
Showing total 113 results
113 results

Search Results

1. A qualitative evidence synthesis of the experiences and perspectives of communicating using augmentative and alternative communication (AAC).

2. The meaning and impact on well-being of bespoke dancing sessions for those living with Parkinson's.

3. Views and experiences of primary care among Black communities in the United Kingdom: a qualitative systematic review.

4. Hybrid funerals: how online attendance facilitates and impedes participation.

5. Perspectives of healthcare professionals and people living with HIV in dialogue: on information sharing to improve communication at the consultation.

6. Do you see the problem? Visualising a generalised 'complex local system' of antibiotic prescribing across the United Kingdom using qualitative interview data.

7. 'Complexity' as a rhetorical smokescreen for UK public health inaction on diet.

8. Talking about death and dying: Findings from deliberative discussion groups with members of the public.

9. School rules of (sexual) engagement: government, staff and student contributions to the norms of peer sexual-abuse in seven UK schools.

10. Digital inclusion of people with disabilities: a qualitative study of intra-disability diversity in the digital realm.

11. How do you solve a problem like Maria? Family complexity and institutional complications in UK social work.

12. Challenges and opportunities for promoting physical activity in health care: a qualitative enquiry of stakeholder perspectives.

13. The impact of the transition to Personal Independence Payment on claimants with mental health problems.

14. Mentally disordered offenders' views of ‘their’ risk assessment and management plans.

15. Lifelong Learning for People Aged 64+ Within the Contemporary Art Gallery Context.

16. Contemporary women's understandings of female sexuality: findings from an in-depth interview study.

17. Relationship Quality and Sexuality: A Latent Profile Analysis of Long-term Heterosexual and LGB Long-term Partnerships.

18. “In reality, it is complex and difficult”: UK nurses' perspectives on “treatment as prevention” within HIV care.

19. Healthier catering initiatives in London, UK: an effective tool for encouraging healthier consumption behaviour?

20. Avatar-based therapy within prison settings: pilot evaluation.

21. The theory of agency and breastfeeding.

22. Accounting for failure: risk-based regulation and the problems of ensuring healthcare quality in the NHS.

23. The journey effect: how travel affects the experiences of mental health in-patient service-users and their families.

24. The contribution of qualitative research to the Healthy Foundations life-stage segmentation.

25. ‘Having a different conversation around death’: diverse hospital chaplains' views on end-of-life care.

26. Connecting communities and complexity: a case study in creating the conditions for transformational change.

27. Rethinking children’s public health: the development of an assets model.

28. The experiences and expectations of care and support among older migrants in the UK.

29. Are new forms of professionalism emerging in medicine? The case of the implementation of NICE guidelines.

30. 'Selling it as a holistic health provision and not just about condoms ...' Sexual health services in school settings: current models and their relationship with sex and relationships education policy and provision.

31. Curative kink: survivors of early abuse transform trauma through BDSM.

32. Farmers Supporting Farmers: Livestock Auctions as Spaces to Reconstruct Occupational Community and Counter Mental Health Issues.

33. A randomised controlled clinical trial to assess the benefits of a telecare tool delivered prior to the initial hearing assessment.

34. A qualitative study showing that a telecare tool can have benefits before and during the initial hearing assessment appointment.

35. "They Make Heavy Stuff Lighter." Youth Workers in the Hospital Setting: A Service Evaluation.

36. Empowerment of care home staff through effective collaboration with healthcare.

37. Return to driving after total hip and knee arthroplasty – the perspective of employed patients.

38. Understanding amputation care in England and Scotland: a qualitative exploration of patient stories posted on an online patient feedback site.

39. Loneliness, life satisfaction, problematic internet use and security behaviours: re-examining the relationships when working from home during COVID-19.

40. Visual perceptual deficit screening in stroke survivors: evaluation of current practice in the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland.

41. Race, ethnicity and COVID-19 vaccination: a qualitative study of UK healthcare staff.

42. An exploration of occupational choices in adolescence: A constructivist grounded theory study.

43. Citizenship in action: the lived experiences of citizens with dementia who campaign for social change.

44. How occupational therapy practitioners use virtual communities on the Facebook social media platform for professional learning: A critical incident study.

45. Art therapy's contribution to the psychological care of adults with cancer: A survey of therapists and service users in the UK.

46. Social representation of hearing aids among people with hearing loss: an exploratory study.

47. Experiences of UK African-Caribbean prostate cancer survivors of discharge to primary care.

48. The child psychotherapists' role in consultation work with the professional network around looked after children.

49. Self-management of a musculoskeletal condition for people from harder to reach groups: a qualitative patient interview study.

50. Decision-making in communication aid recommendations in the UK: cultural and contextual influencers.