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1. Assessment of completion of early medical abortion using a text questionnaire on mobile phones compared to a self-administered paper questionnaire among women attending four clinics, Cape Town, South Africa.

2. MenCare+ in South Africa: findings from a gender transformative young men's group education on sexual and reproductive health and rights.

3. A Bother or a Benefit? How Contraceptive Users Balance the Trade-Offs Between Preferred Menstrual Bleeding Patterns and Preferred Contraceptive Methods in India, South Africa, and the United States.

4. The quality of life of HIV-infected South African university students: Experiences with the WHOQOL-HIV-Bref.

5. ISIBINDI, creating circles of care for orphans and vulnerable children in South Africa: post-programme outcomes.

6. HIV health literacy, sexual behaviour and self-reports of having tested for HIV among students.

7. Assessing the Value of and Contextual and Cultural Acceptability of the Strength and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) in Evaluating Mental Health Problems in HIV/AIDS Affected Children.

8. Nutrition knowledge, attitudes, beliefs and practices: a comparison of urban and rural adults in the Free State province of South Africa.

9. Creating Futures: lessons from the development of a livelihood-strengthening curriculum for young people in eThekwini's informal settlements.

10. Environmental health outcomes and exposure risks among at-risk communities living in the Upper Olifants River Catchment, South Africa.

11. Correlates of inconsistent condom use among youth aged 18–24 years in South Africa.

12. Development and preliminary validation of a screen for interpersonal childhood trauma experiences among school-going youth in Durban, South Africa.

13. Depression among carers of AIDS-orphaned and other-orphaned children in Umlazi Township, South Africa.

14. Development and Evaluation of the Teacher Reporting Questionnaire for South African Foundation Phase Educators (TRQ-SA) in Measuring Teachers' Intentions to Report Child Sexual Abuse Suspicions.

15. Intention to reduce stigma for people who are affected by HIV A theory of planned behavior based approach.

16. Exploratory validation of relationship functioning and non-pregnant partner behavior scales in pregnant people living with HIV in Mpumalanga Province, South Africa.

17. Exploring discrepant knowledge of partner sexual behaviour to inform self-risk assessment in a high HIV burdened district in rural KwaZulu-Natal.

18. Acceptability and feasibility of inter-related activities to improve agency among African district health managers: A four-country study.

19. 'Those tablets, they are finding an empty stomach': a qualitative investigation of HIV risk among sexual and gender minority migrants in Cape Town, South Africa.

20. Perceived discrimination and mental health of South American immigrants in Chile: the mediator role of the self-esteem in four nationalities.

21. Health Promotion Project for University Students at a South African University: Results of a Pilot Survey.

22. How might bicycle ownership/access and cycling expertise influence the design of cycling promotion interventions at the University of Johannesburg?

23. Exploring the inclusion of teaching and learning on assistive products in undergraduate curricula of health sciences faculties at three South African Universities.

24. Influence of evolving HIV treatment guidance on CD4 counts and viral load monitoring: A mixed-methods study in three African countries.

25. A citizen science approach to determine perceived barriers and promoters of physical activity in a low-income South African community.

26. Design and Development Process of a Youth Depression Screening m-Health Application for Primary Health Care Workers in South Africa and Zambia: An Overview of the MEGA Project.

27. Supporting hearing health in vulnerable populations through community care workers using mHealth technologies.

28. The perceived needs-access gap for health services among persons with disabilities in a rural area within South Africa.

29. Influences on selection of assistive technology for young children in South Africa: perspectives from rehabilitation professionals.

30. Development of an item bank of health literacy questions appropriate for limited literacy public sector patients in South Africa.

31. Teachers’ perceptions of implementation of aided AAC to support expressive communication in South African special schools: a pilot investigation.

32. Social capital and mental well-being of older people residing in a residential care facility in Durban, South Africa.

33. Achieving equity in HIV-treatment outcomes: can social protection improve adolescent ART-adherence in South Africa?

34. Resilience in perinatal HIV+ adolescents in South Africa.

35. Psychological functioning among vertically infected HIV-positive children and their primary caregivers.

36. Negotiating the use of female-initiated HIV prevention methods in a context of gender-based violence: the narrative of rape.

37. A comparison of proficiency levels in 4-year-old monolingual and trilingual speakers of Afrikaans, isiXhosa and South African English across SES boundaries, using LITMUS-CLT.

38. Sexual communication self-efficacy, hegemonic masculine norms and condom use among heterosexual couples in South Africa.

39. Does marital status matter in an HIV hyperendemic country? Findings from the 2012 South African National HIV Prevalence, Incidence and Behaviour Survey.

40. Sex and secrecy: How HIV-status disclosure affects safe sex among HIV-positive adolescents.

41. HIV/AIDS-related stigma in South African alcohol-serving venues and its potential impact on HIV disclosure, testing and treatment-seeking behaviours.

42. Workplace interventions to reduce HIV and TB stigma among health care workers – Where do we go from here?

43. HIV stigma and disclosure experiences of people living with HIV in an urban and a rural setting.

44. Pregnant women's experiences of male partner involvement in the context of prevention of mother-to-child transmission in Khayelitsha, South Africa.

45. When HIV is ordinary and diabetes new: Remaking suffering in a South African Township.

46. Public sector antiretroviral treatment programme in South Africa: health care workers' attention to mental health problems.

47. Predictors of poor adherence among people on antiretroviral treatment in Cape Town, South Africa: a case-control study.

48. Depression and social functioning among HIV-infected and uninfected persons in South Africa.

49. Fundraising Efficacy and the South African Nonprofit Social Services Sector.

50. Grandparental Involvement and South African Adolescents’ Psychological Well-Being.