
Showing total 8 results
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1. The Belt and Road Initiative in Australian mainstream media: why did its narratives shift from 2013 to 2021?

2. The deterioration of Australia-China relations: what went wrong?

3. The Demise of "Pragmatism"? Assessing the Public Debate on Australia's Engagement with China.

4. Riding the waves of the pandemic from West to East: The social workers' experience an International collaboration on study of social workers during COVID-19.

5. Australia–China Relations at 50.

6. The Implications of Australia's "Smart Sanctions" Against Fiji 2006 to 2014 for Geopolitical Contest in the South Pacific.

7. Australia's China Odyssey: From Euphoria to Fear.

8. The Challenge of Triangulation: The Impact of China on the Australia‐US Alliance.