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1. CALL and Professionalisation: Short Papers from EUROCALL 2021 (29th, Online, August 26-27, 2021)

2. Annual Proceedings of Selected Research and Development Papers Presented Online and On-Site during the Annual Convention of the Association for Educational Communications and Technology (44th, Chicago, Illinois, 2021). Volume 1

3. CALL Communities & Culture: Short Papers from EUROCALL 2016 (23rd, Limassol, Cyprus, August 24-27, 2016)

4. CALL in a Climate of Change: Adapting to Turbulent Global Conditions. Short Papers from EUROCALL 2017 (25th, Southampton, United Kingdom, August 23-26, 2017)

5. Cross-Border Higher Education for Regional Integration:Analysis of the JICA-RI Survey on Leading Universities in East Asia. JICA-RI Working Paper. No. 26

6. The Global Competition for Talent: The Rapidly Changing Market for International Students and the Need for a Strategic Approach in the US. Research & Occasional Paper Series. CSHE.8.09

7. Proceedings of the International Association for Development of the Information Society (IADIS) International Conference on Cognition and Exploratory Learning in Digital Age (14th, Vilamoura, Algarve, Portugal, October 18-20, 2017)

8. The Changing Academic Profession in Asia: The Formation, Work, Academic Productivity, and Internationalization of the Academy. Report of the International Conference on the Changing Academic Profession Project, 2014. RIHE International Seminar Reports. No. 22

9. Proceedings of the International Conferences on Education Technologies (ICEduTech) and Sustainability, Technology and Education (STE) (New Tapei City, Taiwan, December 10-12, 2014)

10. University Examinations and Standardized Testing: Principles, Experience, and Policy Options. World Bank Technical Paper Number 78. Proceedings of a Seminar on the Uses of Standardized Tests and Selection Examinations (Beijing, China, April 1985).

11. Diversifying Higher Education Systems in the International and Comparative Perspectives. Report of the International Workshop on University Reform, 2010. RIHE International Seminar Reports. No.16

12. Enhancing Online Learning Focusing on the Relationship between Gaze and Browsing Materials

13. Sustainable Development Goals in EFL Students' Learning: A Systematic Review

14. Motivation of Students for English as a Medium of Instruction (EMI) and Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL): Current Research Foci in Different Countries

15. Proceedings of International Conference on Social and Education Sciences (IConSES) (Austin, Texas, October 13-16, 2022). Volume 1

16. Current Trends and Realities of International Students in East and Southeast Asia: The Cases of China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Malaysia

17. Leveraging Automatic Speech Recognition Errors to Detect Challenging Speech Segments in TED Talks

18. Adding Synchronous Sessions to Asynchronous Virtual Exchange: Insights from the IVEProject

19. Legal Issues of the Broadcast and Simultaneous Internet Transmission of Open University Courses

20. Exploring Curriculum Alignment through Syllabus Document Analysis: From National Language Policy to Local ELT Practice

21. Variables Affecting Student Motivation Based on Academic Publications

22. Mapping the Integration of the Sustainable Development Goals in Universities: Is It a Field of Study?

23. The EUROCALL Review, Volume 24, Number 2

24. Increasing Diversity in International Education: Programming for Non-Traditional Students through an Alternative Curriculum Model

25. Prospects for the Development and Internationalization of Higher Education in Asia

26. Theorising Intercontinental PhD Students' Experiences: The Case of Students from Africa, and Asia

27. A Comparative Study of National Infrastructures for Digital (Open) Educational Resources in Higher Education

28. END 2015: International Conference on Education and New Developments. Conference Proceedings (Porto, Portugal, June 27-29, 2015)

29. The Changing Academic Profession in Asia: Teaching, Research, Governance and Management. Report of the International Conference on the Changing Academic Profession Project, 2013. RIHE International Seminar Reports. No. 20

30. Diffusion of KM Education in LIS Schools

31. The Comparison of Inductive Reasoning under Risk Conditions between Chinese and Japanese Based on Computational Models: Toward the Application to CAE for Foreign Language

32. CALL: Using, Learning, Knowing. Proceedings of the 2012 EUROCALL Conference (Gothenburg, Sweden, August 22-25, 2012)

33. The Changing Academic Profession in Asia: Contexts, Realities and Trends. Report of the International Conference on the Changing Academic Profession Project, 2011. RIHE International Seminar Reports. No. 17

34. Faculty Perceptions, Awareness and Use of Open Educational Resources for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education: A Cross-Comparative Analysis

35. The Changing Academic Profession in International and Quantitative Perspectives: A Focus on Teaching & Research Activities. Report of the International Conference on the Changing Academic Profession Project, 2010. RIHE International Seminar Reports. No.15

36. Producing Qualified Graduates and Assuring Education Quality in the Knowledge-Based Society: Roles and Issues of Graduate Education. Report of the International Workshop on Graduate Education, 2009. RIHE International Seminar Reports. No.14

37. International Academic Success: Institutional Planning & Analysis

38. The Kuznets Curve of Education: A Global Perspective on Education Inequalities. CEE DP 116

39. The Changing Academic Profession in International Comparative and Quantitative Perspectives. Report of the International Conference on the Changing Academic Profession Project, 2008. RIHE International Seminar Reports. No.12

40. The Crisis of the Publics: An International Comparative Discussion on Higher Education Reforms and Possible Implications for US Public Universities

41. Survival Strategies of International Undergraduate Students at a Public Research Midwestern University in the United States: A Case Study

42. Fitts' Law as an Education Resource for Human-Computer Interaction in Computer Science Curricula

43. International Student Mobility: Limits of the Current Model

44. Education of Gifted and Talented Students in China, Taiwan, and Japan.

45. Humanistic Insights into Managing Diversity: The Humanities/Management Partnership.

46. The View Finder: Expanding Boundaries and Perspectives in Special Education. Volume Two.

47. Social Services and Aging Policies in the U.S. and Asia. Presentations. Asia-U.S. Conference on Social Services and Aging Policies (Pensacola, Florida, August 8-11, 1988).

48. Development and Validation of an Instrument to Assess Quality Physical Education

49. Cross-Border Higher Education Institutions in Mainland China: A Developmental Perspective

50. Using Blogs to Share Learner-Generated Content