
Showing total 11 results
11 results

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1. Review of research progress on flow and rupture characteristics of liquid film on corrugated plate wall.

2. Sustainability, perceived quality and country of origin of farmed salmon: Impact on consumer choices in the USA, France and Japan.

3. Selection of sodium coolant for fast reactors in the US, France and Japan

4. Comparison of sodium fast reactor core assembly seismic evaluation using the Japanese and French simulation tools.

5. MOX fuel use in a BWR with extended power up-rate

6. Air radioactivity levels following the Fukushima reactor accident measured at the Laboratoire Souterrain de Modane, France

7. Characterization of industrial NbTi strands at variable field for JT-60SA toroidal field coils

8. A comparison between Japanese and French A16 defect assessment procedures for thermal fatigue crack growth

9. A comparison between Japanese and French A16 defect assessment procedures for creep-fatigue crack growth

10. A comparison between Japanese and French A16 defect assessment procedures for fatigue crack growth

11. Severe accident studies on the efficiency of mitigation devices in a SFR core with SIMMER code.