
Showing total 21 results
21 results

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1. Rural Brexit? The ambivalent politics of rural community, migration and dependency.

2. Bus franchising in English and Scottish regions – Viable solution or unfeasible instrument?

3. Transition to modern growth in Great Britain: The role of technological progress, adult mortality and factor accumulation.

4. Spatio-temporal analysis of compound hydro-hazard extremes across the UK.

5. A critical analysis of the Finnish Baby Box's journey into the liberal welfare state: Implications for progressive public policymaking.

6. It's ok to be different: Supporting black and minority ethnic nurses and midwives in their professional development in the UK.

7. The rise and rise of fire resistance.

8. Patient classification systems used to classify nursing intensity and assess nursing staffing resources in home health care: A scoping review.

9. Gamma-radiation levels outdoors in Great Britain based on K, Th and U geochemical data.

10. Who benefits from nature? A quantitative intersectional perspective on inequalities in contact with nature and the gender gap outdoors.

11. Is electric battery propulsion for ships truly the lifecycle energy solution for marine environmental protection as a whole?

12. "Am I really alive?": Understanding the role of homophobia, biphobia and transphobia in young LGBT+ people's suicidal distress.

13. A criteria-driven approach to the CO2 storage site selection of East Mey for the acorn project in the North Sea.

14. The opportunity cost of delaying climate action: Peatland restoration and resilience to climate change.

15. Who wants North Sea CCS, and why? Assessing differences in opinion between oil and gas industry respondents and wider energy and environmental stakeholders.

16. Enhancing resilient community decision-making using building performance simulation.

17. Legacy iron and steel wastes in the UK: Extent, resource potential, and management futures.

18. Waste to Land (W2L): A novel tool to show and predict the spatial effect of applying biosolids on the environment.

19. Using geographically weighted models to explore how crowdsourced landscape perceptions relate to landscape physical characteristics.

20. Towards managing the United Kingdom's fisheries: A Brexit view from Scotland.

21. What does 'beyond compliance' look like for the Scottish salmon aquaculture industry?