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1. Inventory of landslides triggered by an extreme rainfall event in Marche-Umbria, Italy, on 15 September 2022.

2. Fire severity and prolonged drought do not interact to reduce plant regeneration capacity but alter community composition in a Mediterranean shrubland.

3. A pragmatic ensemble learning approach for rainfall prediction.

4. Impacts of biocapacity, climate change, food vulnerability, readiness and adaptive capacity on cereal crops yield: evidence from Africa.

5. Historic and Future Perspectives of Storm and Cyclone.

6. Spatio-temporal trend and change detection of rainfall for Kosi River basin, Uttarakhand using long-term (115 years) gridded data.

7. Resilience beyond insurance: coordination in crisis governance.

8. Projected trends in hydro-climatic extremes in small-to-mid-sized watersheds in eastern Nepal based on CMIP6 outputs.

9. What climate? The different meaning of climate indicators in violent conflict studies.

10. Local-scale regionalisation of climate change effects on rainfall pattern: application to Alicante City (Spain).

11. Climate change in outskirts of Kathmandu Valley: local perception and narratives.

12. Drought Frequency in Belarus in Connection with Atmospheric Circulation in the Euro-Atlantic Sector.

13. Impacts of rainfall shocks on out-migration are moderated more by per capita income than by agricultural output in Türkiye.

14. Climate Change Impacts on Rainwater Tank's Potential Water Savings, Efficiency and Reliability Presenting Relationship Between 'Seasonality Index' and Water Savings Efficiency.

15. Manifestation of spatially varying demarcations in Indian rainfall trends through change-point analysis (1901–2020).

16. Deciphering the relationship between meteorological and hydrological drought in Ben Tre province, Vietnam.

17. Drainage Systems Optimization Under Climate Change Scenarios.

18. A holistic review on trend, occurrence, factors affecting pesticide concentration, and ecological risk assessment.

19. Spatial and temporal rainfall variability in the Caribbean coast of Costa Rica.

20. Climate change vulnerability and adaptation of crop producers in sub-Saharan Africa: a review on concepts, approaches and methods.

21. Assessing climate change and its impact on kiwi (Actinidia deliciosa Chev.) production in the Eastern Himalayan Region of India through a combined approach of people perception and meteorological data.

22. Innovative polygon trend analyses with star graph for rainfall and temperature data in agricultural regions of Turkey.

23. A district-level analysis for measuring the effects of climate change on production of rice: evidence from Southern India.

24. North coast Algerian rainfall monthly trend analysis using innovative polygon trend analysis (IPTA).

25. Climate extremes related with rainfall in the State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: a review of climatological characteristics and recorded trends.

26. Climate change scenarios and the dragon fruit climatic zoning in Brazil.

27. An Integrated Extreme Rainfall Modeling Tool (SDExtreme) for Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation.

28. Evaluation of Spatio-temporal Variability of a Flood Using the Hydrological Process of Flood Frequency in Ghagra River Basin, India.

29. Estimating the Impact of Temperature and Rainfall on Malaria Incidence in Ghana from 2012 to 2017.

30. Impact of Convective and Land Surface Parameterization Schemes on the Simulation of Surface Temperature and Precipitation Using RegCM4.7 During Summer Period Over the DPR Korea.

31. Characterization of extreme rainfall changes and response to temperature changes in Guizhou Province, China.

32. Harnessing rain hose technology for water-saving sustainable irrigation and enhancing blackgram productivity in garden land.

33. Rainfall projections under different climate scenarios over the Kaduna River Basin, Nigeria.

34. Watershed development interventions for rural water safety, security, and sustainability in semi-arid region of Western-India.

35. Climate change dynamics and adaptation strategies: insights from Dingapota Haor farmers in Bangladesh.

36. The effects of climate change on food production in India: evidence from the ARDL model.

37. Ethnic diversity and divergent perceptions of climate change: a case study in Southwest China.

38. Rainfall's impact on agricultural production and government poverty reduction efficiency in China.

39. Regional event-based flood quantile estimation method for large climate projection ensembles.

40. Phytoplankton functional responses induced by extreme hydrological events in a tropical reservoir.

41. Extreme drought triggers parallel shifts in wood anatomical and physiological traits in upper treeline of the Mediterranean Andes.

42. Influence of short- and long-term persistence on identification of rainfall temporal trends using different versions of the Mann-Kendall test in Mizoram, Northeast India.

43. The effect of climate change on the future of rainfed wheat cultivation in Iran.

44. Gendered vulnerabilities to climate change and farmers' adaptation responses in Kwara and Nassarawa States, Nigeria.

45. Climate change, flooding woes and mass exodus of inhabitants: an analysis of Kuttanad wetland ecosystem in Kerala, India.

46. Climate change in the Sidama region, Ethiopia: linking perceptions and adaptation.

47. Trend Analysis of Rainfall Pattern in Arunachal Pradesh (India).

48. Meteorological disasters impact net primary productivity over last 20 years.

49. Urban stormwater management using low-impact development control measures considering climate change.

50. Meteorological drought and trend effects on transboundary river basins in Afghanistan.