
Showing total 302 results
302 results

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1. Youth Work in the Hospital Setting: A Narrative Review of the Literature.

2. Cochlear implants and deafness: a global case study to increase policy awareness and action on an under-resourced health issue.

3. Addressing barriers to health care among Black Alaskans: contributions by social work research to an agenda of health equity.

4. Online language learning in the third-age: Concrete recommendations to improve seniors' learning experiences.

5. 'It absolutely needs to move out of that structure': Māori with bipolar disorder identify structural barriers and propose solutions to reform the New Zealand mental health system.

6. Substance use policy and practice in the COVID-19 pandemic: Learning from early pandemic responses through internationally comparative field data.

7. Former NCAA Division I athletes' perceptions of intervention components to improve post-sport physical activity.

8. Governing through bureaucratically imposed waiting: on stuckedness among asylum seekers and refugees waiting for residence permits in Sweden.

9. Perspectives of healthcare professionals and people living with HIV in dialogue: on information sharing to improve communication at the consultation.

10. A qualitative study on the needs of visually impaired users in Brazil for smart home interactive technologies.

11. Successful ageing: contributions of non-formal (adult) education in a group of older people in northern Portugal.

12. Towards understanding the mechanism through which reward and punishment motivate or demotivate behaviours.

13. Exploring the usability, user experience and usefulness of a supportive website for people with dementia and carers.

14. Tracking activity-based therapy for people living with spinal cord injury or disease: insights gained through focus group interviews with key stakeholders.

15. Who are relatives? Young adults, relatives and professionals' perceptions of relatives during the rehabilitation of young adults with a severe acquired brain injury.

16. Benefits of Hearing Voices Groups & Other Self-Help Groups for Voice Hearers: A Systematic Review.

17. Housing Satisfaction Among Older Adults Living in Low- Income Seniors' Housing.

18. Parents' Journeys of Mastery and Knowledge Construction After Their Infant's First Stage of Surgery for Complex Congenital Heart Disease.

19. Talking about death and dying: Findings from deliberative discussion groups with members of the public.

20. Facilitators and barriers to the implementation of pain neuroscience education in the current Lebanese physical therapist health care approach: a qualitative study.

21. Participant evaluation of a behavioral intervention targeting reduction of sedentary behavior in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: a mixed methods study.

22. Broken bones and apple brandy: resilience and sensemaking of general practitioners and their at-risk patients during the COVID-19 pandemic in Switzerland.

23. From collaborator to colleague: a community-based program science approach for engaging Kenyan communities of gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men in HIV research.

24. “Fear Runs Deep:” The Anticipated Needs of LGBT Older Adults in Long-Term Care.

25. Sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) among young people in secure state care and their non-incarcerated peers – a qualitative, descriptive and comparative study.

26. Relationship Quality and Sexuality: A Latent Profile Analysis of Long-term Heterosexual and LGB Long-term Partnerships.

27. Computer-supported reflective learning: how apps can foster reflection at work.

28. Reliability and validity evidence of the Assessment of Language Use in Social Contexts for Adults (ALUSCA).

29. “In reality, it is complex and difficult”: UK nurses' perspectives on “treatment as prevention” within HIV care.

30. Healthier catering initiatives in London, UK: an effective tool for encouraging healthier consumption behaviour?

31. Developing a social work curriculum on political conflict: findings from an IASSW-funded project.

32. Ototoxicity monitoring through the eyes of the treating physician: Perspectives from pulmonology and medical oncology.

33. MenCare+ in South Africa: findings from a gender transformative young men's group education on sexual and reproductive health and rights.

34. Early Implementation of a Family-Centred Practice Model in Child Welfare: Findings from an Irish Case Study.

35. A good day in nursing: Views of recent Singaporean graduates.

36. Young bisexual women’s perspectives on the relationship between bisexual stigma, mental health, and sexual health: a qualitative study.

37. Framework for the assessment of the safety culture in the oil and gas industry.

38. The Experiences of Clinical Mental Health Counselors Treating Clients for Process/Behavioral Addictions.

39. For better or for worse? Transformation of social network relations due to long-term illness.

40. When Families Relinquish Care of a Child with a Disability: Perceptions from Birthmothers.

41. Homo economicus: young gay and bisexual men and the new public health.

42. Satisfaction with previous sexual health education as a predictor of intentions to pursue further sexual health education.

43. Assessing the Value of and Contextual and Cultural Acceptability of the Strength and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) in Evaluating Mental Health Problems in HIV/AIDS Affected Children.

44. The thematic structure of passenger comfort experience and its relationship to the context features in the aircraft cabin.

45. 'Selling it as a holistic health provision and not just about condoms ...' Sexual health services in school settings: current models and their relationship with sex and relationships education policy and provision.

46. Measurement and development of art therapeutic actions in the treatment of children and adolescents with psychosocial problems.

47. School-Based Physical Therapists' Perceptions about Becoming Effective Practitioners through Professional Development.

48. Curative kink: survivors of early abuse transform trauma through BDSM.

49. Features and impact of dysphagia, dysphonia and laryngeal hypersensitivity in whiplash associated disorder – a qualitative study.

50. Perceptions and knowledge of older adults: An analysis of interprofessional education and medically underserved populations.