
Showing total 55 results
55 results

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1. The nexus of immigration regulation and health governance: a scoping review of the extent to which right to access healthcare by migrants, refugees and asylum seekers was upheld in the United Kingdom during COVID-19.

2. The potential impact of the new 'Right to Repair' rules on electrical and electronic equipment waste: A case study of the UK.

3. Engagement in sustainable horticulture is associated with greater perceived health benefits amongst gardeners.

4. Heterogenous responses of stock markets to covid related news and sentiments: Evidence from the 1st year of pandemic.

5. Will Covid-19 put the public back in public transport? A UK perspective.

6. Mapping digital foodscapes: Digital food influencers and the grammars of good food.

7. Transgressive quest/ions? Navigating religion, institutional expectations, and sexuality education in modern Britain.

8. Assessing the technical potential for underground thermal energy storage in the UK.

9. Ageing and dying in the contemporary neoliberal prison system: Exploring the ‘double burden’ for older prisoners.

10. Quantifying life: Understanding the history of Quality-Adjusted Life-Years (QALYs).

11. Organs and organisations: Situating ethics in organ donation after circulatory death in the UK.

12. Medical revalidation as professional regulatory reform: Challenging the power of enforceable trust in the United Kingdom.

13. EORTC QLQ-C30 normative data for the United Kingdom: Results of a cross-sectional survey of the general population.

14. Experience as knowledge: Disability, distillation and (reprogenetic) decision-making.

15. Prudence, pleasure, and cognitive ageing: Configurations of the uses and users of brain training games within UK media, 2005–2015.

16. Prescription hypnotics in the news: A study of UK audiences.

17. Brands of youth citizenship and the politics of scale: National Citizen Service in the United Kingdom.

18. On effectiveness of current energy policy instruments to make H2 production projects financially viable for developers: Case of the UK.

19. Web based health surveys: Using a Two Step Heckman model to examine their potential for population health analysis.

20. The social management of biomedical novelty: Facilitating translation in regenerative medicine.

21. Infancy, autism, and the emergence of a socially disordered body.

22. A quantitative-based evaluation of the environmental impact and sustainability of a proposed onshore wind farm in the United Kingdom.

23. Does inequality really matter in forecasting real housing returns of the United Kingdom?

24. An inventory of UK mineral resources suitable for enhanced rock weathering.

25. Evolution and reform of UK electricity market.

26. Planning for offshore CO2 storage: Law and policy in the United Kingdom.

27. Regional variations in the link between drought indices and reported agricultural impacts of drought.

28. Governance through expectations: Examining the long-term policy relevance of smart meters in the United Kingdom.

29. A finance- and real estate-driven regime in the United Kingdom.

30. Scalable pathways to net zero carbon in the UK higher education sector: A systematic review of smart energy systems in university campuses.

31. The relationship between justice and acceptance of energy transition costs in the UK.

32. Alternative futures: Fields, boundaries, and divergent professionalisation strategies within the Chiropractic profession.

33. ‘Being’ a ventricular assist device recipient: A liminal existence.

34. Maternal breastfeeding and children's cognitive development.

35. Re-working biographies: Women's narratives of pregnancy whilst living with epilepsy.

36. The Patient Feedback Response Framework – Understanding why UK hospital staff find it difficult to make improvements based on patient feedback: A qualitative study.

37. Constructing embodied identity in a ‘new’ ageing population: A qualitative study of the pioneer cohort of childhood liver transplant recipients in the UK.

38. Many roads may lead to Rome: Selected features of quality control within environmental assessment systems in the US, NL, CA, and UK.

39. The Green New Deal: Historical insights and local prospects in the United Kingdom (UK).

40. The trouble with IVF and randomised control trials: Professional legitimation narratives on time-lapse imaging and evidence-informed care.

41. Typologies of postnatal support and breastfeeding at two months in the UK: Response to comments by Harpur & Haddon.

42. Middle Miocene (Serravallian) wetland development on the northwest edge of Europe based on palynological analysis of the uppermost Brassington Formation of Derbyshire, United Kingdom.

43. The adoption of strategies for sustainable cities: a comparative study between Newcastle and Florianópolis focused on urban mobility.

44. The influence of UK emissions reduction targets on the emissions of the global steel industry.

45. Insuring the penalty risk of non-delivery in the United Kingdom's capacity market.

46. Seeking fluid possibility and solid ground: Space and movement in mental health service users' experiences of ‘crisis’.

47. What binds biosociality? The collective effervescence of the parent-led conference.

48. “It's Russian roulette”: Adulteration, adverse effects and drug use transitions during the 2010/2011 United Kingdom heroin shortage.

49. Dependency denied: Health inequalities in the neo-liberal era.

50. Overview of current compressed air energy storage projects and analysis of the potential underground storage capacity in India and the UK.