
Showing total 53 results
53 results

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1. A Half Century of Progress in U.S. Student Achievement: Ethnic and SES Differences; Agency and Flynn Effects. Program on Education Policy and Governance Working Papers Series. PEPG 21-01

2. The Changing Nature and Role of Vocational Education and Training in Europe. Volume 5: Education and Labour Market Outcomes for Graduates from Different Types of VET System in Europe. Cedefop Research Paper. No 69

3. The Value of Smarter Teachers: International Evidence on Teacher Cognitive Skills and Student Performance. Program on Education Policy and Governance Working Papers Series. PEPG 14-06

4. Macroeconomic Benefits of Vocational Education and Training. Research Paper No 40

5. Renewing VET Provision: Understanding Feedback Mechanisms between Initial VET and the Labour Market. Research Paper No 37

6. Loans for Vocational Education and Training in Europe. Research Paper. Number 20

7. Cross-National Variation in Educational Preparation for Adulthood: From Early Adolescence to Young Adulthood. Working Paper No. 2001-01

8. Accreditation and Quality Assurance in Higher Education: Papers on Higher Education Series.

9. The Social Protection of Teachers in Europe. Papers presented at a Workshop of the World Confederation of Organizations of the Teaching Profession (Budapest, Hungary, May 9-11, 1992).

10. School Achievement of Pupils from the Lower Strata in Public, Private Government-Dependent and Private Government-Independent Schools: A Cross-National Test of the Coleman-Hoffer Thesis

11. Educational Research: What Strategies for Development in the European Research Area?

12. Integrating Lifelong Learning Perspectives.

13. Evaluating Eco-Innovation of OECD Countries with Data Envelopment Analysis

14. Demographics and Education: The 20 Richest Countries

15. Variables Affecting Student Motivation Based on Academic Publications

16. Mapping the Integration of the Sustainable Development Goals in Universities: Is It a Field of Study?

17. Adolescent Young Carers Who Provide Care to Siblings.

18. Using of Teleconference as a Medium to Establish an 'E-Global-Learning-System': An Experience of 1000guru-Association on Facilitates Open and Distance Learning Activities with Schools in Indonesia

19. Intergenerational Programmes: Public Policy and Research Implications--An International Perspective.

20. Adult Education and the Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic: An International Perspective

21. Bibliometric Analysis of the Research on Seamless Learning

22. Publications Output: U.S. Trends and International Comparisons. Science & Engineering Indicators 2020. NSB-2020-6

23. Comparison of Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Practices Used Globally

24. Government Spending across the World: How the United States Compares. National Issue Brief No. 144

25. Part-Time Higher Education in Western Developed Countries.

26. Does Variation in the Extent of Generalized Trust, Individual Education and Extensiveness of Social Security Policies Matter for Maximization of Subjective Well-Being?

27. What Are the Alternatives to Student Loans in Higher Education Funding?

28. Same but Different? Measurement Invariance of the PIAAC Motivation-to-Learn Scale across Key Socio-Demographic Groups

29. Facing Up to the Learning Organization Challenge: Selected European Writings. Volume II. CEDEFOP Reference Series.

30. Current Research in European Vocational Education and Human Resource Development. Proceedings of the Programme Presented by the Research Network on Vocational Education and Training (VETNET) at the European Conference of Educational Research (ECER) (4th, Lille, France, September 5-8, 2001).

31. A Comparative Analysis of Transitions from Education to Work in Europe (CATEWE). Final Report [and] Annex to the Final Report.

32. Current Research in European Vocational Education and Human Resource Development. Proceedings of the Programme Presented By the Research Network on Vocational Education and Training (VETNET) at the European Conference of Educational Research (ECER) (3rd, Edinburgh, Scotland, September 20-23, 2000).

33. International Numeracy Survey. A Comparison of the Basic Numeracy Skills of Adults 16-60 in Seven Countries.

34. Predictors of social leisure activities in older Europeans with and without multimorbidity.

35. Paracetamol as a toxic substance for children: aspects of legislation in selected countries.

36. Professional's Attitudes Do Not Influence Screening and Brief Interventions Rates for Hazardous and Harmful Drinkers: Results from ODHIN Study.

37. North–south gradients in plasma concentrations of B-vitamins and other components of one-carbon metabolism in Western Europe: results from the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) Study.

38. Sharing data for future research-engaging participants' views about data governance beyond the original project: a DIRECT Study.

39. Identifying dietary patterns using a normal mixture model: application to the EPIC study.



42. On the Need to Ask Educational Questions about Education: An Interview with Gert Biesta


44. Analysing Welfare State Variations: The Merits and Limitations of Models Based on the Residual-Institutional Distinction.

45. Good Job, Good Life? Working Conditions and Quality of Life in Europe

46. Managerialism, Organizational Commitment, and Quality of Job Performances among European University Employees

47. Are National-Level Research Evaluation Models Valid, Credible, Useful, Cost-Effective, and Ethical?

48. The cross-sectional average length of healthy life (HCAL): a measure that summarizes the history of cohort health and mortality.

49. Equity of primary care service delivery for low income "sicker" adults across 10 OECD countries.

50. Factors associated with multiple barriers to access to primary care: an international analysis.