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1. On the generation of high‐resolution probabilistic design events capturing the joint occurrence of rainfall and storm surge in coastal basins.

2. Effective Transboundary Aquifer Areas: An Approach for Transboundary Groundwater Management.

3. A modified panel of sentinel congenital anomalies for potential use in mutation epidemiology based on birth defects registry data.

4. The Dynamics of Risk Perception: How Does Perceived Risk Respond to Risk Events?

5. Effective Pronghorn Translocation Methodology: A Long‐Term Summary.

6. Structure of the Carrizo Mountain Group, southeastern Carrizo Mountains, west Texas: A transpressional zone of the Grenville orogen.

7. Mapping existing wellbore locations to compare technical risks between onshore and offshore CCS activities in Texas.

8. Leveraging preserved specimens of Nerodia to infer the spatiotemporal dynamics of Ophidiomyces ophidiicola via quantitative polymerase chain reaction.

9. Influence of cropland on resource selection by pronghorn.

10. A spatial analytical approach for evaluating flood risk and property damages: Methodological improvements to modelling.

11. Protecting the Texas electric grid: A cybersecurity strategy for the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) and the Public Utility Commission of Texas (PUCT).

12. Modeling habitat use and potential distribution of kit fox in the Trans‐Pecos, Texas.

13. Delineation of blacktip shark (Carcharhinus limbatus) nursery habitats in the north‐western Gulf of Mexico.

14. Home equity lending, credit constraints and small business in the US.

15. Developing a strategic plan for future hunting participation in Texas.

16. Sampling freshwater turtle populations using hoop nets: Testing potential biases.

17. Breeding Ecology of Mottled Ducks: A Review.

18. Uses of Southern-sounding speech by contemporary Texas women.

19. Meteorological cause and characteristics of widespread heavy precipitation in the Texas Gulf watershed 2003–2018.

20. The utility of zooarchaeological data to guide listing efforts for an imperiled mussel species (Bivalvia: Unionidae: Pleurobema riddellii).

21. Broadcast supplemental feeding and northern bobwhite demographics in Texas.

22. Wet Dust Deposition Across Texas During the 2012 Drought: An Overlooked Pathway for Elemental Flux to Ecosystems.

23. Chronostratigraphic framework and depositional environments in the organic‐rich, mudstone‐dominated Eagle Ford Group, Texas, USA.

24. No “Blank Canvas”: Public Art and Gentrification in Houston's Third Ward.

25. Leaf hydraulic parameters are more plastic in species that experience a wider range of leaf water potentials.

26. Case study results from southeast Houston, Texas: identifying the impacts of residential location on flood risk and loss.

27. Sylvatic Transmission of Trypanosoma cruzi Among Domestic and Wildlife Reservoirs in Texas, USA: A Review of the Historical Literature.

28. Seasonal survival of adult female mottled ducks.

29. Identification of a new-to-science cyanobacterium, Toxifilum mysidocida gen. nov. & sp. nov. (Cyanobacteria, Cyanophyceae).

30. Residential radon and birth defects: A population-based assessment.

31. Descriptive epidemiology of birth defects thought to arise by new mutation.

32. Global Village Media: Coming Together in the Early 1970s at Whiz Bang Quick City.

33. Nesting ecology and nest survival of lesser prairie-chickens on the Southern High Plains of Texas.

34. A copula-based precipitation forecasting model: Investigating the interdecadal modulation of ENSO's impacts on monthly precipitation.

35. Cultural Economy Planning in Creative Cities: Discourse and Practice.

36. Influence of translocations on eastern wild turkey population genetics in Texas Influence of translocations on eastern wild turkey population genetics in Texas.

37. How Risk Perceptions Influence Evacuations from Hurricanes and Compliance with Government Directives.

38. Security, Migration, and the Economy in the Texas- Tamaulipas Border Region: The 'Real' Effects of Mexico's Drug War.

39. Demographic history of an elusive carnivore: using museums to inform management.

40. A Study of the Human Decomposition Sequence in Central Texas.

41. Presence–nonpresence surveys of golden-cheeked warblers: detection, occupancy and survey effort.

42. Behavior of Walk-Hunters and Pointing Dogs During Northern Bobwhite Hunts.

43. Developing the Concept of Estimating Bobwhite Density With Pointing Dogs.

44. Identifying the impact of the built environment on flood damage in Texas.

45. Monitoring Texas Wood Ducks With a Cooperative Nest-Box Program.

46. Effects of Radiotransmitter Necklaces on Behaviors of Adult Male Western Burrowing Owls.

47. Texas Latino College Student Attitudes Toward Natural Resources and the Environment.

48. Population Irruptions of Northern Bobwhite: Testing an Age-Specific Reproduction Hypothesis.

49. Multiscale Nest-Site Selection by Black-Capped Vireos.

50. Management Implications of Cover Selection Data: Northern Bobwhite Example.