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47 results

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1. Effects of the COVID‐19 pandemic on quality of life among relatives of individuals with intellectual disabilities: A longitudinal study.

2. Growing older with lifelong disability: What is "quality of life" in the middle years?

3. What happens next? A 2‐year follow‐up study into the outcomes and experiences of an adapted Dialectical Behaviour Therapy skills training group for people with intellectual disabilities.

4. Motor function daily living skills 5 years after paediatric arterial ischaemic stroke: a prospective longitudinal study.

5. Health-related quality of life and peer relationships in adolescents with developmental coordination disorder and attention-deficit-hyperactivity disorder.

6. Long-term outcomes after selective dorsal rhizotomy: a retrospective matched cohort study.

7. Perceptions of illness and its development in patients with multiple sclerosis: a prospective cohort study.

8. Sex comparisons in the association of prediabetes and type 2 diabetes with cognitive function, depression, and quality of life: The Maastricht study.

9. Focusing on cancer patients' intentions to use psychooncological support: A longitudinal, mixed-methods study.

10. Rurality as a predictor of perinatal mental health and well‐being in an Australian cohort.

11. A generalized partially linear mean-covariance regression model for longitudinal proportional data, with applications to the analysis of quality of life data from cancer clinical trials.

12. The role of cannabis in treatment‐resistant fibromyalgia women.

13. Institutional procedural discrimination, institutional racism, and other institutional discrimination: A nursing research example.

14. Investigation of the status and influence factors of caregiver's quality of life on caring for patients with chronic wound during COVID‐19 epidemic.

15. Peer support worker training: Results of the evaluation of the Experienced Involvement training programme in Switzerland and Germany.

16. Brief report: Youth pathways out of homelessness – Preliminary findings.

17. Disparity of child/parent-reported quality of life in cerebral palsy persists into adolescence.

18. Symptoms of prolonged grief and major depressive disorders: Distinctiveness and temporal relationship in the first 2 years of bereavement for family caregivers of terminally ill cancer patients.

19. Quality of life in Korean tuberculosis patients: A longitudinal study.

20. Beyond stereotypes of cerebral palsy: Exploring the lived experiences of young Canadians.

21. Changes in the health‐related quality of life of patients with prostate cancer and their spouses.

22. Prospective Pilot Study of the Mastering Each New Direction Psychosocial Family Systems Program for Pediatric Chronic Illness.

23. Resilience dimensions and mental health outcomes in bipolar disorder in a follow‐up study.

24. Care-related predictors for negative intrusive thoughts after prostate cancer diagnosis-data from the prospective LAPPRO trial.

25. Three sides to a story: Child, parent, and nurse perspectives on the child's experience during hematopoietic stem cell transplantation.

26. Further Evaluation of the Tripartite Structure of Subjective Well-Being: Evidence From Longitudinal and Experimental Studies.

27. Effectiveness of case management as a cross-sectoral healthcare provision for women with breast cancer.

28. Quality of life and emotional impact of a fixed-dose combination of antihypertensive drugs in patients with uncontrolled hypertension.

29. Understanding the lived experience of women before and after fistula repair: a qualitative study in Kenya.

30. Cancer caregiver quality of life: need for targeted intervention.

31. Palliative care and spiritual well-being in lung cancer patients and family caregivers.

32. Mental Fitness for patients with acute coronary syndrome: A randomized clinical trial.

33. Randomized-controlled trial of mindfulness-based cancer recovery versus supportive expressive group therapy among distressed breast cancer survivors (MINDSET): long-term follow-up results.

34. Health-related quality of life in children and adolescents: Current normative data, determinants and reliability on proxy-report.

35. Patients are dissatisfied with information provision: perceived information provision and quality of life in prostate cancer patients.

36. Development of health-related quality of life and symptoms of anxiety and depression among persons diagnosed with cancer during adolescence: a 10-year follow-up study.

37. Quality of life of family caregivers 8 years after a relative's cancer diagnosis: follow-up of the National Quality of Life Survey for Caregivers.

38. The longitudinal relationship between quality of life and survival in advanced stage cancer.

39. Does time heal all wounds? A longitudinal study of the development of posttraumatic stress symptoms in parents of survivors of childhood cancer and bereaved parents.

40. Quality of life in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis patients and caregivers: Impact of assistive communication from early stages.

41. Using the Effects of Youngsters' Eyesight on Quality of Life Questionnaire to Measure Visual Outcomes in Children With Uveitis.

42. The maintenance effect of cognitive-behavioural treatment groups for the Chinese parents of children with intellectual disabilities in Melbourne, Australia: a 6-month follow-up study.

43. Barriers to maternal workforce participation and relationship between paid work and health.

44. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy improves health-related quality of life in patients with diabetes and chronic foot ulcer.

45. A longitudinal study of mental health consumer/survivor initiatives: Part 1—Literature review and overview of the study.

46. A longitudinal study of mental health consumer/survivor initiatives: Part 2—A quantitative study of impacts of participation on new members.

47. Fatigue. Measures and relation to pain.