
Showing total 12 results
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1. Seasonal Forecasts of the Summer 2016 Yangtze River Basin Rainfall.

2. Assessing Global Warming Induced Changes in Summer Rainfall Variability over Eastern China Using the Latest Hadley Centre Climate Model HadGEM3-GC2.

3. Climate change projections for Tamil Nadu, India: deriving high-resolution climate data by a downscaling approach using PRECIS.

4. Rainfall-derived growing season characteristics for agricultural impact assessments in South Africa.

5. Improvement of model forecast on the Asian summer rainfall anomaly with the application of a spatial filtering scheme.

6. Increasing Flash Floods in a Drying Climate over Southwest China.

7. Skill of regional and global model forecast over Indian region.

8. Assessment of prediction and predictability of short rains over equatorial East Africa using a multi-model ensemble.

9. The Modified Rainfall Anomaly Index (mRAI)-is this an alternative to the Standardised Precipitation Index (SPI) in evaluating future extreme precipitation characteristics?

10. Changes in precipitation extremes in Brazil (Paraná River Basin).

11. Rainfall characterisation by application of standardised precipitation index (SPI) in Peninsular Malaysia.

12. Delay in the onset of South Asian summer monsoon induced by local black carbon in an AGCM.