
Showing total 17 results
17 results

Search Results

1. Using a qualitative sub-study to inform the design and delivery of randomised controlled trials on medicinal cannabis for symptom relief in patients with advanced cancer.

2. Experiences of risk in Australian hotel quarantine: a qualitative study.

3. First-time mothers' experiences of receiving proactive telephone-based peer support for breastfeeding in Australia: a qualitative study.

4. The journey of aftercare for Australia's First Nations families whose child had sustained a burn injury: a qualitative study.

5. "Fear of stopping" vs "wanting to get off the medication": exploring women's experiences of using domperidone as a galactagogue - a qualitative study.

6. "It is not an acceptable disease": A qualitative study of HIV-related stigma and discrimination and impacts on health and wellbeing for people from ethnically diverse backgrounds in Australia.

7. Barriers to the use of trained interpreters in consultations with refugees in four resettlement countries: a qualitative analysis using normalisation process theory.

8. An examination of Australian newspaper coverage of the link between alcohol and cancer 2005 to 2013.

9. Fear of (re)injury and return to work following compensable injury: qualitative insights from key stakeholders in Victoria, Australia.

10. Improving healthcare for Aboriginal Australians through effective engagement between community and health services.

11. Lone parents, health, wellbeing and welfare to work: a systematic review of qualitative studies.

12. An audit of skills taught in registered nursing preparation programmes in Australia.

13. Implementing Kanyini GAP, a pragmatic randomised controlled trial in Australia: findings from a qualitative study.

14. Regulation, migration and expectation: internationally qualified health practitioners in Australia-a qualitative study.

15. Taking the path of least resistance: a qualitative analysis of return to work or study while breastfeeding.

16. Key features of palliative care service delivery to Indigenous peoples in Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the United States: a comprehensive review.

17. Exploring the meaning and practice of self-care among palliative care nurses and doctors: a qualitative study.