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1. Application of XGBoost model for early prediction of earthquake magnitude from waveform data.

2. Possible slow slip event beneath the Kii Peninsula, southwest Japan, inferred from historical tilt records in 1973.

3. Application of a new machine learning model to improve earthquake ground motion predictions.

4. Progress in modeling the Tohoku-oki megathrust earthquake cycle and associated crustal deformation processes.

5. Earthquake detection capacity of the Dense Oceanfloor Network system for Earthquakes and Tsunamis (DONET).

6. The Changing Relationship between the Nonprofit Sector and the State in Japan: Case Studies of NPOs in Fukushima.

7. Performance evaluation of waste tires in protecting embankment against earthquake loading.

8. Segmentation characteristics of deep, low-frequency tremors in Shikoku, Japan using machine learning approaches.

9. A review on slow earthquakes in the Japan Trench.

10. A Modified k-Nearest-Neighbors Method and Its Application to Estimation of Seismic Intensity.

11. Stress Transfer and Migration of Earthquakes from the Western Pacific Subduction Zone Toward the Asian Continent.

12. Earthquake effects on artificial groundwater recharge efforts in south Japan.

13. Distinct rupture processes on a fault where M6-class earthquakes reoccurred in a short period: analysis of the 2011 and 2016 Northern Ibaraki, Japan, earthquakes using near-field waveforms.

14. Contagion of Evacuation Decision Making on Real Map.

15. Coseismic landslides induced by the 2018 Mw 6.6 Iburi, Japan, Earthquake: spatial distribution, key factors weight, and susceptibility regionalization.

16. Clustering analysis of seismicity in the space–time–depth–magnitude domain preceding the 2016 Kumamoto earthquake, Southwestern Japan.

17. Correction: How large peak ground acceleration by large earthquakes could generate turbidity currents along the slope of northern Japan Trench.

18. Natural hazard information and migration across cities: evidence from the anticipated Nankai Trough earthquake.

19. Measures for groundwater security during and after the Hanshin-Awaji earthquake (1995) and the Great East Japan earthquake (2011), Japan.

20. Assessing the relative activity of faulting along both flanks of the Ou Backbone Range, Tohoku Region, Japan, from fluvial geomorphic analyses.

21. Regional landslide susceptibility following the 2016 Kumamoto earthquake using back-calculated geomaterial strength parameters.

22. Trust and Happiness: Comparative Study Before and After the Great East Japan Earthquake.

23. Identification of shear strength and seismic coefficient by back analyzing surficial slides in the 2004 Mid-Niigata prefecture earthquake.

24. A new high-stress undrained ring-shear apparatus and its application to the 1792 Unzen-Mayuyama megaslide in Japan.

25. Ionosphere Disturbances Preceding Earthquakes according to the Data of Ground Based Station of the Vertical Ionospheric Sounding Wakkanai.

26. Stress drops of intermediate-depth intraslab earthquakes beneath Tohoku, northern Japan.

27. Potential for tsunami detection via CCTV cameras in northeastern Toyama Prefecture, Japan, following the 2024 Noto Peninsula earthquake.

28. Analysis of the mechanisms of slope failures triggered by the 2007 Chuetsu Oki earthquake.

29. Evolution of seismo-ionospheric disturbances according to the data of dense network of GPS stations.

30. Characterization of Stress Drops on Asperities Estimated from the Heterogeneous Kinematic Slip Model for Strong Motion Prediction for Inland Crustal Earthquakes in Japan.

31. A modified normalized input-output minimization (Mod-NIOM) method for seismic wave propagation modeling.

32. 20th year anniversary of Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change: reflections on our journey.

33. Ionospheric Disturbance in the Near-Field Area of the Epicenter of the September 25, 2003 Hokkaido Earthquake.

34. Effect of the surface geology on strong ground motions due to the 2016 Central Tottori Earthquake, Japan.

35. Relation between earthquake swarm activity and tides in the Noto region, Japan.

36. Correction to: Stress and pore fluid pressure control of seismicity rate changes following the 2016 Kumamoto earthquake, Japan.

37. Perceived ambiguity about earthquake and house destruction risks.

38. Managing and bridging communities in temporary housing: case of the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami in Kesennuma City, Japan.

39. A Bayesian Assessment of Seismic Semi-Periodicity Forecasts.

40. Increased radon and thoron in the Verkhne-Paratunka hydrothermal system, southern Kamchatka prior to the catastrophic Japanese earthquake of March 11, 2011.

41. A Nonextensive Statistical Physics Analysis of the 1995 Kobe, Japan Earthquake.

42. An outstanding achievement of the Russian Academy of Sciences: The successful forecast of the earthquake of March 11, 2011, in Japan.

43. Reappraisal of volcanic seismicity at the Kirishima volcano using machine learning.

44. The fiscal costs of earthquakes in Japan.

45. The density and Q-factor models based on the new data on the nutations and overtones of the free oscillations of the earth: 1. The analysis of the new GSN data for the Sumatra, Tohoku, and Okhotsk earthquakes.

46. Changes in runout distances of debris flows over time in the Wenchuan earthquake zone.

47. The Impact of 3/11 on Japan.

48. Temporal variations in the tidal response of the medium in the vicinities of the sources of catastrophic earthquakes.

49. Numerical study and prediction of nuclear contaminant transport from Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in the North Pacific Ocean.

50. Preface.