
Showing total 19 results
19 results

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1. 'Just be friends': exposing the limits of educational bully discourses for understanding teen girls' heterosexualized friendships and conflicts.

2. Beyond suffrage: feminism, education and the politics of class in the inter-war years.

3. Gender and achievement: what have exams got to do with it?

4. Challenging Equal Opportunities: changing and adapting male hegemony in academia.

5. The Gender Gap and Classroom Interactions: reality and rhetoric?

6. Flexible Identities: exploring race and gender issues among a group of immigrant pupils in an inner-city comprehensive school.

7. Competence versus Care? Gender and Caring Work Revisited.

8. Gender inequality and the professionalisation of accountancy in the UK from 1870 to the interwar years.

9. Who financed the expansion of the equity market? Shareholder clienteles in Victorian Britain.

10. ‘Inequality’ and ‘value’ reconsidered? the employment of post office women, 1910–1922.

11. Females in science: a contradictory concept?

12. An exploration of young children's ethnic identities as communities of practice.

13. Harmonious relations? Music at work in the Rowntree and Cadbury factories.

14. Marginalisation and ideas of community among Latin American migrants to the UK.

15. Linking women's human rights and the MDGs: an agenda for 2005 from the UK Gender and Development Network.

16. A reconstruction of the gender agenda: the contradictory gender dimensions in New Labour's educational and economic policy.


18. Gender, Work, and Post-Fordism: The EC context.

19. Differential Achievement of Girls and Boys at GCSE: Some observations from the perspective of one school.