiencing 'drought and more': local responses from rural Victoria, Australia.

41. A Bayesian Approach to Predictor Selection for Seasonal Streamflow Forecasting.

42. Climate change impact and risks of concrete infrastructure deterioration

43. Research challenges to improve the management and conservation of subtropical reefs to tackle climate change threats.

44. Quantifying the influence of local meteorology on air quality using generalized additive models

45. Restoration of ecosystems for biodiversity and carbon sequestration: Simulating growth dynamics of brigalow vegetation communities in Australia

46. Quantifying Drought Risk in a Nonstationary Climate.

47. Modelling the long term water yield impact of wildfire and other forest disturbance in Eucalypt forests

48. Influence of Rainfall Scenario Construction Methods on Runoff Projections.

49. The big ecological questions inhibiting effective environmental management in Australia.

50. EU Carbon Diplomacy: Assessing Hydrogen Security and Policy Impact in Australia and Germany.