
Showing total 9 results
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1. Efficacy of adjunctive anti-plaque chemical agents in managing gingivitis: a systematic review and meta-analysis.

2. Mechanical and chemical plaque control in the simultaneous management of gingivitis and caries: a systematic review.

3. Trials and Tribulations - an RCT comparing manualized family therapy with Treatment as Usual and reflections on key issues that arose in the implementation.

4. Guidelines for the Reporting of Treatment Trials for Alcohol Use Disorders.

5. Recommendations for the Design and Analysis of Treatment Trials for Alcohol Use Disorders.

6. The Systematic Development and Pilot Randomized Evaluation of Counselling for Alcohol Problems, a Lay Counselor-Delivered Psychological Treatment for Harmful Drinking in Primary Care in India: The PREMIUM Study.

7. Intelligibility as a clinical outcome measure following intervention with children with phonologically based speech-sound disorders.

8. A Randomized Controlled Trial of IPT Versus CBT in Primary Care: With Some Cautionary Notes About Handling Missing Values in Clinical Trials.

9. A comparison of imputation methods in a longitudinal randomized clinical trial.