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1. Peer support interventions in maternal and child healthcare delivery in sub-Saharan Africa: protocol for a realist review.

2. Challenges and lessons learned during the planning and early implementation of the RTS,S/AS01E malaria vaccine in three regions of Ghana: a qualitative study.

3. The cost of health workforce gaps and inequitable distribution in the Ghana Health Service: an analysis towards evidence-based health workforce planning and management.

4. Who uses outpatient healthcare services under Ghana's health protection scheme and why?

5. The association between health insurance status and utilization of health services in rural Northern Ghana: evidence from the introduction of the National Health Insurance Scheme.

6. Effect of socio-economic factors in utilization of different healthcare services among older adult men and women in Ghana.

7. Perception of quality of health delivery and health insurance subscription in Ghana.

8. Feasibility and cost of using mobile phones for capturing drug safety information in peri-urban settlement in Ghana: a prospective cohort study of patients with uncomplicated malaria.

9. Synthesizing qualitative and quantitative evidence on non-financial access barriers: implications for assessment at the district level.

10. Is Ghana's pro-poor health insurance scheme really for the poor? Evidence from Northern Ghana.

11. Advancing the application of systems thinking in health: realist evaluation of the Leadership Development Programme for district manager decision-making in Ghana.

12. Evaluation of facilitative supervision visits in primary health care service delivery in Northern Ghana.

13. Effects of spatial location and household wealth on health insurance subscription among women in Ghana.

14. The Ghana essential health interventions program: a plausibility trial of the impact of health systems strengthening on maternal & child survival.

15. Achieving universal health care coverage: Current debates in Ghana on covering those outside the formal sector.

16. Turning around an ailing district hospital: a realist evaluation of strategic changes at Ho Municipal Hospital (Ghana).

17. Getting by on credit: how district health managers in Ghana cope with the untimely release of funds.

18. Perspectives on TB patients' care and support: a qualitative study conducted in Accra Metropolis, Ghana.

19. An assessment of a performance-based management agreement initiative in Ghana's health service.

20. Accrediting private providers with National Health Insurance to better serve low-income populations in Kenya and Ghana: a qualitative study.

21. What do you do with success? The science of scaling up a health systems strengthening intervention in Ghana.

22. Perception of quality health care delivery under capitation payment: a cross-sectional survey of health insurance subscribers and providers in Ghana.

23. Educational status and beliefs regarding non-communicable diseases among children in Ghana.

24. Spatial variation in the use of reproductive health services over time: a decomposition analysis.