
Showing total 2,553 results
2,553 results

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1. Research paper classification systems based on TF-IDF and LDA schemes

2. The Most-Cited Authors Who Published Papers in JMIR mHealth and uHealth Using the Authorship-Weighted Scheme: Bibliometric Analysis

3. Evaluation of Electronic and Paper-Pen Data Capturing Tools for Data Quality in a Public Health Survey in a Health and Demographic Surveillance Site, Ethiopia: Randomized Controlled Crossover Health Care Information Technology Evaluation

4. A Policy-Driven Approach to Secure Extraction of COVID-19 Data From Research Papers

5. A Paper Recommendation System with ReaderBench: The Graphical Visualization of Semantically Related Papers and Concepts

6. Keynote paper: Hardware compilation - a new technique for rapid prototyping of digital systems - applied to sensor validation

7. The Teaching Mode Research of 'Internet Plus Flipped Class' ---Taking the Course of Satellite Meteorology as Example[*Corresponding Author: Xiehui Li Corresponding address: Chengdu University of Information Technology, Chengdu, China; E-mail: Fund Project: This paper is the research achievement of The Teaching Mode Research and Practice of 'Internet Plus Flipped Class' ---Taking the Course of Satellite Meteorology as Example

8. Supporting Nurses' Information Flow by Integrating Paper and Digital Charting

9. Security and Privacy Issues in Cloud Computing Environment: A Survey Paper

10. Full paper: Information technology supporting daily activities of seniors

11. Rhetorical Sentences Classification Based on Section Class and Title of Paper for Experimental Technical Papers

12. Summarizing News Paper Articles: Experiments with Ontology- Based, Customized, Extractive Text Summary and Word Scoring

13. Mover: A machine learning tool to assist in the reading and writing of technical papers

14. Paper Audit Trails and Voters’ Privacy Concerns

15. PICT Policy Research Paper no 10. Accounting for Patients? Information Technology and the Implementation of the NHS White Paper. By R. Coombs and D. Cooper ESRC–PICT Publication, 1990. Social Studies Faculty Centre University of Oxford, George Street, Oxford OX1 2RL. Pp. 14. £6 to individuals and non-profit-making institutions; £22 to profit-making institutions; £2.50 postage and packing if overseas

16. Information Technologies for Solving the Problems of Paper Based Clinical Trial

17. Tools and Technology for Computer Forensics: Research and Development in Hong Kong (Invited Paper)

18. A Hybrid Parallel Execution Model for Logic Based Requirement Specifications (Invited Paper)

19. Special issue devoted to papers presented at the first international conference on information systems technology and management, New Delhi, March 12–13, 2007

20. Special Issue on Selected Papers from Humanoid, Nanotechnology, Information Technology, Communication and Control, Environment, and Management (HNICEM'03)

21. Convergence model of AI and IoT for virus disease control system

22. A survey on missing data in machine learning

23. Text Data Augmentation for Deep Learning

24. OGRE: Overlap Graph-based metagenomic Read clustEring

25. Testing out suicide risk prediction algorithms using phone measurements with patients in acute mental health settings: a feasibility study

26. The Mobile App Development and Assessment Guide (MAG): Delphi-Based Validity Study

27. Using Natural Language Processing Techniques to Provide Personalized Educational Materials for Chronic Disease Patients in China: Development and Assessment of a Knowledge-Based Health Recommender System

28. Smartphone-Based VO2max Measurement With Heart Snapshot in Clinical and Real-world Settings With a Diverse Population: Validation Study

29. An mHealth App (Speech Banana) for Auditory Training: App Design and Development Study

30. Learning From Others Without Sacrificing Privacy: Simulation Comparing Centralized and Federated Machine Learning on Mobile Health Data

31. Utilization of Smartphone Depth Mapping Cameras for App-Based Grading of Facial Movement Disorders: Development and Feasibility Study

32. User Experience With Dynamic Difficulty Adjustment Methods for an Affective Exergame: Comparative Laboratory-Based Study

33. Assessing User Retention of a Mobile App: Survival Analysis

34. Measuring the Quality of Clinical Skills Mobile Apps for Student Learning: Systematic Search, Analysis, and Comparison of Two Measurement Scales

35. Correlates of Stress in the College Environment Uncovered by the Application of Penalized Generalized Estimating Equations to Mobile Sensing Data

36. An App for Detecting Bullying of Nurses Using Convolutional Neural Networks and Web-Based Computerized Adaptive Testing: Development and Usability Study

37. Quantitative Screening of Cervical Cancers for Low-Resource Settings: Pilot Study of Smartphone-Based Endoscopic Visual Inspection After Acetic Acid Using Machine Learning Techniques

38. Using Android and Open Data Kit Technology in Data Management for Research in Resource-Limited Settings in the Niger Delta Region of Nigeria: Cross-Sectional Household Survey

39. Digital communications and social media use in surgery: how to maximize communication in the digital age

40. Client-Focused Security Assessment of mHealth Apps and Recommended Practices to Prevent or Mitigate Transport Security Issues

41. RADAR-Base: Open Source Mobile Health Platform for Collecting, Monitoring, and Analyzing Data Using Sensors, Wearables, and Mobile Devices

42. Behavior Change Techniques Incorporated in Fitness Trackers: Content Analysis

43. Using the Extended Parallel Process Model to Examine the Nature and Impact of Breast Cancer Prevention Information on Mobile-Based Social Media: Content Analysis

44. Vendor-Independent Mobile Health Monitoring Platform for Digital Health Studies: Development and Usability Study

45. Predicting Emotional States Using Behavioral Markers Derived From Passively Sensed Data: Data-Driven Machine Learning Approach

46. Using Machine Learning and Smartphone and Smartwatch Data to Detect Emotional States and Transitions: Exploratory Study

47. Use of a Machine Learning Program to Correctly Triage Incoming Text Messaging Replies From a Cardiovascular Text–Based Secondary Prevention Program: Feasibility Study

48. Comparing the Data Quality of Global Positioning System Devices and Mobile Phones for Assessing Relationships Between Place, Mobility, and Health: Field Study

49. Development and Evaluation of a Mobile Personalized Blood Glucose Prediction System for Patients With Gestational Diabetes Mellitus

50. Combining Continuous Smartphone Native Sensors Data Capture and Unsupervised Data Mining Techniques for Behavioral Changes Detection: A Case Series of the Evidence-Based Behavior (eB2) Study