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1. Learning with Treescapes in Environmentally Endangered Times. Occasional Paper Series 50

2. Perspectives on the Year Abroad: A Selection of Papers from YAC2018

3. Bridging Research and Practice in Science Education: Selected Papers from the ESERA 2017 Conference. Contributions from Science Education Research. Volume 6

5. Libraries: Learning Places of Choice. The Response of the Library and Information Commission [to]'The Learning Age: A Renaissance for a New Britain.' Policy Paper.

6. Culture and Tourism in the Learning Age: A Discussion Paper.

8. Educational Psychologists in Further Education. FEDA Paper.

9. The Other 17 Hours: Valuing Out-of-School Time. Occasional Papers 30

10. Social Mobility and Higher Education: Are Grammar Schools the Answer? Occasional Paper 22

11. Literacy and ICT: A Discussion Paper. Working Papers on Literacy No. 4

12. Co-operation and Collaboration and the Emergence of a Seamless Education Sector. AIR 1999 Annual Forum Paper.

13. Higher Education and Management: Discourse and Discord. ASHE Annual Meeting Paper.

14. Creativity, Culture, Education, and the Workforce. Art, Culture & the National Agenda Issue Paper.

15. Sleight of Hand: Job Myths, Literacy and Social Capital. CRLRA Discussion Paper.

16. Stimulating Demand for Learning: An Ideas Paper on Attracting New Learners. LSDA Comments. Second Edition.

17. Some Have Credit Cards and Others Have Giro Cheques: A Study of New Labour's 'Individuals' and 'People' as Lifelong Learners in Late Modernity. Occasional Papers.

18. Managing Contract Change. Mendip Papers.

19. The Learning Imperative. National Education and Training Targets and Adult Learners. A NIACE Policy Discussion Paper.

20. Adult Education at the Margins and towards New Paradigms. Occasional Paper Number 2.

21. Abuse of Children in Residential Establishments. SENNAC Discussion Paper.

22. Assessment of Research Quality. AIR 1995 Annual Forum Paper.

23. New Technology and Its Impact on Conventional and Distance Education. Papers on Information Technology No. 237.

24. Life, the Universe and Almost Everything: The Value of Adults Learning in Science. A Policy Discussion Paper.

25. Prison Education's Role in Challenging Offending Behaviour. Mendip Papers MP 047.

26. A Critical Assessment of Adult Continuing Education Curriculum Development in Practice. Occasional Paper Number 3.

27. Monitoring Student Attendance. FEDA Paper.

28. A Real Job - with Prospects: Supported Employment Opportunities for Adults with Learning Difficulties and Disabilities. FEDA Paper.

29. Assuring Coherence in Individual Learning Programmes. FEDA Paper.

30. Transforming Teaching: Selecting and Evaluating Teaching Strategies. FEDA Paper.

31. Moving on from Key Stage 4--the Challenge for FE. FEDA Paper.

32. Give Us the Credit: Achieving a Comprehensive FE Framework. FE Matters. FEDA Paper.

33. Delivering Modern Apprenticeships. FEDA Paper.

34. Numeracy. Viewpoints: A Series of Occasional Papers on Basic Education. 16.

35. Family Literacy. Viewpoints: A Series of Occasional Papers on Basic Education. 15.

36. Revisiting Insider-Outsider Research in Comparative and International Education. Bristol Papers in Education: Comparative and International Studies

37. One Cheer for Two Cultures? The 1993 White Paper on Science and Technology.

38. Universities UK Response to the Higher Education White Paper

39. Measuring the Impacts of ICT Using Official Statistics. OECD Digital Economy Papers, No. 136

40. Literacy and Information and Communication Technology (ICT): A Discussion Paper. Working Papers on Literacy, No. 4.

41. Skills for the New Millennium. Paper Presentations: Session G.

42. Learning To Grow Older & Bolder: A Policy Paper on Learning in Later Life.

43. Browne and Beyond: Modernizing English Higher Education. Bedford Way Papers No. 42

44. Riches beyond Price: Making the Most of Family Learning. A NIACE Policy Discussion Paper.

45. Expanding Learning in the Workplace: Making More of Individual and Organisational Potential. A NIACE Policy Discussion Paper.

46. Education and Training for Offenders: A NIACE Policy Discussion Paper.

47. United Kingdom Country Paper.

48. Selected Papers from the 11th International Conference on College Teaching and Learning (11th, Jacksonville, Florida, April 12-15, 2000).

49. Language and Literacies. Selected Papers from the Annual Meeting of the British Association for Applied Linguistics (University of Manchester, England, United Kingdom, September 1998). British Studies in Applied Linguistics 14.

50. Trends in Manpower and Educational Development: A British Perspective. Occasional Paper No. 104.