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1. Sectoral Training Systems in a Knowledge Economy. Discussion Paper = Sektorale Ausbildungssysteme in der Wissensgesellschaft. Diskussions papier = Les systemes sectoriels de formation dans une economie de la connaissance. Document de discussion. CEDEFOP Panorama.

2. Identification and Validation of Prior and Informal Learning. Experiences, Innovations and Dilemmas. Discussion Paper = Ermittlung und Validierung von fruher bzw.informell erworbenen Kenntnissen. Erfahrungen, Innovationen, Probleme. Diskussionspapier = Identification et validation de l'apprentissage anterieur et informel. Experiences, innovations et problemes. Document de discussion. CEDEFOP Panorama.

3. IFLA General Conference, 1991. Official Opening and Plenary Session, Open Forum on IFLA's Professional Activities, Contributed Papers Session. Booklet 0.

4. IFLA General Conference, 1990. Official Opening and Plenary Session; Open Forum on IFLA's Core Programmes; Contributed Papers Session. Booklet 0.

5. IFLA General Conference, 1989. Introduction to IFLA's Core Programmes; Contributed Papers; Plenary Session Papers. Booklet 00.

6. IFLA General Conference, 1987. Division of General Research Libraries. National Libraries Section. University Libraries and Other General Research Libraries Section. Papers.

7. IFLA General Conference, 1987. Conference Opening and Plenary. 'Library and Information Services in a Changing World.' Papers.

8. IFLA General Conference, 1987. Division of Education and Research. Theory and Research Section. Round Table on Library History. Round Table of Editors of Library Journals. Papers.

9. IFLA General Conference, 1987. Division of Bibliographic Control. National Bibliographies Seminar. Papers.

10. Enseignement des langues et theories d'acquisition Sprachunterricht unde Spracherwerbstheorien. (Language Teaching and Acquisition Theories).

11. IFLA General Conference, 1989. Division of Collections and Services. Open Forum of the Division; Section on Acquisition and Exchange; Section on Interlending and Document Delivery; Section on Serial Publications; Section on Rare and Precious Books and Documents. Booklet 50.

12. IFLA General Conference, 1989. Division of Education and Research. Section on Education and Training; Round Table on Library History; Round Table on Research in Reading; Round Table on Continuing Professional Education. Booklet 70.

13. Anticipating Occupational and Qualificational Developments: Recommendations and Conclusions Based on a Review of Recent Innovations in Methods and Instruments Applied in the European Union = Antizipation von Berufs-und Qualifikationsentwicklungen... = Prevoir le developpement des professions et des qualifications.... CEDEFOP Panorama Series.

14. 'Reflections on a Europe of Knowledge': A Working Document from CEDEFOP Discussed by the Management Board at Its Meeting of 13 March 1998 = 'Gedanken zu einem Europa des Wissens': Ein Arbeitsdokument des CEDEFOP vom Verwaltungsrat auf seiner Sitzung am 13. Marz 1998 diskutiert = 'Reflexions sur une Europe de la connaissance': Un document de travail du CEDEFOP examine par le Conseil d'administration lors de la reunion du 13 mars 1998.

15. Interdisciplinary Co-operation (Part II of 'Language Learning: Individual Needs, Interdisciplinary Co-operation, Bi- and Multilingualism').

16. Language Learning: Individual Needs, Interdisciplinary Co-operation, Bi- and Multilingualism. Etudes linguistiques, 26.

17. Proceedings, Pacific Northwest Council on Foreign Languages, Volume 28, Part 2: Second Language Teaching 77.

18. The Impact of Technology on Society and Education: A Comparative Perspective. Proceedings of the Congress of the Comparative Education Society in Europe (12th, Antwerp, Belgium, July 1-5, 1985).

19. IFLA General Conference, 1989. Division of Libraries Serving the General Public. Section on Library Services to Multicultural Populations; Round Table--International Association of Metropolitan City Libraries; Round Table on Mobile Libraries. Booklet 31.

20. Teaching Writing in the Foreign Language Curriculum. Language in Education: Theory and Practice, 43.

21. Problems of Bi- and Multilingualism (Part III of 'Language Learning: Individual Needs, Interdisciplinary Co-operation, Bi- and Multilingualism').

22. Current Problems in Educational Science.

23. Scientia Paedagogica Experimentalis. International Journal of Experimental Research in Education. XV, l.

24. Scientia Paedagogica Experimentalis. International Journal of Experimental Research in Education. XVI, 1.

25. Scientia Paedagogica Experimentalis. International Journal of Experimental Research in Education. XV, 2.

26. Tranel, Numero Special. Actes du 2eme colloque regional de linguistique, Neuchatel 2-3 Oct. 1986 (Tranel, Special Number. Proceedings of the Second Regional Linguistics Colloquium, Neuchatel, Switzerland, October 2-3, 1986).

27. Retrospective Bibliographic Control: The Question of Cumulative Volumes of Current National Bibliographies. IFLA Professional Reports, No. 6.

28. People and Technology: Investing in Training for Europe's Future = L'Homme et la Technologie: Investir dans la Formation pour l'Avenir de l'Europe = Menschen und Technologie: Fur Europa's Zukunft in Ausbildung Investieren. Volume II. EUROTECNET Series No. 2.

29. Acquisition des competences discursives dans un contexte plurilingue (Acquisition of Discourse Competencies in a Multilingual Context).

30. Actes du colloque regional de linguistique (Proceedings of the Regional Linguistics Colloquium) (2nd, Neuchatel, Switzerland, October 2-3, 1986).

31. Selecta: Journal of the Pacific Northwest Council on Foreign Languages, 1992-1998.

32. Self-Realization Through Education. Proceedings of the VIIth World Congress of the International Association for the Advancement of Educational Research (7th, Gent, Belgium, July 25-29, 1977).

33. Educational Research in Relation to the Rights of the Child (Les Sciences De L'Education en Relation Aux Droits De L'Enfant).

34. Actes du colloque sur la neologie et la formation des mots. (11/12 Nov. 1982). (Proceedings of a Colloquium on Neologism and Word Formation. [Neuchatel, Switzerland, November 11-12, 1982]).

35. La conception et le role des materiels pedagogiques dans l'enseignement des langues secondes (The Conception and Role of Instructional Materials in the Teaching of Second Languages). CILA Bulletin, No. 29.

36. Family Planning and Sex Education of Young People. EURO Reports and Studies 89. Report on a World Health Organization Meeting (Copenhagen, Denmark, November 1-5, 1982).

37. Actes/Proceedings, Canadian Association of Applied Linguistics, 3rd Annual Meeting.