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1. Workplace Literacy Pilot Projects: A Discussion Paper = Les Projects-pilotes en alphabetisation en milieu de travail: document de discussion.

2. Intellectual Property and Aboriginal People: A Working Paper = Propriete intellectuelle et Autochtones: Document de travail.

3. Rural Child Care in Ontario. (La garde d'enfants dans les zones rurales de l'Ontario). Occasional Paper No. 4.

4. La Repartition Geographique des Programmes Techniques: Document de reflexion, Commission de l'enseignement professionnel (Geographic Distribution of Technical Programs: Discussion Paper, Commission on Professional Instruction.)

5. Derriere les mythes de l'ecole a charte. Document de recherche elabore dans le cadre de la campagne des Dossiers nationaux en education (Behind the Charter School Myth. Research Paper Prepared for the National Issues in Education Initiative).

6. La Television educative dans les ecoles de langue francaise de l'Ontario: Enquette aupres des enseignants et des enseignantes, 1989-1990. Document de travail 90-9 (Educational Television in French-Language Schools in Ontario: Teacher Survey, 1989-1990. Working Paper 90-9).

7. Travaux Neuchatelois de Linguistique (TRANEL) (Neuchatel Working Papers in Linguistics), Volume 14.

8. Construction of Arithmetic-Algebraic Thinking in a Socio-Cultural Instructional Approach = Construction d'une pensée arithémico-algébrique dans une approche socioculturelle de l'enseignement

9. L'apprentissage d'une langue etrangere comme ouverture culturelle (Second Language Learning as a Cultural Opportunity).

10. L'Ecoles de la Deuxieme Chance: L'Adaptation de la Relation Pedagogique a des Jeunes en Difficulte Relationnelle (Second Chance Schools: Adaptation of Teaching Methods for Youth with Problems in Relating).

11. Whole Language: A Framework for Thinking about Literacy Work with Adults.

12. Canadians Speak on Innovation and Learning=Les Canadiens, L'Innovation et L'Apprentissage.

13. Actes des Journees de linguistique (Proceedings of the Linguistics Conference) (15th, Quebec, Canada, March 15-16, 2001).

14. Actes des Journees de linguistique (Proceedings of the Linguistics Conference) (14th, Quebec, Canada, March 23-24, 2000).

15. Actes des Journees de linguistique (Proceedings of the Linguistics Conference) (13th, Quebec, Canada, March 25-26, 1999).

16. Passion and Politics: 99 Years of Adult Education. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Canadian Association for the Study of Adult Education (18th, Montreal, Canada, June 10-12, 1999) = Passion et Politique: 99 Ans d'Education des Adultes. Actes Annuel de L'Association Canadienne pour L'Etude de L'Education des Adultes (18e, Montreal, Canada, 10-12 Juin, 1999).

17. Actes des Journees de linguistique (Proceedings of the Linguistics Conference) (12th, Quebec City, Canada, March 26-27, 1998).

18. Les linguistes et les questions de langue au Quebec: points de vue (Linguists and Language Questions in Quebec: Points of View).

19. Access, Affordability and Universal Service on the Canadian Information Highway.

20. Actes des Journees de linguistique (Proceedings of the Linguistics Conference) (8th, March 24-25, 1994).

21. Evaluer pour enseigner: a la decouverte d'une pedagogie efficiente aupres de l'eleve sourd (To Evaluate for Instruction: The Discovery of an Efficient Teaching Method for Deaf Students).

22. Racism and Education: Different Perspectives and Experiences = Le racisme et l'education: Perspectives et experiences diverses.

23. Canadian Association for the Study of Adult Education. Proceedings of the Annual Conference (11th, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada, May 1992).

24. Harmoniser les formations professionnelles secondaire et collegiale: Un atout pour leur developpement (Articulation of Secondary and Collegiate Vocational Training: An Asset for Its Development).

25. Creating a Love of Reading = Susciter le Gout de la Lecture.

26. Vers l'an 2000: Les priorites de developpement de l'enseignement collegial. Document de consultation (Towards the Year 2000: Priorities for the Development of College Instruction. Consultation Document).

27. Canadian Association for the Study of Adult Education. Proceedings of the Annual Conference (9th, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, June 1990).

28. The Written Languages of India. Proceedings of the Indo-Canadian Round Table (New Delhi, India, March 7-8, 1988). Publication B-174.

29. Post-Secondary Distance Education in Canada. Policies, Practices and Priorities.

30. Canadian Association for the Study of Adult Education. Proceedings of the Annual Conference (4th, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, May 28-30, 1985).

31. Canadian Association for the Study of Adult Education. Proceedings of the Annual Conferences (6th, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, May 29-31, 1987).

32. Canadian Association for the Study of Adult Education. Proceedings of the Annual Conference (3rd, Guelph, Ontario, Canada, June 8-10, 1984).

33. National Summit on Innovation and Learning=Sommet National sur L'Innovation et L'Apprentissage. Summary=Sommaire.

34. Canadian Mathematics Education Study Group = Groupe Canadien d'Etude en Didactique des Mathematiques. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting (24th, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, May 26-30, 2000).

35. Problemes et methodes de la lexicographie quebecoise (Problems and Methods of Quebec Lexicography).

36. Actes des Journees de linguistique (Proceedings of the Linguistics Conference) (10th, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, April 2-4, 1996).

37. Actes des Journees de linguistique (Proceedings of the Linguistics Conference) (7th, March 1993).

38. Actes des Journees de linguistique (Proceedings of the Linguistics Conference) (6th, 1992).

39. Dimensions of Literacy in a Multicultural Society. Conference Proceedings (Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 1992).

40. Monday Morning: A Magazine for Language Teachers in China = Lundi Matin: Revue pour professeurs de langues en Chine, 1985-1992.

41. Mutations des roles techniques et formation. Etude documentaire (Changes in the Roles and Education of Technicians. Documentary Study).

42. L'effet de la mise en page d'un livre sur le pairage du texte et de l'illustration par le jeune lecteur (The Effect of Book Layout on the Linking of Text and Illustrations by the Young Reader).

43. Canadian Association for the Study of Adult Education. Proceedings of the Annual Conference (10th, Kingston, Ontario, Canada, June 1991).

44. L'enseignement des langues et la realite canadienne (Language Teaching and the Canadian Context).

45. Actes du colloque: Tendances actuelles de la recherche sur la langue parlee (Conference Presentations: Current Trends in Research on Oral Language).

46. Bibliographie Annotee de Linguistique Acadienne (Annotated Bibliography of Acadian Linguistics).

47. Gros plan sur les recherches en linguistique, terminologie et didactique. Actes des journees de linguistique (Close-Up of Research on Linguistics, Terminology and Instruction. Proceedings of the Linguistics Conference) (Quebec, Canada, March 2-3, 1989).