
Showing total 26 results
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1. Impact of Groundwater Table and Plateau Zokors (Myospalax baileyi) on Ecosystem Respiration in the Zoige Peatlands of China.

2. Stable isotope and dental caries data reveal abrupt changes in subsistence economy in ancient China in response to global climate change.

3. Effects of climatically-modulated changes in solar radiation and wind speed on spring phytoplankton community dynamics in Lake Taihu, China.

4. Variations in climatic suitability and planting regionalization for potato in northern China under climate change.

5. The impact of drought on vegetation conditions within the Damqu River Basin, Yangtze River Source Region, China.

6. Modeling and mapping the current and future distribution of Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae under climate change in China.

7. Modeling the impacts of climate change and technical progress on the wheat yield in inland China: An autoregressive distributed lag approach.

8. Molecular Paleoclimate Reconstructions over the Last 9 ka from a Peat Sequence in South China.

9. Prediction CH4 Emissions from the Wetlands in the Sanjiang Plain of Northeastern China in the 21st Century.

10. Patterns of Cereal Yield Growth across China from 1980 to 2010 and Their Implications for Food Production and Food Security.

11. Evidence of a Cooler Continental Climate in East China during the Warm Early Cenozoic.

12. Effects of Microclimate Condition Changes Due to Land Use and Land Cover Changes on the Survivorship of Malaria Vectors in China-Myanmar Border Region.

13. Temporal and Spatial Variations of Drought in China: Reconstructed from Historical Memorials Archives during 1689-1911.

14. Tree Species Traits but Not Diversity Mitigate Stem Breakage in a Subtropical Forest following a Rare and Extreme Ice Storm.

15. Climate and Land Use Controls on Soil Organic Carbon in the Loess Plateau Region of China.

16. Climatic Warming Increases Winter Wheat Yield but Reduces Grain Nitrogen Concentration in East China.

17. Climatic Control on Plant and Soil δ13C along an Altitudinal Transect of Lushan Mountain in Subtropical China: Characteristics and Interpretation of Soil Carbon Dynamics.

18. Effects of Climatic Factors and Ecosystem Responses on the Inter-Annual Variability of Evapotranspiration in a Coniferous Plantation in Subtropical China.

19. Spatial Distribution of Soil Organic Carbon and Total Nitrogen Based on GIS and Geostatistics in a Small Watershed in a Hilly Area of Northern China.

20. Organic Carbon Storage in China's Urban Areas.

21. Forest Structure, Stand Composition, and Climate-Growth Response in Montane Forests of Jiuzhaigou National Nature Reserve, China.

22. Responses of Terrestrial Ecosystems’ Net Primary Productivity to Future Regional Climate Change in China.

23. Spatio-Temporal Characteristics of Global Warming in the Tibetan Plateau during the Last 50 Years Based on a Generalised Temperature Zone - Elevation Model.

24. Comparing Effects of Climate Warming, Fire, and Timber Harvesting on a Boreal Forest Landscape in Northeastern China.

25. Bryophyte Species Richness and Composition along an Altitudinal Gradient in Gongga Mountain, China.

26. Multi-Proxy Temperature Reconstruction from the West Qinling Mountains, China, for the Past 500 Years.