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1. Synthetic Biology: Knowledge Accessed by Everyone (Open Sources)

2. Proceedings of the International Association for Development of the Information Society (IADIS) International Conference on Cognition and Exploratory Learning in Digital Age (CELDA) (Madrid, Spain, October 19-21, 2012)

3. Development of Paper with Dhaincha Fiber (Sesbania aculeata)

4. Signs & Traces: Model Indicators of College Student Learning in the Disciplines.

5. Non-wood plant fibres, will there be a come-back in paper-making?


7. Classifying Adult Mango Pulp Weevil Activity using Support Vector Machine

8. Microbial Recovery of Manganese using Staphylococcus Epidermidis

9. Efficacy of Bacterial Adaptation on Copper Biodissolution from a Low Grade Chalcopyrite Ore by A. ferrooxidans

10. Novel Method for Pairing Wood Samples in Choice Tests

11. AHaH Computing–From Metastable Switches to Attractors to Machine Learning.

12. Small and Dim Target Detection via Lateral Inhibition Filtering and Artificial Bee Colony Based Selective Visual Attention.

13. Study of Burn Scar Extraction Automatically Based on Level Set Method using Remote Sensing Data.

14. Independent Component Analysis for Brain fMRI Does Indeed Select for Maximal Independence.

15. Osmosis-Based Pressure Generation: Dynamics and Application.

16. A Compartmentalized Mathematical Model of the β1-Adrenergic Signaling System in Mouse Ventricular Myocytes.

17. Toward a Semi-Self-Paced EEG Brain Computer Interface: Decoding Initiation State from Non-Initiation State in Dedicated Time Slots.

18. QuickProbs—A Fast Multiple Sequence Alignment Algorithm Designed for Graphics Processors.

19. CUSHAW3: Sensitive and Accurate Base-Space and Color-Space Short-Read Alignment with Hybrid Seeding.

20. Fully Automated Segmentation of the Pons and Midbrain Using Human T1 MR Brain Images.

21. Mining Rare Associations between Biological Ontologies.

22. An Evidence-Based Combining Classifier for Brain Signal Analysis.

23. Labour-Efficient In Vitro Lymphocyte Population Tracking and Fate Prediction Using Automation and Manual Review.

24. Knowledge-Guided Robust MRI Brain Extraction for Diverse Large-Scale Neuroimaging Studies on Humans and Non-Human Primates.

25. Rapid Reconstruction of 3D Neuronal Morphology from Light Microscopy Images with Augmented Rayburst Sampling.

26. Dual-Force ISOMAP: A New Relevance Feedback Method for Medical Image Retrieval.

27. Effective Moment Feature Vectors for Protein Domain Structures.

28. Vehicle Scheduling Schemes for Commercial and Emergency Logistics Integration.

29. NESSTI: Norms for Environmental Sound Stimuli.

30. Identification of Bicluster Regions in a Binary Matrix and Its Applications.

31. A Semi-Quantitative Method to Denote Generic Physical Activity Phenotypes from Long-Term Accelerometer Data – The ATLAS Index

32. Enhancement of Chemical Entity Identification in Text Using Semantic Similarity Validation

33. Molecular Optical Simulation Environment (MOSE): A Platform for the Simulation of Light Propagation in Turbid Media.

34. Approximate Subgraph Matching-Based Literature Mining for Biomedical Events and Relations.

35. A Multi-Paradigm Modeling Framework to Simulate Dynamic Reciprocity in a Bioreactor.

36. Analysis and Optimization of Pulse Dynamics for Magnetic Stimulation.

37. Developing and Evaluating a Target-Background Similarity Metric for Camouflage Detection.

38. Leukemia Prediction Using Sparse Logistic Regression.

39. Comparison of Sensor Selection Mechanisms for an ERP-Based Brain-Computer Interface.

40. Using Eye Movement to Control a Computer: A Design for a Lightweight Electro-Oculogram Electrode Array and Computer Interface.

41. 4D Segmentation of Brain MR Images with Constrained Cortical Thickness Variation.

42. A Bio-Inspired Methodology of Identifying Influential Nodes in Complex Networks.

43. Bayesian Parameter Estimation and Segmentation in the Multi-Atlas Random Orbit Model.

44. Increasing the Contrast of the Brain MR FLAIR Images Using Fuzzy Membership Functions and Structural Similarity Indices in Order to Segment MS Lesions.

45. Self-Stabilization in Membrane Systems.

46. Population estimation of whitefly for cotton plant using image processing approach

47. Sustained Firing of Model Central Auditory Neurons Yields a Discriminative Spectro-temporal Representation for Natural Sounds

48. Time-Gated Optical Projection Tomography Allows Visualization of Adult Zebrafish Internal Structures

49. Experimental tests of PVD AlCrN-coated planer knives on planing Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) under industrial conditions

50. Computer Science, Biology and Biomedical Informatics Academy: Outcomes from 5 Years of Immersing High-school Students into Informatics Research.