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1. A Long-Duration Glacier Change Analysis for the Urumqi River Valley, a Representative Region of Central Asia.

2. Generating Daily High-Resolution Regional XCO 2 by Deep Neural Network and Multi-Source Data.

3. Spatio-Temporal Fluctuation Analysis of Ecosystem Service Values in Northeast China over Long Time Series: Based on Bayesian Hierarchical Modeling.

4. A Bibliometric Analysis of the Mechanisms Underlying Drought-Induced Tree Mortality.

5. Mechanism of Vegetation Greenness Change and Its Correlation with Terrestrial Water Storage in the Tarim River Basin.

6. The Role of Climate Change Perceptions in Sustainable Agricultural Development: Evidence from Conservation Tillage Technology Adoption in Northern China.

7. Sustaining the Pearl River: A Critical Review of Changes in Fluvial Geomorphological Processes and the Driving Forces in the Pearl River Basin.

8. Analysis of Changes in Runoff and Sediment Load and Their Attribution in the Kuye River Basin of the Middle Yellow River Based on the Slope Change Ratio of Cumulative Quantity Method.

9. Seasonal Drought Dynamics and the Time-Lag Effect in the MU Us Sandy Land (China) Under the Lens of Climate Change.

10. Assessing the Distribution and Driving Effects of Net Primary Productivity along an Elevation Gradient in Subtropical Regions of China.

11. Impacts of Climate Change on Ecological Water Use in the Beijing–Tianjin–Hebei Region in China.

12. Predicting the Distributions of Morus notabilis C. K. Schneid under Climate Change in China.

13. Effects of Climate Change and Human Activities on Runoff in the Upper Reach of Jialing River, China.

14. Monitoring Net Primary Productivity of Vegetation and Analyzing Its Drivers in Support of SDG Indicator 15.3.1: A Case Study of Northeast China.

15. Ecological Adaptation and Sustainable Cultivation of Citrus reticulata by Applying Mixed Design Principles under Changing Climate in China.

16. Dynamics of the Net Precipitation in China from 2001 to 2020.

17. Impacts of Land–Atmosphere Interactions on Boundary Layer Variables: A Classification Perspective from Modeling Approaches.

18. Prediction of Suitable Habitat of Alien Invasive Plant Ambrosia trifida in Northeast China under Various Climatic Scenarios.

19. Temporal and Spatial Variation of Agricultural and Pastoral Production in the Eastern Section of the Agro-Pastoral Transitional Zone in Northern China.

20. Low-Carbon Construction in China's Construction Industry from the Perspective of Evolutionary Games.

21. Study on the Annual Runoff Change and Its Relationship with Fractional Vegetation Cover and Climate Change in the Chinese Yellow River Basin.

22. Iron Composition of a Typical Loess-Paleosol Sequence in Northeast China.

23. Assessing Net Irrigation Needs in Maize–Wheat Rotation Farmlands on the North China Plain: Implications for Future Climate Scenarios.

24. Forecasting the Expansion of Bactrocera tsuneonis (Miyake) (Diptera: Tephritidae) in China Using the MaxEnt Model.

25. Prediction of Potential Distribution of Carposina coreana in China under the Current and Future Climate Change.

26. Impact of Urban Expansion on Carbon Emissions in the Urban Agglomerations of Yellow River Basin, China.

27. Impacts of Climate Change on Runoff in the Heihe River Basin, China.

28. Assessing Carbon Sequestration Potential in State-Owned Plantation Forests in China and Exploring Feasibility for Carbon Offset Projects.

29. Analysis of Spatial Differentiation of NDVI and Climate Factors on the Upper Limit of Montane Deciduous Broad-Leaved Forests in the East Monsoon Region of China.

30. Prediction of the Potential Distribution of Teinopalpus aureus Mell, 1923 (Lepidoptera, Papilionidae) in China Using Habitat Suitability Models.

31. Sensitivity of Runoff to Climatic Factors and the Attribution of Runoff Variation in the Upper Shule River, North-West China.

32. Effects of Short-Term Nitrogen Additions on Biomass and Soil Phytochemical Cycling in Alpine Grasslands of Tianshan, China.

33. Exploring the Spatiotemporal Alterations in China's GPP Based on the DTEC Model.

34. Identification of Actual Irrigated Areas in Tropical Regions Based on Remote Sensing Evapotranspiration.

35. Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Vegetation Productivity and Its Response to Meteorological Factors in China.

36. Changes in Vegetation NDVI and Its Response to Climate Change and Human Activities in the Ferghana Basin from 1982 to 2015.

37. A Framework Based on LIDs and Storage Pumping Stations for Urban Waterlogging.

38. Predicting the Spatial Distribution of the Mangshan Pit Viper (Protobothrops mangshanensis) under Climate Change Scenarios Using MaxEnt Modeling.

39. Global Trends and Innovations in Forest Ecological Compensation: An Interdisciplinary Analysis.

40. Exploring Symbiosis: Innovatively Unveiling the Interplay between the Cold Chain Logistics of Fresh Agricultural Products and the Ecological Environment.

41. Last Glacial Maximum Climate and Glacial Scale Affected by the Monsoon Inferred from Reconstructing the Tianchi Area, Changbai Mountains, Eastern China.

42. Event-Driven Day-Ahead and Intra-Day Optimal Dispatch Strategy for Sustainable Operation of Power Systems Considering Major Weather Events.

43. Climate-Driven Dynamics of Runoff in the Dayekou Basin: A Comprehensive Analysis of Temperature, Precipitation, and Anthropogenic Influences over a 25-Year Period.

44. Impacts of Crop Type and Climate Changes on Agricultural Water Dynamics in Northeast China from 2000 to 2020.

45. Assessing the Impacts of Climate and Land Use Change on Water Conservation in the Three-River Headstreams Region of China Based on the Integration of the InVEST Model and Machine Learning.

46. Hydroclimate Changes Based on Testate Amoebae in the Greater Khingan Mountains' Peatland (NE China) during the Last Millennium.

47. Exploring the Interactive Influences of Climate Change and Urban Development on the Fraction of Absorbed Photosynthetically Active Radiation.

48. Reconstructing the Last 71 ka Paleoclimate in Northeast China by Integrating Typical Loess Sections.

49. Analysis of the Spatial-Temporal Distribution Characteristics of Climate and Its Impact on Winter Wheat Production in Shanxi Province, China, 1964–2018.

50. Elevation Influences Belowground Biomass Proportion in Forests by Affecting Climatic Factors, Soil Nutrients and Key Leaf Traits.