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1. NATCON Papers, 1996 = Les Actes du CONAT [1996].

2. Les sciences du langage a l'Universite de Neuchatel. Travaux Neuchatelois de linguistique (Language Sciences at the University of Neuchatel. Neuchatel Linguistic Working Papers) No. 15.

3. Culture.

4. Passion and Politics: 99 Years of Adult Education. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Canadian Association for the Study of Adult Education (18th, Montreal, Canada, June 10-12, 1999) = Passion et Politique: 99 Ans d'Education des Adultes. Actes Annuel de L'Association Canadienne pour L'Etude de L'Education des Adultes (18e, Montreal, Canada, 10-12 Juin, 1999).

5. On JALT96: Crossing Borders. Proceedings of the Annual JALT International Conference on Language Teaching and Learning (23rd, Hiroshima, Japan, November 1996).

6. Quel avenir et quel impact pour la r echerche en Education? (What is the Future and the Impact for Research in Education?).

7. La Dimension Interculturelle de la Formation des Enseignants de Langues Etrangeres (The Intercultural Dimension of the Training of Foreign Language Teachers).

8. Racism and Education: Different Perspectives and Experiences = Le racisme et l'education: Perspectives et experiences diverses.

9. Hommage a Rene Jeanneret (Festschrift in Honor of Rene Jeanneret).

10. L'enseignement collegial: des priorities pour un renouveau de la formation. Rapport sur l'etat et les besoins de l'enseignement collegial. (College Education: Priorities for Renewal. Report on the Status and the Needs of College Education).

11. Education Relative a l'Environnement: Regards, Recherches, Reflexions. Volume 4.

12. Education Relative a l'Environnement: Regards, Recherches, Reflexions. Volume 3.

13. Education Relative a l'Environnement: Regards, Recherches, Reflexions. Volume 2.

14. Education Relative a l'Environnement: Regards, Recherches, Reflexions. Volume 1.

15. L'enseignement du francais en Republique Federale d'Allemagne (The Teaching of French in the Federal Republic of Germany). L'enseignement du francais dans les classes terminales des lycees allemands (The Teaching of French in the Final Year in German Schools).

16. Examining the Discourse of Learner Advisory Sessions.

17. Formation des enseignants et education bilingue en Suisse (Teacher Training and Bilingual Education in Switzerland).

18. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education with the North American Chapter 12th PME-NA Conference (14th, Mexico, July 15-20, 1990), Volume 3.

19. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education with the North American Chapter 12th PME-NA Conference (14th, Mexico, July 15-20, 1990), Volume 2.

20. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education with the North American Chapter 12th PME-NA Conference (14th, Mexico, July 15-20, 1990), Volume 1.

21. L'Enseignant: Intellectuel et Professionel.

22. L'enseignement des langues et la realite canadienne (Language Teaching and the Canadian Context).

23. Identite culturelle et francophonie dans les Ameriques (Cultural Identity and the French Language in the Americas). Series No. B-88.

24. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (13th, Paris, France, July 9-13, 1989), Volume 2.

25. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (13th, Paris, France, July 9-13, 1989), Volume 3.

26. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (12th, Veszprem, Hungary, July 20-25, 1988), Volume 2.

27. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (12th, Veszprem, Hungary, July 20-25, 1988), Volume 1.