
Showing total 303 results
303 results

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1. The parent perspective on paediatric delirium and an associated care bundle: A qualitative study.

2. "You have to work...but you can't!": Contradictions of the Active Labour Market Policies for Refugees and Asylum Seekers in the UK.

3. Interactions that support older inpatients with cognitive impairments to engage with falls prevention in hospitals: An ethnographic study.

4. Decolonization and trauma-informed truth-telling about Indigenous Australia in a social work diversity course: a cultural safety approach.

5. Cultural Myths, Superstitions, and Stigma Surrounding Dementia in a UK Bangladeshi Community.

6. The patient representation struggle during the COVID‐19 pandemic: Missed opportunities for resilient healthcare systems.

7. 'Eating is like experiencing a gamble': A qualitative study exploring the dietary decision‐making process in adults with inflammatory bowel disease.

8. Decisional conflict in parents of children with congenital heart defect: Towards development of a model.

9. Views of family members on using video calls during the hospital admission of a patient: A qualitative study.

10. 'I think both of us drew strength from it': qualitative reflections from next of kin following the death and post-mortem brain donation of a loved one with brain cancer.

11. Understanding inequalities in the coverage of adolescent sexual and reproductive health services: a qualitative case study of the selected regions of Zambia.

12. Migration Challenges and Their Impact on the Primary Healthcare System—A Qualitative Research.

13. Including the values of UK ethnic minority communities in policies to improve physical activity and healthy eating.

14. Understanding differential reductions in undernutrition among districts in Rwanda through the perspectives of mid‐level and community actors on policy commitment and policy coherence.

15. Optimising a clinical decision support tool to improve chronic kidney disease management in general practice.

16. Beyond Birth Work: Addressing Social Determinants of Health With Community Perinatal Support Doulas.

17. The Lived Experience of Informal Caregivers of People Who Have Severe Mental Illness and Coexisting Long‐Term Conditions: A Qualitative Study.

18. Patient interpretations of patient-reported outcome measures to assess bowel urgency: qualitative interviews in ulcerative colitis.

19. Discrimination, disadvantage and disempowerment during COVID-19: a qualitative intrasectional analysis of the lived experiences of an ethnically diverse healthcare workforce in the United Kingdom.

20. Implementation of a crisis resolution team service improvement programme: a qualitative study of the critical ingredients for success.

21. "I Think Peer Support Helps to Demystify People Who Have Mental Health Issues and Helps to Remove That Stigma": Exploring the Defining Characteristics and Related Challenges of Youth Peer Support Through Participatory Research.

22. Understanding capacity for implementing new interventions: A qualitative study of speech and language therapy services for children with speech sound disorder.

23. Children of extremist parents: Insights from a specialized clinical team.

24. Modes of relating to the new ICTs among older internet users: a qualitative approach.

25. Health susceptibility perceptions among Iranian, Afghan and Tajik minorities in three Nordic countries.

26. Perceptions and experiences of living with and providing care for multimorbidity: A qualitative interview study.

27. Power imbalances and equity in the day-to-day functioning of a north plus multi-south higher education institutions partnership: a case study.

28. Nurses' and clients' perspectives after engagement in the co-designing of solutions to improve provider-client relationships in maternal and child healthcare: a human-centered design study in rural Tanzania.

29. "I think they should give primary health care a little more priority". The primary health care in Caribbean SIDS: what can be said about adaptation to the changing climate? The case of Dominica— a qualitative study.

30. A cancer personalised activity and lifestyle tool (CAN‐PAL): A codesign study with patients and healthcare professionals.

31. Innovative Program to Prevent Pediatric Chronic Postsurgical Pain: Patient Partner Feedback on Intervention Development.

32. Experiences of health service access: A qualitative interview study of people living with Parkinson's disease in Ireland.

33. Acceptability and Feasibility of Maternal Mental Health Assessment When Managing Small, Nutritionally At-Risk Infants Aged < 6 Months: A Key Informant Interview Study †.

34. How Helpful Is Bystander Intervention? Perspectives of Dating and Sexual Violence Survivors.

35. Supporting self-management in women with pre-existing diabetes in pregnancy: a mixed-methods sequential comparative case study.

36. Older people's views on loneliness during COVID-19 lockdowns.

37. Former NCAA Division I athletes' perceptions of intervention components to improve post-sport physical activity.

38. An Exploration of Rural Housing Insecurity as a Public Health Problem in California's Rural Northern Counties.

39. Experiences and management of urinary incontinence following treatment for prostate cancer: Disrupted embodied practices and adapting to maintain masculinity.

40. Critically explaining British policy responses to novel psychoactive substances using the policy constellations framework.

41. Inclusion and anti‐racism work as performance or deep work? It literally is either‐or: A qualitative study in the CFT field.

42. Disability disclosure as an impression management technique used in the workplace: A grounded theory investigation.

43. Piloting the Mockingbird Family™ in Australia: Experiences of foster carers and agency workers.

44. Exploring the Experiences of Regional and Rural Revictimized Women in a Group Empowerment Program.

45. Exploring the usability, user experience and usefulness of a supportive website for people with dementia and carers.

46. Patients' strategies for numeric pain assessment: a qualitative interview study of individuals with hypermobile Ehlers–Danlos Syndrome.

47. Qualitative study of patients' decisions to initiate injectable depot buprenorphine for opioid use disorder: the role of information and other factors.

48. Intercultural competence development through a tele‐collaborative project supported by speech‐enabled corrective feedback technology.

49. A kaleidoscope of well-being to authentically represent the voices of children and young people with complex cerebral palsy: a case study series.

50. Parents' Journeys of Mastery and Knowledge Construction After Their Infant's First Stage of Surgery for Complex Congenital Heart Disease.