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215 results

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1. Complexity analysis of the air temperature and the precipitation time series in Serbia.

2. Compound summer temperature and precipitation extremes over central Europe.

4. A dataset of future daily weather data for crop modelling over Europe derived from climate change scenarios.

5. Robust assessment of the time of emergence of precipitation change in West Africa.

6. Analysis of monthly, winter, and annual temperatures in Zagreb, Croatia, from 1864 to 2010: the 7.7-year cycle and the North Atlantic Oscillation.

7. Precipitation trend and concentration in the Sardinia region.

8. Observed changes in extremes of daily rainfall and temperature in Jemma Sub-Basin, Upper Blue Nile Basin, Ethiopia.

9. Spatio-temporal changes in atmospheric precipitation over south-western Poland between the periods 1891-1930 and 1981-2010.

10. Winter North Atlantic Oscillation impact on European precipitation and drought under climate change.

11. Quantifying the sources of uncertainty in an ensemble of hydrological climate-impact projections.

12. Seasonal Forecasts of the Summer 2016 Yangtze River Basin Rainfall.

13. Assessing Global Warming Induced Changes in Summer Rainfall Variability over Eastern China Using the Latest Hadley Centre Climate Model HadGEM3-GC2.

14. An Asymmetric Spatiotemporal Connection between the Euro-Atlantic Blocking within the NAO Life Cycle and European Climates.

15. Three-dimensional fusion of spaceborne and ground radar reflectivity data using a neural network-based approach.

16. Assessment of projected climate change in the Carpathian Region using the Holdridge life zone system.

17. The influence of large-scale climate phenomena on precipitation in the Ordos Basin, China.

18. Dynamical downscaling of regional climate over eastern China using RSM with multiple physics scheme ensembles.

19. Which downscaled rainfall data for climate change impact studies in urban areas? Review of current approaches and trends.

20. Climate change projections for Tamil Nadu, India: deriving high-resolution climate data by a downscaling approach using PRECIS.

21. Increasing resolution of climate assessment and projection of temperature and precipitation in an alpine area.

22. Changes in the variability and periodicity of precipitation in Scotland.

23. Climate Change and Wetlands in the Southern Great Plains: How Are Managers Dealing with an Uncertain Future?

24. Evaluation of RegCM4 driven by CAM4 over Southern Africa: mean climatology, interannual variability and daily extremes of wet season temperature and precipitation.

25. Temperature and precipitation effects on the isotopic composition of global precipitation reveal long-term climate dynamics.

26. The impact of climate change in wheat and barley yields in the Iberian Peninsula.

27. Alpha and beta diversity patterns of macro-moths reveal a breakpoint along a latitudinal gradient in Mongolia.

28. Climate and sea surface trends in the Galapagos Islands.

29. PERSIANN-CCS-CDR, a 3-hourly 0.04° global precipitation climate data record for heavy precipitation studies.

30. Projecting changes in extreme rainfall from three tropical cyclones using the design-rainfall approach.

31. Ensemble bias correction of climate simulations: preserving internal variability.

32. Hydro-climatic changes of wetlandscapes across the world.

33. Climate change impact on flood and extreme precipitation increases with water availability.

34. A comprehensive, multisource database for hydrometeorological modeling of 14,425 North American watersheds.

35. Modelling sexually deceptive orchid species distributions under future climates: the importance of plant–pollinator interactions.

36. Climate warming enhancement of catastrophic southern California debris flows.

37. Climate change will affect global water availability through compounding changes in seasonal precipitation and evaporation.

38. Physics-guided probabilistic modeling of extreme precipitation under climate change.

39. The global lake area, climate, and population dataset.

40. Sub-arctic palsa degradation and the role of climatic drivers in the largest coherent palsa mire complex in Sweden (Vissátvuopmi), 1955–2016.

41. October to July precipitation reconstruction for Burabai region (Kazakhstan) since 1744.

42. Variations in extreme temperature and precipitation for a Caribbean island: Barbados (1969–2017).

43. Analyzing precipitation and temperature trends of Kanha and Satpura Tiger Reserve, Central India.

44. Sensitivity of extreme precipitation in Texas to climatic cycles.

45. An annual time series of weekly size-resolved aerosol properties in the megacity of Metro Manila, Philippines.

46. Variability in snowfall/total precipitation-day ratio in Iran.

47. Trace selection method for a best representative in stochastic downscaling of precipitation.

48. Growth and establishment of monodominant stands affected by ENSO and flooding in the Pantanal.

49. High-resolution and bias-corrected CMIP5 projections for climate change impact assessments.

50. Assessing the impact of global climate changes on irrigated wheat yields and water requirements in a semi-arid environment of Morocco.