
Showing total 101 results
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1. Drought assessment of southwestern China based on HadGEM2-ES model under representative concentration pathway 4.5 scenario.

2. Possible teleconnections between East and South Asian summer monsoon precipitation in projected future climate change.

3. Responses of runoff to climate change and human activities in the Ebinur Lake Catchment, western China.

4. Efficiency assessment of the energy consumption and economic indicators in Beijing under the influence of short-term climatic factors: based on data envelopment analysis methodology.

5. Dynamical downscaling of regional climate over eastern China using RSM with multiple physics scheme ensembles.

6. Local background climate determining the dynamics of plateau lakes in China.

7. A 457-year reconstruction of precipitation in the southeastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, China using tree-ring records.

8. Effects of climate change on annual streamflow using climate elasticity in Poyang Lake Basin, China.

9. Statistical downscaling of extremes of precipitation and temperature and construction of their future scenarios in an elevated and cold zone.

10. Detection of trends in precipitation extremes in Zhejiang, east China.

11. Response of Zhadang Glacier runoff in Nam Co Basin, Tibet, to changes in air temperature and precipitation form.

12. Snowfall trends and variability in Qinghai, China.

13. Observed changes of drought/wetness episodes in the Pearl River basin, China, using the standardized precipitation index and aridity index.



16. Spatio-temporal variations in precipitation on the Huang-Huai-Hai Plain from 1963 to 2012.

17. The changing climate-migration relationship in China, 1989–2011.

18. Interactive effects of nitrogen fertilizer and altered precipitation on fungal communities in arid grasslands of northern China.

19. Projection and possible causes of summer precipitation in eastern China using self-organizing map.

20. Optimization and evaluation of a monthly air temperature and precipitation gridded dataset with a 0.025° spatial resolution in China during 1951–2011.

21. Increased winter-spring precipitation from the last glaciation to the Holocene inferred from a δ13Corg record from Yili Basin (Xinjiang, NW China).

22. An intercomparison of multiple statistical downscaling methods for daily precipitation and temperature over China: future climate projections.

23. Variations in droughts and wet spells and their influences in China: 1924-2013.

24. Enlargement of the semi-arid region in China from 1961 to 2010.

25. An advanced impact of Arctic stratospheric ozone changes on spring precipitation in China.

26. Stream flow variability and drought severity in the Songhua River Basin, Northeast China.

27. High-resolution precipitation data derived from dynamical downscaling using the WRF model for the Heihe River Basin, northwest China.

28. A novel procedure for pollen-based quantitative paleoclimate reconstructions and its application in China.

29. Out-phased decadal precipitation regime shift in China and the United States.

30. Can reanalysis datasets describe the persistent temperature and precipitation extremes over China?

31. Impacts of the superimposed climate trends on droughts over 1961-2013 in Xinjiang, China.

32. Statistical analysis of the relationship between climate-induced maize yield and rainy-season precipitation across Inner Mongolia, North China.

33. Spatio-temporal changes of precipitation and temperature over the Pearl River basin based on CMIP5 multi-model ensemble.

34. On the coupling between precipitation and potential evapotranspiration: contributions to decadal drought anomalies in the Southwest China.

35. Characteristics of the precipitation recycling ratio and its relationship with regional precipitation in China.

36. Multivariate drought frequency estimation using copula method in Southwest China.

37. The dynamic response of lakes in the Tuohepingco Basin of the Tibetan Plateau to climate change.

38. Urban spring phenology in the middle temperate zone of China: dynamics and influence factors.

39. Extreme hot summers in China in the CMIP5 climate models.

40. Annual precipitation variation for the southern edge of the Gobi Desert (China) inferred from tree rings: linkages to climatic warming of twentieth century.

41. Drought hazard assessment in typical corn cultivated areas of China at present and potential climate change.

42. Changes in precipitation and temperature in Xiangjiang River Basin, China.

43. Updated precipitation reconstruction (AD 1482-2012) for Huashan, north-central China.

44. Quantitatively evaluating the effects of climate factors on runoff change for Aksu River in northwestern China.

45. Investigation of changes in water resources and grain production in China: changing patterns and uncertainties.

46. Impacts of climate change under CMIP5 RCP scenarios on streamflow in the Huangnizhuang catchment.

47. Impacts of climate change on the water balance of a large nonhumid natural basin in China.

48. Multiscale control of summertime persistent heavy precipitation events over South China in association with synoptic, intraseasonal, and low-frequency background.

49. Intra-annual Distribution of Streamflow and Individual Impacts of Climate Change and Human Activities in the Dongijang River Basin, China.

50. Using the aridity index to assess recent climate change: a case study of the Lancang River Basin, China.