
Showing total 8 results
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1. The state of the art in privacy impact assessment.

2. The Acheulean workshop of la Noira (France, 700 ka) in the European technological context.

3. La transition entre les Modes 2 et 3 en Europe : le rapport sur les gisements du Plateau Nord (Péninsule Ibérique)

4. European consumer acceptance of safety-improving interventions in the beef chain

5. The progress of RES environment in the most recent member states of the EU

6. L’Aurignacien archaïque de la grotte El Castillo (Espagne) : caractérisation technologique et typologique

7. JET contributions to ITER technology issues

8. Comparative techno-economic evaluation of LTE fixed wireless access, FTTdp and FTTC VDSL network deployment for providing 30 Mbps broadband services in rural areas.