
Showing total 223 results
223 results

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1. Applied Computing and Artificial Intelligence.

2. Enhancing Jujube Forest Growth Estimation and Disease Detection Using a Novel Diffusion-Transformer Architecture.

3. Construction of Ensemble Learning Model for Home Appliance Demand Forecasting.

4. Weed Species Identification: Acquisition, Feature Analysis, and Evaluation of a Hyperspectral and RGB Dataset with Labeled Data.

5. FIQ: A Fastener Inspection and Quantization Method Based on Mask FRCN.

6. An Improved Ensemble-Based Cardiovascular Disease Detection System with Chi-Square Feature Selection.

7. Investigation of Feature Engineering Methods for Domain-Knowledge-Assisted Bearing Fault Diagnosis.

8. A Lightning Classification Method Based on Convolutional Encoding Features.

9. Deep-Learning-Based Automatic Extraction of Aquatic Vegetation from Sentinel-2 Images—A Case Study of Lake Honghu.

10. Multitask Learning for Mental Health: Depression, Anxiety, Stress (DAS) Using Wearables.

11. Hour-Ahead Photovoltaic Power Prediction Combining BiLSTM and Bayesian Optimization Algorithm, with Bootstrap Resampling for Interval Predictions.

12. Stock Price Prediction Using CNN-BiLSTM-Attention Model.

13. Transfer Forest: A Deep Forest Model Based on Transfer Learning for Early Drilling Kick Detection.

14. Student-Engagement Detection in Classroom Using Machine Learning Algorithm.

15. Prediction of Acceleration Amplification Ratio of Rocking Foundations Using Machine Learning and Deep Learning Models.

16. Early Identification of Cotton Fields Based on Gf-6 Images in Arid and Semiarid Regions (China).

17. Quantifying Digital Biomarkers for Well-Being: Stress, Anxiety, Positive and Negative Affect via Wearable Devices and Their Time-Based Predictions.

18. Sign Language Recognition Using the Electromyographic Signal: A Systematic Literature Review.

19. Used Car Price Prediction Based on the Iterative Framework of XGBoost+LightGBM.

20. Deep Learning-Based Remaining Useful Life Prediction Method with Transformer Module and Random Forest.

21. Physically-Data Driven Approach for Predicting Formation Leakage Pressure: A Dual-Drive Method.

22. Comparative Study of AI-Enabled DDoS Detection Technologies in SDN.

23. Improving the Efficiency of Fan Coil Units in Hotel Buildings through Deep-Learning-Based Fault Detection.

24. Wheel Defect Detection Using a Hybrid Deep Learning Approach.

25. Pan-Cancer Classification of Gene Expression Data Based on Artificial Neural Network Model.

26. An Ensemble Deep Learning Model with a Gene Attention Mechanism for Estimating the Prognosis of Low-Grade Glioma.

27. Deep Learning- and Expert Knowledge-Based Feature Extraction and Performance Evaluation in Breast Histopathology Images.

28. Enhanced Deep Learning Model for Classification of Retinal Optical Coherence Tomography Images.

29. PM 2.5 Concentration Forecasting Using Weighted Bi-LSTM and Random Forest Feature Importance-Based Feature Selection.

30. Multi-Class Document Classification Using Lexical Ontology-Based Deep Learning †.

31. QUIC Network Traffic Classification Using Ensemble Machine Learning Techniques.

32. Accelerating DC Circuit Simulation through Feature Selection and LSTM-Based Time-Step Control.

33. AI Techniques of Dermoscopy Image Analysis for the Early Detection of Skin Lesions Based on Combined CNN Features.

34. Machine Learning-Based Detection for Unauthorized Access to IoT Devices.

35. Hard Disk Failure Prediction Based on Blending Ensemble Learning.

36. Comparative Studies on Resampling Techniques in Machine Learning and Deep Learning Models for Drug-Target Interaction Prediction.

37. Option Pricing Using LSTM: A Perspective of Realized Skewness.

38. FARMSAR: Fixing AgRicultural Mislabels Using Sentinel-1 Time Series and AutoencodeRs.

39. Review and Evaluation of Eye Movement Event Detection Algorithms.

40. Comparative Evaluation of Data-Driven Approaches to Develop an Engine Surrogate Model for NOx Engine-Out Emissions under Steady-State and Transient Conditions.

41. A Hybrid Model to Predict Stock Closing Price Using Novel Features and a Fully Modified Hodrick–Prescott Filter.

42. ES 2 FL: Ensemble Self-Supervised Feature Learning for Small Sample Classification of Hyperspectral Images.

43. Quantitative Analysis of Anesthesia Recovery Time by Machine Learning Prediction Models.

44. Energy Consumption Forecasting in Korea Using Machine Learning Algorithms.

45. Evaluation of Different Bearing Fault Classifiers in Utilizing CNN Feature Extraction Ability.

46. Foot-to-Ground Phases Detection: A Comparison of Data Representation Formatting Methods with Respect to Adaption of Deep Learning Architectures.

47. A 2DCNN-RF Model for Offshore Wind Turbine High-Speed Bearing-Fault Diagnosis under Noisy Environment.

48. Foreign Object Debris Detection for Optical Imaging Sensors Based on Random Forest.

49. Isolation Forests and Deep Autoencoders for Industrial Screw Tightening Anomaly Detection.

50. MMPCANet: An Improved PCANet for Occluded Face Recognition.