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1. How to make modal shift from road to rail possible in the European transport market, as aspired to in the EU Transport White Paper 2011.

2. Female members of parliament, right-wing parties, and the inclusiveness of immigration policy: evidence from 26 European countries.

3. Identifying a Human Rights Approach to Roma Health Vulnerabilities and Inequalities in Europe: From Concept to Action.

4. Volatility impacts on the European banking sector: GFC and COVID-19.

5. Measuring Gender Gaps in Time Allocation in Europe.

6. Was There a 3.2 ka Crisis in Europe? A Critical Comparison of Climatic, Environmental, and Archaeological Evidence for Radical Change during the Bronze Age–Iron Age Transition.

7. Severe Housing Deprivation in the European Union: a Joint Analysis of Measurement and Theory.

8. Elections, Party Rhetoric, and Public Attitudes Toward Immigration in Europe.

9. Quality control in cochlear implant therapy: clinical practice guidelines and registries in European countries.

10. The need for reference machines when energy labelling electric household appliances that are tested to international standards.

11. The Value of Autonomy for the Good Life. An Empirical Investigation of Autonomy and Life Satisfaction in Europe.

12. Food Insecurity in Europe: A Gender Perspective.

13. Palliative Care Utilization Among Non-Western Migrants in Europe: A Systematic Review.

14. Occupational Social Class and Earnings Inequality in Europe: A Comparative Assessment.

15. Review: The influence of global change on Europe's water cycle and groundwater recharge.

16. Art (Pre)History: Ritual, Narrative and Visual Culture in Neolithic and Bronze Age Europe.

17. Warming in Europe: Recent Trends in Annual and Seasonal temperatures.

18. ECLiq: European interactive catalogue of earthquake-induced soil liquefaction phenomena.

19. Students and university websites—consumers of corporate brands or novices in the academic community?

20. Temporary Employment, Informal Work and Subjective Well-Being Across Europe: Does Labor Legislation Matter?

21. An exploratory survey on the state of training in adolescent medicine and health in 36 European countries.

22. Feasibility testing of the Core set of quality Indicators for Paediatric Primary Care in Europe, COSI-PPC-EU.

23. Conditional Solidarity: Social Class, Experiences of the Economic Crisis, and Welfare Attitudes in Europe.

24. Characterization of vertical cloud variability over Europe using spatial lidar observations and regional simulation.

25. Structural Gender Equality in Europe and Its Evolution Over the First Decade of the Twentyfirst Century.

26. 'Mirroring' the Ethics of Biobanking: What Analysis of Consent Documents Can Tell Us?

27. Comparing Life Satisfaction of Immigrants and Natives Across Europe: The Role of Social Contacts.

28. The Influence of Social Models on Retirement Savings: Evidence for European Countries.

29. European regional efficiency and geographical externalities: a spatial nonparametric frontier analysis.

30. Alternatives to Urbanism? Reconsidering Oppida and the Urban Question in Late Iron Age Europe.

31. Practical continentalism: North America, territorial security and the European model.

32. Social Capital and Self Perceived Health Among European Older Adults.

33. Health-related quality of life in patients with psoriasis: a systematic review of the European literature.

34. The National Work-Life Balance Index©: The European Case.

35. How can we learn leadership? The vision of the Europe-wide University.

36. The Development of Family Therapy and Systemic Practice in Europe: Some Reflections and Concerns.

37. The integration of land and marine spatial planning.

38. Pond conservation: from science to practice.

39. Discussion: On the future of our past.

40. Introduction: The university revisited.

41. EPA guidance on mental health and economic crises in Europe.

42. Inverting the Logic of Economic Migration: Happiness Among Migrants Moving from Wealthier to Poorer Countries in Europe.

43. European clinical network: autism spectrum disorder assessments and patient characterisation.

44. The Problem of English Language Export Fiction in Europe.

45. What Determines Religious and Racial Prejudice in Europe? The Effects of Religiosity and Trust.

46. Exceptionally Hot and Cold Summers in Europe (1951-2010).

47. Demographics of paediatric renal replacement therapy in Europe: a report of the ESPN/ERA-EDTA registry.

48. Screening for autism spectrum disorders: state of the art in Europe.

49. A Top-Down Regional Assessment of Urban Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Europe.

50. Family Constellations and Life Satisfaction in Europe.