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1. Intersectionality in Education: Rationale and Practices to Address the Needs of Students' Intersecting Identities. OECD Education Working Papers. No. 302

2. Indicators of Inclusion in Education: A Framework for Analysis. OECD Education Working Papers. No. 300

3. A Half Century of Progress in U.S. Student Achievement: Ethnic and SES Differences; Agency and Flynn Effects. Program on Education Policy and Governance Working Papers Series. PEPG 21-01

4. The Changing Nature and Role of Vocational Education and Training in Europe. Volume 5: Education and Labour Market Outcomes for Graduates from Different Types of VET System in Europe. Cedefop Research Paper. No 69

5. Education Policy Evaluation: Surveying the OECD Landscape. OECD Education Working Papers, No. 236

6. The Role of Labour Market Information in Guiding Educational and Occupational Choices. OECD Education Working Papers, No. 229

7. Refugee Education: Integration Models and Practices in OECD Countries. OECD Education Working Papers, No. 203

8. Academic Resilience: What Schools and Countries Do to Help Disadvantaged Students Succeed in PISA. OECD Education Working Papers, No. 167

9. The Social Protection of Teachers in Europe. Papers presented at a Workshop of the World Confederation of Organizations of the Teaching Profession (Budapest, Hungary, May 9-11, 1992).

10. Work, Train, Win: Work-Based Learning Design and Management for Productivity Gains. OECD Education Working Papers, No. 135

11. Employment Patterns in OECD Countries: Reassessing the Role of Policies and Institutions. OECD Economics Department Working Papers No. 486

12. Understanding the Regional Contribution of Higher Education Institutions: A Literature Review. OECD Education Working Papers, No. 9

13. Bringing about Curriculum Innovations. OECD Education Working Papers, No. 82

14. Guidelines for Quality Provision in Cross-Border Higher Education: Where Do We Strand? OECD Education Working Papers, No. 70

15. School Choice and Equity: Current Policies in OECD Countries and a Literature Review. OECD Education Working Papers, No. 66

16. What Works in Migrant Education? A Review of Evidence and Policy Options. OECD Education Working Papers, No. 22

17. Assessment and Innovation in Education. OECD Education Working Papers, No. 24

18. School Accountability, Autonomy, Choice, and the Equity of Student Achievement: International Evidence from PISA 2003. OECD Education Working Papers, No. 14

19. School Achievement of Pupils from the Lower Strata in Public, Private Government-Dependent and Private Government-Independent Schools: A Cross-National Test of the Coleman-Hoffer Thesis

20. Teaching of Topology and Its Applications in Learning: A Bibliometric Meta-Analysis of the Last Years from the Scopus Database

21. Mapping the Evolution Path of Citizen Science in Education: A Bibliometric Analysis

22. Evaluating Eco-Innovation of OECD Countries with Data Envelopment Analysis

23. Integrating Lifelong Learning Perspectives.

24. Mathematics Teachers' Beliefs about Inquiry-Based Learning after a Professional Development Course--An International Study

25. Interorganizational Learning: A Bibliometric Review and Research Agenda

26. Demographics and Education: The 20 Richest Countries

27. Bibliometric Analysis of the Research on Seamless Learning

28. The Importance and Level of Individual Social Capital among Academic Librarians

29. Publications Output: U.S. Trends and International Comparisons. Science & Engineering Indicators 2020. NSB-2020-6

30. Efficiency Measurement with Network DEA: An Application to Sustainable Development Goals 4

31. Government Spending across the World: How the United States Compares. National Issue Brief No. 144

32. Blended and Co-Existing Worlds in Intersectoral Mobilities of European PhD Graduates in the Social Sciences and Humanities

33. How Much Do 15-Year-Olds Learn over One Year of Schooling? PISA in Focus. No. 115

34. Effects of Scaled-Up Professional Development Courses about Inquiry-Based Learning on Teachers

35. Assessment of a Multinational Online Faculty Development Program on Online Teaching: Reflections of Candidate E-Tutors

36. Does Variation in the Extent of Generalized Trust, Individual Education and Extensiveness of Social Security Policies Matter for Maximization of Subjective Well-Being?

37. Academic Generations and Academic Work: Patterns of Attitudes, Behaviors, and Research Productivity of Polish Academics after 1989

38. Developing a Conceptual Framework: The Case of MAGICC

39. Highly Cited Articles in the Education and Educational Research Category in the Social Science Citation Index: A Bibliometric Analysis

40. Vocational Upper-Secondary Education and Participation in Non-Formal Education: A Comparison of European Countries

41. A PhD in Social Sciences and Humanities: Impacts and Mobility to Get Better Salaries in an International Comparison

42. Performances and Spending Efficiency in Higher Education: A European Comparison through Non-Parametric Approaches

43. The Role of Content and Context in PISA Interest Scales: A Study of the Embedded Interest Items in the PISA 2006 Science Assessment

44. Design and Evaluation of Student-Focused eLearning

45. Evaluating the Impact of Distance Learning Support Systems on the Learning Experience of MBA Students in a Global Context

46. Current Research in European Vocational Education and Human Resource Development. Proceedings of the Programme Presented by the Research Network on Vocational Education and Training (VETNET) at the European Conference of Educational Research (ECER) (4th, Lille, France, September 5-8, 2001).

47. Impacts of Academic R&D on High-Tech Manufacturing Products: Tentative Evidence from Supercomputer Data

48. Compensation Criteria in Higher Education in Israel and Elsewhere: Evaluation of Research and Teaching Outcomes

49. Organizational Learning from the Perspective of Knowledge Maturing Activities

50. How Has the Global Economic Crisis Affected People with Different Levels of Education? Education Indicators in Focus. No. 1