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1. An image encryption algorithm based on novel block scrambling scheme and Josephus sequence generator.

2. Application of Computer Simulation to the Anonymization of Personal Data: Synthesis-Based Anonymization Model and Algorithm.

3. Deviation quantification of the intersecting curve weld seam based on non-ideal models.

4. Sample complexity of variance-reduced policy gradient: weaker assumptions and lower bounds.

5. Study on centroid type-reduction of general type-2 fuzzy logic systems with sensible beginning weighted enhanced Karnik–Mendel algorithms.

6. System simulation of computer image recognition technology application by using improved neural network algorithm.

7. Majority networks and local consensus algorithm.

8. Few-detail image encryption algorithm based on diffusion and confusion using Henon and Baker chaotic maps.

9. Study on algorithms of low SNR inversion of T spectrum in NMR.

10. Coevolutionary dynamics of a variant of the cyclic Lotka–Volterra model with three-agent interactions.

11. Linear regression for uplift modeling.

12. Data-driven prediction model for adjusting burden distribution matrix of blast furnace based on improved multilayer extreme learning machine.

13. An improved distributed compressed video sensing scheme in reconstruction algorithm.

14. A Computationally Efficient Received Signal Strength Based Localization Algorithm in Closed-Form for Wireless Sensor Network.

15. A coalition formation game based relay selection scheme for cooperative cognitive radio networks.

16. A data transmission algorithm for distributed computing system based on maximum flow.

17. A robust and efficient estimation method for partially nonlinear models via a new MM algorithm.

18. Efficient algorithm for full-state quantum circuit simulation with DD compression while maintaining accuracy.

19. Iterative QR Decomposition-Based Parallel Diversity Noncoherent Detection Algorithm.

20. Multidimensional Blind Separation Using Higher-Order Statistics: Application to Non-Cooperative STBC Systems.

21. Active learning of user's preferences estimation towards a personalized 3D navigation of geo-referenced scenes.

22. A quantum image encryption algorithm based on the Feistel structure.

23. Data-driven spatial branch-and-bound algorithms for box-constrained simulation-based optimization.

24. Flow location (FlowLoc) problems: dynamic network flows and location models for evacuation planning.

25. Filling 2D domains with disks using templates for discrete element model generation.

26. On deriving test suites for nondeterministic finite state machines with time-outs.

27. Properties of the DGS-Auction Algorithm.

28. Grouping and Selecting Singular Spectrum Analysis Components for Denoising Via Empirical Mode Decomposition Approach.

29. A hierarchical learning approach to anti-jamming channel selection strategies.

30. Relative trajectory-driven virtual dynamic occlusal adjustment for dental restorations.

31. Robust rendezvous for multi-robot system with random node failures: an optimization approach.

32. Optimizing Adaptive Notifications in Mobile Health Interventions Systems: Reinforcement Learning from a Data-driven Behavioral Simulator.

33. Characteristics Analysis of the Fractional-Order Chaotic Memristive Circuit Based on Chua's Circuit.

34. Anti-interference distributed energy-efficient for multi-carrier millimeter-wave ultra-dense networks.

35. Comparison Between Simultaneous and Sequential Utilization of Safety and Efficacy for Optimal Dose Determination in Bayesian Model-Assisted Designs.

36. DOA estimation based on sum–difference coarray with virtual array interpolation concept.

37. Reliable Mark-Embedded Algorithm for Verifying Archived/Encrypted Image Contents in Presence Different Attacks with FEC Utilizing Consideration.

38. Compressive RCS Measurements.

39. Turbo decoding of simple product codes in a two user binary adder channel employing the Bahl-Cocke-Jelinek-Raviv algorithm.

40. SpringBoard: game-agnostic tool for scenario editing with meta-programming support.

41. Input-to-state stability for a class of discrete-time nonlinear input-saturated switched descriptor systems with unstable subsystems.

42. An improved multi-objective optimization-based CICA method with data-driver temporal reference for group fMRI data analysis.

43. Model reference self-learning fuzzy control method for automated mechanical clutch.

44. Modeling of semi-competing risks by means of first passage times of a stochastic process.

45. Computational Intelligence for Medical Imaging Simulations.

46. Unequal modulus decomposition and modified Gerchberg Saxton algorithm based asymmetric cryptosystem in Chirp-Z transform domain.

47. Single-pixel imaging of dynamic objects using multi-frame motion estimation.

48. A Robust Quantum Watermark Algorithm Based on Quantum Log-polar Images.

49. A new joint channel equalization and estimation algorithm for underwater acoustic channels.

50. A new fuzzy K-EVD orthogonal complement space clustering method.